> From: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>
> Date: Sun,  3 Dec 2023 17:26:17 -0700

Hi Simon,

There is a typo in first line of the commit message: s/netbds/netbsd/.

> It isn't clear how useful it is to pass the arguments of bootm to the
> OS. For example, if "bootm 1000 2000 3000" is used, the three arguments
> at the end are passed to the OS. This seems like a strange approach,
> since the argument have already been parsed by U-Boot and processed.
> Rely instead on the "bootargs" mechanism, which is the standard
> approach.

It is a very Linuxy approach though.

I suspect this feature was added to pass kernel arguments for
"one-off" boots.  For example

    bootm -s

could be used to boot NetBSD in single-user mode and is quite a bit
more convenient than:

    setenv bootargs -s

That said, I'm not sure to what extent the bootm command is used to
boot NetBSD these days.  So this may not really matter.



> Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>
> ---
>  boot/bootm_os.c | 16 +++-------------
>  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/boot/bootm_os.c b/boot/bootm_os.c
> index b92422171a84..b5055d78706c 100644
> --- a/boot/bootm_os.c
> +++ b/boot/bootm_os.c
> @@ -102,19 +102,9 @@ static int do_bootm_netbsd(int flag, int argc, char 
> *const argv[],
>                       os_hdr = hdr;
>       }
> -     if (argc > 0) {
> -             ulong len;
> -             int   i;
> -
> -             for (i = 0, len = 0; i < argc; i += 1)
> -                     len += strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
> -             cmdline = malloc(len);
> -             copy_args(cmdline, argc, argv, ' ');
> -     } else {
> -             cmdline = env_get("bootargs");
> -             if (cmdline == NULL)
> -                     cmdline = "";
> -     }
> +     cmdline = env_get("bootargs");
> +     if (!cmdline)
> +             cmdline = "";
>       loader = (void (*)(struct bd_info *, struct legacy_img_hdr *, char *, 
> char *))images->ep;
> -- 
> 2.43.0.rc2.451.g8631bc7472-goog

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