Hi Ivan,

Am 10.01.24 um 13:29 schrieb Ivan T. Ivanov:
Borrow SD quirks from vendor Linux driver.

"BCM2712 unfortunately carries with it a perennial bug with the SD
controller register interface present on previous chips (2711/2709/2708).
Accesses must be dword-sized and a read-modify-write cycle to the 32-bit
registers containing the COMMAND, TRANSFER_MODE, BLOCK_SIZE and
BLOCK_COUNT registers tramples the upper/lower 16 bits of data written.
BCM2712 does not seem to need the extreme delay between each write as on
previous chips, just the serialisation of writes to these registers in a
single 32-bit operation."

Signed-off-by: Ivan T. Ivanov <iiva...@suse.de>
did you noticed this commit/pull request?


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