On Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 7:16 PM <egyszer...@freemail.hu> wrote: > > From: Benjamin Szőke <egyszer...@freemail.hu> > > Technexion PICO-IMX7 SoM is supporting USDHC3 (eMMC or micro SD on SoM) > and USDHC1 (SD on carrier board) to use on any carrier board like > PICO-NYMPH. Based on the U-Boot version from Technexion it adds > baseboard SD card boot detect to able to boot from selected USDHC1 > or USDHC3 boot devices. > > - Add baseboard SD card boot detect from Technexion's U-Boot. > - Implement board_mmc_get_env_dev() for pico-imx7d SoM. > - Implement mmc_map_to_kernel_blk() for pico-imx7d SoM. > - Add board_late_mmc_env_init() to use from common freescale > functions to able to provide "mmcdev" and "mmcroot" variables > in environment of U-boot. > - Add "mmc1" alias to use for usdhc1 in imx7d-pico-pi-u-boot.dtsi. > - In default environment set "mmcautodetect=yes" to use boot detection. > > Signed-off-by: Benjamin Szőke <egyszer...@freemail.hu>
Adjusted commit log, removed (void)(devno), and applied itto u-boot-imx next, thanks.