Hi, I just found out that u-boot has some support for RT117x, this is great! I could not find a better forum to ask, I will appreciate a redirect.
I need u-boot to boot from the SPI NOR flash, I have the EVKB evaluation board. The SPL that is generated is not ELF and no instructions of how to use it are available. I am using NXP-MCUBootUtility to flash in SWD mode, not sure what I should configure and how. I tried to place this on top of the flash as raw binary and it does not work, I am waiting for a life sign at UART1 which is redirected to the debug USB port, as far as I saw the SPL should output a string to the console once started. Any hint of how to progress? Any documentation? It would be exciting to have u-boot as a bootloader. Thanks, Alon