Hi all,

I have been having issues in the past with U-Boot mail bouncing on my 
current e-mail address to the point that the U-boot list server had to 
disable my mailing list membership occasionally, and it seems these 
issues are creeping up again.

This means I have missed some e-mails on the list, and I will catch up 
on them ASAIC -- ping me if on thursday evening this week you're still 
expecting some reply out of me and did not get one.

But I also have to make sure I get all of U-boot e-mail, so I am 
switching to a new e-mail address for U-boot activities. This address is 
Cc:ed here for testing and information purposes. I will switch over 
later today on:
- the U-Boot list server
- the Patchwork account
- the git repository
- the Wiki (if I can -- otherwise, Wolfgang, I'll ping you)

Sorry for the noise.

U-Boot mailing list

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