On 10/01/24 2:24 pm, Roger Quadros wrote:
> On 10/01/2024 08:50, MD Danish Anwar wrote:
>> Hi Roger,
>> On 27/12/23 3:49 pm, MD Danish Anwar wrote:
>>> On 20/12/23 4:10 pm, Roger Quadros wrote:
>>>> On 19/12/2023 12:34, MD Danish Anwar wrote:
>>>>> Add ICSSG2 overlay and configuration to tispl and u-boot images.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: MD Danish Anwar <danishan...@ti.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> arch/arm/dts/k3-am65x-binman.dtsi | 85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>> 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+)
>>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/k3-am65x-binman.dtsi
>>>>> b/arch/arm/dts/k3-am65x-binman.dtsi
>>>>> index 8cc24da1f3..9a0c0fca47 100644
>>>>> --- a/arch/arm/dts/k3-am65x-binman.dtsi
>>>>> +++ b/arch/arm/dts/k3-am65x-binman.dtsi
>>>>> @@ -98,6 +98,8 @@
>>>>> #define SPL_AM654_EVM_DTB "spl/dts/k3-am654-base-board.dtb"
>>>>> #define AM654_EVM_DTB "u-boot.dtb"
>>>>> +#define AM654_EVM_ICSSG2_DTBO "arch/arm/dts/k3-am654-icssg2.dtbo"
>>>>> +
>>>>> &binman {
>>>>> ti-spl {
>>>>> insert-template = <&ti_spl_template>;
>>>>> @@ -124,6 +126,20 @@
>>>>> filename = SPL_AM654_EVM_DTB;
>>>>> };
>>>>> };
>>>>> +
>>>>> + fdt-1 {
>>>>> + description = "k3-am654-icssg2 overlay";
>>>>> + type = "flat_dt";
>>>>> + arch = "arm";
>>>>> + compression = "none";
>>>>> + ti-secure {
>>>>> + content =
>>>>> <&spl_am65x_evm_icssg2_dtb>;
>>>>> + keyfile = "custMpk.pem";
>>>>> + };
>>>>> + spl_am65x_evm_icssg2_dtb: blob-ext {
>>>>> + filename =
>>>>> AM654_EVM_ICSSG2_DTBO;
>>>>> + };
>>>> This is wrong.
>>>> ICSSG2 Ethernet should be part of the fdt-0 configuration as the 2
>>>> Ethernet ports
>>>> on the board are hardwired to ICSSG2. Not having them working by default
>>>> is an invalid configuration.
>>> ICSSG2 ethernet ports should be enabled by default. But the ICSSG2 nodes
>>> is added in the overlay file (k3-am654-icssg2.dtso) in kernel so they
>>> are added in same overlay file in u-boot as well.
>>> I am keeping,
>>> fdt-0 as k3-am654-base-board dtb,
>>> fdt-1 as k3-am654-icssg2 dtbo,
>>> conf-0 as k3-am654-base-board and
>>> conf-1 as k3-am654-icssg2.
>>> Do you want me to keep k3-am654-icssg2 dtbo as fdt-0 and
>>> k3-am654-base-board as fdt-1? I tried doing this but this results into
>>> u-boot getting stuck. The tispl and u-boot images are not able to load
>>> if I swap fdt-0 and fdt-1 , and conf-0 and conf-1.
>>> If the current combination doesn't look OK, please let me know what
>>> should be the correct combinations for fdt-0, fdt-1, conf-0 and conf-1.
>> Can you please comment on this. I'll send v2 with all the suggested
>> changes once you confirm the correct fdt and configurations.
> Sorry, I missed this.
> fdt-0 = k3-am654-base-board dtb
> fdt-1 = k3-am654-icssg2 dtbo
> conf-0 = fdt-0 and ftd-1
What about conf-1? Should I leave it as it is(currently conf-1 is fdt-0
and fdt-1)?
> as icssg2 ethernet is present on the base board, and should be part of the
> base board configuration.
Thanks and Regards,