Instead of displaying what looks like an error message if a
gpio-reset dt prop is missing for a TPM dipslay a more
informative message about resetting the TPM if the gpio is found:

tpm_tis_spi_probe: missing reset GPIO

tpm@0: performing 1ms reset on gpio@30210000:12

Note that the reset dt binding prop used in this driver is not
dt-compliant; it does not exist in the Linux dt-bindings documentation
and the reset is not done by the Linux driver.

Signed-off-by: Tim Harvey <>
 drivers/tpm/tpm2_tis_spi.c | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/tpm/tpm2_tis_spi.c b/drivers/tpm/tpm2_tis_spi.c
index de9cf8f21e07..944540f7a711 100644
--- a/drivers/tpm/tpm2_tis_spi.c
+++ b/drivers/tpm/tpm2_tis_spi.c
@@ -237,14 +237,14 @@ static int tpm_tis_spi_probe(struct udevice *dev)
                        /* legacy reset */
                        ret = gpio_request_by_name(dev, "gpio-reset", 0,
                                                   &reset_gpio, GPIOD_IS_OUT);
-                       if (ret) {
-                               log(LOGC_NONE, LOGL_NOTICE,
-                                   "%s: missing reset GPIO\n", __func__);
+                       if (ret)
                                goto init;
-                       }
                        log(LOGC_NONE, LOGL_NOTICE,
                            "%s: gpio-reset is deprecated\n", __func__);
+               log(LOGC_NONE, LOGL_NOTICE,
+                   "%s: performing 1ms reset on %s:%d\n", dev->name,
+         >name, reset_gpio.offset);
                dm_gpio_set_value(&reset_gpio, 1);
                dm_gpio_set_value(&reset_gpio, 0);

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