On 10:55-20240125, Andrew Davis wrote:
> I'd say since U-Boot today cannot send over secure channels anyway,
> lets just drop this code and if we ever need it then we add it back
> over in the right spot at that time.

Chatting with manorit, the reason why we need the secure code is
because of boot R5. boot R5 starts of in "secure mode" when it hands
off from Boot ROM over to the Secondary bootloader. The initial set of
calls we have to make unfortunately needs to be on secure pipe (think
j721e load sysfw call, board config load call etc..) - which needs
this support - which again, we should probably document in the code so
that people don't go scratching our heads again.

That is unfortunately confusing enough for code since 99% of rest of
u-boot flow does not use secure comm path.

Nishanth Menon
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