Two of the partition size fields are not printed. Currently only the
"total" size is displayed, which is the size of the image data
(encrypted), padding, expansion, and authentication data. Add the
"unencrypted data" size, which is the original size of the data before
being encrypted. And "encrypted data" size, which is just the encrypted

To avoid printing useless information, only print the encrypted and
unencrypted sizes if they are different from the total.

Signed-off-by: Brandon Maier <>

 tools/zynqmpimage.c | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/zynqmpimage.c b/tools/zynqmpimage.c
index 05af1e81a24..2795a2b9a77 100644
--- a/tools/zynqmpimage.c
+++ b/tools/zynqmpimage.c
@@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ static void print_partition(const void *ptr, const struct 
partition_header *ph)
        uint32_t attr = le32_to_cpu(ph->attributes);
        unsigned long len = le32_to_cpu(ph->len) * 4;
+       unsigned long len_enc = le32_to_cpu(ph->len_enc) * 4;
+       unsigned long len_unenc = le32_to_cpu(ph->len_unenc) * 4;
        const char *part_owner;
        const char *dest_devs[0x8] = {
                "none", "PS", "PL", "PMU", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown",
@@ -163,6 +165,10 @@ static void print_partition(const void *ptr, const struct 
partition_header *ph)
        printf("    Offset     : 0x%08x\n", le32_to_cpu(ph->offset) * 4);
        printf("    Size       : %lu (0x%lx) bytes\n", len, len);
+       if (len != len_unenc)
+               printf("    Size Data  : %lu (0x%lx) bytes\n", len_unenc, 
+       if (len_unenc != len_enc)
+               printf("    Size Enc   : %lu (0x%lx) bytes\n", len_unenc, 
        printf("    Load       : 0x%08llx",
               (unsigned long long)le64_to_cpu(ph->load_address));
        if (ph->load_address != ph->entry_point)

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