On 1/17/24 23:24, Janne Grunau via B4 Relay wrote:
From: Janne Grunau <j...@jannau.net>
The comment appears to be copied from utf8_to_cp437_stream() but was not
Fixes: e91789e2f661 ("lib/charset: UTF-8 stream conversion")
Signed-off-by: Janne Grunau <j...@jannau.net>
include/charset.h | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/include/charset.h b/include/charset.h
index 44034c71d3..714382e1c1 100644
--- a/include/charset.h
+++ b/include/charset.h
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ int utf8_to_cp437_stream(u8 c, char *buffer);
Without a further description it is unclear what this function is
intended to do. How about:
"This function can be used to convert a UTF-8 byte-stream to Unicode
The function is called for each byte @c in a UTF-8 stream. The byte is
appended to the temporary storage @buffer until the UTF-8 stream in
@buffer describes a Unicode code point.
When a new code point has been decoded it is returned and buffer[0] is
set to '\0', otherwise the return value is 0.
The buffer must be at least 5 characters long. Before the first function
invocation buffer[0] must be set to '\0'."
* @c: next UTF-8 character to convert
* @buffer: buffer, at least 5 characters
- * Return: next codepage 437 character or 0
+ * Return: next Unicode code point or 0
int utf8_to_utf32_stream(u8 c, char *buffer);
Best regards