Hi Chris,

On 3/26/24 21:49, Chris Morgan wrote:
From: Chris Morgan <macromor...@hotmail.com>

Add support for parsing the ATAGs created by the Rockchip binary
RAM init. This ATAG parsing code was taken from the Rockchip BSP
U-Boot source and tested only on parsing the RAM specific ATAGs
for the RK3588.

Can you tell us from which commit (and maybe branch/tag in the event they rename/rebase/delete branches) exactly so we can check if they fix stuff downstream every now and then?

Signed-off-by: Chris Morgan <macromor...@hotmail.com>
  arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/atags.h | 222 +++++++++++++++++++++
  arch/arm/mach-rockchip/Makefile            |   1 +
  arch/arm/mach-rockchip/atags.c             |  99 +++++++++
  3 files changed, 322 insertions(+)
  create mode 100644 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/atags.h
  create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-rockchip/atags.c

diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/atags.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bae66d7f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/atags.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier:     GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2018 Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __RK_ATAGS_H_
+#define __RK_ATAGS_H_
+/* Tag magic */
+#define ATAG_CORE              0x54410001
+#define ATAG_NONE              0x00000000
+#define ATAG_SERIAL            0x54410050
+#define ATAG_BOOTDEV           0x54410051
+#define ATAG_DDR_MEM           0x54410052
+#define ATAG_TOS_MEM           0x54410053
+#define ATAG_RAM_PARTITION     0x54410054
+#define ATAG_ATF_MEM           0x54410055
+#define ATAG_PUB_KEY           0x54410056
+#define ATAG_SOC_INFO          0x54410057
+#define ATAG_BOOT1_PARAM       0x54410058
+#define ATAG_PSTORE            0x54410059
+#define ATAG_FWVER             0x5441005a
+#define ATAG_MAX               0x544100ff
+/* Tag size and offset */
+#define ATAGS_SIZE             (0x2000)        /* 8K */
+#define ATAGS_OFFSET           (0x200000 - ATAGS_SIZE)/* [2M-8K, 2M] */
+/* tag_fwver.ver[fwid][] */
+#define FWVER_LEN              36
+enum fwid {
+       FW_DDR,
+       FW_SPL,
+       FW_ATF,
+       FW_TEE,
+       FW_MAX,
+struct tag_serial {
+       u32 version;
+       u32 enable;
+       u64 addr;
+       u32 baudrate;
+       u32 m_mode;
+       u32 id;
+       u32 reserved[2];
+       u32 hash;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_bootdev {
+       u32 version;
+       u32 devtype;
+       u32 devnum;
+       u32 mode;
+       u32 sdupdate;
+       u32 reserved[6];
+       u32 hash;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_ddr_mem {
+       u32 count;
+       u32 version;
+       u64 bank[20];
+       u32 flags;
+       u32 data[2];
+       u32 hash;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_tos_mem {
+       u32 version;
+       struct {
+               char name[8];
+               u64 phy_addr;
+               u32 size;
+               u32 flags;
+       } tee_mem;
+       struct {
+               char name[8];
+               u64 phy_addr;
+               u32 size;
+               u32 flags;
+       } drm_mem;
+       u64 reserved[7];
+       u32 reserved1;
+       u32 hash;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_atf_mem {
+       u32 version;
+       u64 phy_addr;
+       u32 size;
+       u32 flags;
+       u32 reserved[2];
+       u32 hash;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_pub_key {
+       u32 version;
+       u32 len;
+       u8  data[768];  /* u32 rsa_n[64], rsa_e[64], rsa_c[64] */
+       u32 flag;
+       u32 reserved[5];
+       u32 hash;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_ram_partition {
+       u32 version;
+       u32 count;
+       u32 reserved[4];
+       struct {
+               char name[16];
+               u64 start;
+               u64 size;
+       } part[6];
+       u32 reserved1[3];
+       u32 hash;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_soc_info {
+       u32 version;
+       u32 name;       /* Hex: 0x3288, 0x3399... */
+       u32 flags;
+       u32 reserved[6];
+       u32 hash;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_boot1p {
+       u32 version;
+       u32 param[8];
+       u32 reserved[4];
+       u32 hash;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_pstore {
+       u32 version;
+       struct {
+               u32 addr;
+               u32 size;
+       } buf[16];
+       u32 hash;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_fwver {
+       u32 version;
+       char ver[8][FWVER_LEN];
+       u32 hash;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_core {
+       u32 flags;
+       u32 pagesize;
+       u32 rootdev;
+} __packed;
+struct tag_header {
+       u32 size;       /* bytes = size * 4 */
+       u32 magic;
+} __packed;
+/* Must be 4 bytes align */
+struct tag {
+       struct tag_header hdr;
+       union {
+               struct tag_core         core;
+               struct tag_serial       serial;
+               struct tag_bootdev      bootdev;
+               struct tag_ddr_mem      ddr_mem;
+               struct tag_tos_mem      tos_mem;
+               struct tag_ram_partition ram_part;
+               struct tag_atf_mem      atf_mem;
+               struct tag_pub_key      pub_key;
+               struct tag_soc_info     soc;
+               struct tag_boot1p       boot1p;
+               struct tag_pstore       pstore;
+               struct tag_fwver        fwver;
+       } u;
+} __aligned(4);
+#define tag_next(t)    ((struct tag *)((u32 *)(t) + (t)->hdr.size))
+#define tag_size(type) ((sizeof(struct tag_header) + sizeof(struct type)) >> 2)
+#define for_each_tag(t, base)          \
+       for (t = base; t->hdr.size; t = tag_next(t))
+ * atags_get_tag - get tag by tag magic
+ *
+ * @magic: tag magic, i.e. ATAG_SERIAL, ATAG_BOOTDEV, ...
+ *
+ * return: NULL on failed, otherwise return the tag that we want.
+ */
+struct tag *atags_get_tag(u32 magic);
+ * atags_is_available - check if atags is available, used for second or
+ *                     later pre-loaders.
+ *
+ * return: 0 is not available, otherwise available.
+ */
+int atags_is_available(void);
+ * atags_overflow - check if atags is overflow
+ *

This is not really useful to the user to know what this is doing.

