This series add init code for cv1800b ethernet phy and enable ethernet
support for Sophgo Milk-V Duo board.

In cv1800b, due to the PHY register phy_id being initialized to 0, it is
necessary to initialize the PHY before the ethernet driver initialization.
Therefore, the initialization code is placed in the board_init function.

Duo to modification of dts and defconfig, This series depends on the series:

Kongyang Liu (3):
  board: milkv_duo: Add init code for Milk-V Duo ethernet
  riscv: dts: sophgo: Add ethernet node
  configs: milkv_duo: Add ethernet configs

 arch/riscv/dts/cv18xx.dtsi        |  6 +++
 board/sophgo/milkv_duo/Makefile   |  3 +-
 board/sophgo/milkv_duo/board.c    |  4 ++
 board/sophgo/milkv_duo/ethernet.c | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 board/sophgo/milkv_duo/ethernet.h | 11 +++++
 configs/milkv_duo_defconfig       |  4 ++
 drivers/net/designware.c          |  1 +
 7 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 board/sophgo/milkv_duo/ethernet.c
 create mode 100644 board/sophgo/milkv_duo/ethernet.h


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