On Tuesday, April 05, 2011 17:59:52 Andy Fleming wrote:
> -#define debug(fmt,args...)   printf (fmt ,##args)
> +#define debug(fmt, args...)  printf(fmt, ##args)

it'd be nice if all these unrelated formatting changes werent intermingled.  
but i guess too hard for you to untangle now.  make it a pita to pick out what 
are functional changes and what is pure noise.

> +struct mii_dev *mdio_alloc(void)
> +{
> +     struct mii_dev *bus;
> +
> +     bus = malloc(sizeof(*bus));
> +     if (!bus)
> +             return bus;
> +
> +     memset(bus, 0, sizeof(*bus));
> +
> +     bus->name = malloc(MDIO_NAME_LEN);

considering the name len is hardcoded at build time, it'd be nice to inline 
that into the struct itself to avoid having to do multiple mallocs.  but i 
guess it might be hard to keep working with the legacy code ?  or maybe not if 
you just grep the tree to make sure no one using legacy code has a name longer 
than 31 bytes ...

> +struct phy_device *mdio_phydev_for_ethname(const char *ethname)
> ...
> +                     if ((!bus->phymap[i]) || (!bus->phymap[i]->dev))

useless paren around both expressions here

> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/drivers/net/phy/phy.c
> +int phy_read(struct phy_device *phydev, int devad, int regnum)
> +{
> +     struct mii_dev *bus = phydev->bus;
> +
> +     return bus->read(bus, phydev->addr, devad, regnum);
> +}
> +
> +int phy_write(struct phy_device *phydev, int devad, int regnum, u16 val)
> +{
> +     struct mii_dev *bus = phydev->bus;
> +
> +     return bus->write(bus, phydev->addr, devad, regnum, val);
> +}

seems like it'd make sense for these to be inlines in the phy header

> +static struct phy_driver gen10g_driver = {
> +     .uid            = 0xffffffff,
> +     .mask           = 0xffffffff,
> +     .name           = "Generic 10G PHY",
> +     .features       = 0,
> +     .config         = gen10g_config,
> +     .startup        = gen10g_startup,
> +     .shutdown       = gen10g_shutdown,
> +};

this probably should be split out into a dedicated phy driver.  you might care 
about it, but i cant think of any board atm where i would use this.  i imagine 
for most people, it's simply useless bloat.

> +static struct phy_driver genphy_driver = {
> +     .uid            = 0xffffffff,
> +     .mask           = 0xffffffff,
> +     .name           = "Generic PHY",
> +     .features       = 0,
> +     .config         = genphy_config,
> +     .startup        = genphy_startup,
> +     .shutdown       = genphy_shutdown,
> +};

i think this should be split too for the board maintainers who know exactly 
why phy they're going to have in their system.

> +static struct list_head phy_drivers;
> +
> +int phy_init(void)
> +{
> +     INIT_LIST_HEAD(&phy_drivers);
> +
> +     return 0;
> +}

isnt there a macro for declaring/initializing a list structure statically ?  
then we could avoid this useless phy_init() call.

> +/* Indicates what features are supported by the interface. */
> +#define SUPPORTED_10baseT_Half               (1 << 0)
> +#define SUPPORTED_10baseT_Full               (1 << 1)
> +#define SUPPORTED_100baseT_Half              (1 << 2)

this stuff looks suspiciously like it was copy & pasted from linux/ethtool.h.  
why not just copy the file over instead of creating your own custom variant ?

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