Hi Hugh,

On 2023-12-26 17:43, Hugh Cole-Baker wrote:
> An uncompressed 6.7.0-rc1 Linux kernel Image built with the arm64
> defconfig is about 40MB. This does not fit in to the space between
> kernel_comp_addr_r and fdt_addr_r, so when uncompressing an Image.gz
> to this size, the FDT will be overwritten. Rearrange addresses to have
> 128MiB for the kernel and its decompression buffer, then devicetree,
> overlay and ramdisk at the end.
> Signed-off-by: Hugh Cole-Baker <sigma...@gmail.com>
> ---
> Changes from v1:
> Reorder things to have to have 128MiB for kernel and decompression space,
> then devicetree, overlays and ramdisk.
> Update kernel_comp_size to 128MiB.
>  include/configs/rk3568_common.h | 12 ++++++------
>  include/configs/rk3588_common.h | 12 ++++++------
>  2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/include/configs/rk3568_common.h b/include/configs/rk3568_common.h
> index 1b7d3437b1..48f93083de 100644
> --- a/include/configs/rk3568_common.h
> +++ b/include/configs/rk3568_common.h
> @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
>       "script_offset_f=0xffe000\0"    \
>       "script_size_f=0x2000\0"        \
>       "pxefile_addr_r=0x00e00000\0"   \
> -     "fdt_addr_r=0x0a100000\0"       \
> -     "fdtoverlay_addr_r=0x02000000\0"        \
> -     "kernel_addr_r=0x02080000\0"    \
> -     "ramdisk_addr_r=0x0a200000\0"   \
> -     "kernel_comp_addr_r=0x08000000\0"       \
> -     "kernel_comp_size=0x2000000\0"
> +     "kernel_addr_r=0x02000000\0"    \
> +     "kernel_comp_addr_r=0x0a000000\0"       \
> +     "fdt_addr_r=0x12000000\0"       \
> +     "fdtoverlay_addr_r=0x12100000\0"        \
> +     "ramdisk_addr_r=0x12180000\0"   \
> +     "kernel_comp_size=0x8000000\0"

This (and the prior) memory layout extend over the possible memory
region that OPTEE may use, 32 MiB at 132 MiB offset.

The following regions is typically reserved for TF-A and OPTEE:

0x00000000 - 0x00200000 - reserved for TF-A, pstore, shmem, etc (0-2 MiB)
0x08400000 - 0x0a400000 - reserved for OPTEE (132-164 MiB)

Following offsets are used by U-Boot on rockchip rk35xx:

@0       - U-Boot SPL
@40000   - TF-A (@256 KiB)
@a00000  - U-Boot proper (@10 MiB)
@c00000  - scriptaddr (@12 MiB)
@c00800  - loadaddr (@12 MiB + 2 KiB)
@e00000  - pxefile_addr_r (@14 MiB)
@8400000 - optional OPTEE (@132 MiB)

May I suggest a memory layout similar to the following be used:

@1800000  - fdtoverlay_addr_r (@24 MiB)
@1c00000  - fdt_addr_r (@28 MiB)
@2000000  - kernel_addr_r (@32 MiB)
@a800000  - kernel_comp_addr_r (@168 MiB) // could also be a400000 (@164 MiB)
@12c00000 - ramdisk_addr_r (@300 MiB) // kernel_comp_addr_r + kernel_comp_size
and kernel_comp_size = 0x8000000 (128 MiB)

With that it should allow for a 100-136 MiB kernel starting at @32 MiB,
depending on if memory is reserved for OPTEE or not. It also leave 4 MiB
for FDT and FDT overlay in memory just before the kernel. And finally do
not overlap kernel_comp_addr_r with possible OPTEE memory.

If we need more space then 2 MiB for U-Boot proper we should also
revise the offsets used for loadaddr, scriptaddr and pxefile_addr_r.


>  #define CFG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS               \
>       ENV_MEM_LAYOUT_SETTINGS                 \
> diff --git a/include/configs/rk3588_common.h b/include/configs/rk3588_common.h
> index 46389d087d..70430612ef 100644
> --- a/include/configs/rk3588_common.h
> +++ b/include/configs/rk3588_common.h
> @@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
>       "script_offset_f=0xffe000\0"    \
>       "script_size_f=0x2000\0"        \
>       "pxefile_addr_r=0x00e00000\0"   \
> -     "fdt_addr_r=0x0a100000\0"       \
> -     "fdtoverlay_addr_r=0x02000000\0"        \
> -     "kernel_addr_r=0x02080000\0"    \
> -     "ramdisk_addr_r=0x0a200000\0"   \
> -     "kernel_comp_addr_r=0x08000000\0"       \
> -     "kernel_comp_size=0x2000000\0"
> +     "kernel_addr_r=0x02000000\0"    \
> +     "kernel_comp_addr_r=0x0a000000\0"       \
> +     "fdt_addr_r=0x12000000\0"       \
> +     "fdtoverlay_addr_r=0x12100000\0"        \
> +     "ramdisk_addr_r=0x12180000\0"   \
> +     "kernel_comp_size=0x8000000\0"
>       "fdtfile=" CONFIG_DEFAULT_FDT_FILE "\0" \

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