I could suggest this rewording:

check if the tag t is a valid atag: entirely contained in the ATAGS physical address space [ATAGS_PHYS_BASE; ATAGS_PHYS_BASE + ATAGS_SIZE]

+ * return: 0 if not overflow, otherwise overflow.
+ */
+int atags_overflow(struct tag *t);
+ * atags_bad_magic - check if atags magic is invalid.
+ *
+ * return: 1 if invalid, otherwise valid.
+ */
+int atags_bad_magic(u32 magic);
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/Makefile
index 1dc92066bb..4165cbe99f 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/Makefile
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/Makefile
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ endif
  obj-$(CONFIG_DISPLAY_CPUINFO) += cpu-info.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_ROCKCHIP_RK3588) += atags.o

Please define a new symbol instead, you can "imply" it for RK35xx boards in a follow-up patch then.

Now to come to think of it... Maybe we should make ROCKCHIP_EXTERNAL_TPL imply ROCKCHIP_ATAGS? That would be the most sensible thing to do I believe?

I think we should also probably make different symbols for SPL and U-Boot proper (if we want to support the later). SPL would be "required" for any platform with a blob from Rockchip as TPL but U-Boot proper support only makes sense for debugging (e.g. if there's an atags command in U-Boot to dump them).

obj-$(CONFIG_$(SPL_TPL_)RAM) += sdram.o
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/atags.c b/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/atags.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9daa2f2fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/atags.c
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier:     GPL-2.0+
+ * (C) Copyright 2018 Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>

If I remember correctly, Tom has been hunting those config.h includes down, so better remove it if everything works as well :)

+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/arch-rockchip/atags.h>
+#define HASH_LEN       sizeof(u32)
+static u32 js_hash(void *buf, u32 len)
+       u32 i, hash = 0x47C6A7E6;
+       char *data = buf;
+       if (!buf || !len)
+               return hash;
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+               hash ^= ((hash << 5) + data[i] + (hash >> 2));
+       return hash;
+int atags_bad_magic(u32 magic)
+       bool bad;
+       bad = ((magic != ATAG_CORE) &&
+              (magic != ATAG_NONE) &&
+              (magic < ATAG_SERIAL || magic > ATAG_MAX));
+       if (bad)
+               printf("Magic(%x) is not support\n", magic);

switch (magic) {
    return false;
    printf("Magic(%x) is not supported\n", magic);
    return true;

may be a tiny bit more readable but that's a matter of taste, so up to you.

- The error message has a typo: should be "not supported".
- I would recommend to use 0x%x so that it highlights it is a hexadecimal value. - Use pr_err() or debug() instead of printf(), this applies to all printf in this patch. I **think**, debug() may be more warranted.

+       return bad;
+static int atags_size_overflow(struct tag *t, u32 tag_size)
+       return (unsigned long)t + (tag_size << 2) - ATAGS_PHYS_BASE > 

tag_size << 2

may overflow itself, should we cast this into a u64 before the shift?

Similarly, unsigned long being 32b,

(unsigned long)t + (tag_size << 2)

32b + 32b may overflow a 32b container.

Actually, maybe... we should be using phys_addr_t for this? It's an unsigned long long so 64b container for 64b archs and it represents what this is... a physical address?

Also, this can technically underflow as well, if (unsigned long)t + (tag_size << 2) is smaller than ATAGS_PHYS_BASE.

+int atags_overflow(struct tag *t)
+       bool overflow;
+       overflow = atags_size_overflow(t, 0) ||
+                  atags_size_overflow(t, t->hdr.size);

I don't really understand why we need to check for size 0? Do you have an idea what Rockchip wanted to do here?

+       if (overflow)
+               printf("Tag is overflow\n");
+ > +        return overflow;
+int atags_is_available(void)
+       struct tag *t = (struct tag *)ATAGS_PHYS_BASE;
+       return (t->hdr.magic == ATAG_CORE);
+struct tag *atags_get_tag(u32 magic)
+       u32 *hash, calc_hash, size;
+       struct tag *t;
+       if (!atags_is_available())
+               return NULL;
+       for_each_tag(t, (struct tag *)ATAGS_PHYS_BASE) {
+               if (atags_overflow(t))
+                       return NULL;
+               if (atags_bad_magic(t->hdr.magic))
+                       return NULL;
+               if (t->hdr.magic != magic)
+                       continue;
+               size = t->hdr.size;
+               hash = (u32 *)((ulong)t + (size << 2) - HASH_LEN);

Same issue of possible overflows as in atags_size_overflow().

+               if (!*hash) {

I assume this is "safe" because we check this is a "valid" physical address within the expected boundaries of ATAGS address space with `atags_overflow()`.

+                       debug("No hash, magic(%x)\n", magic);
+                       return t;
+               }
+               calc_hash = js_hash(t, (size << 2) - HASH_LEN);



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