Is the attached patch file going in the right direction?

On 2023-11-29 3:57 p.m., Andre Przywara wrote:
Hi Stephen,

On 28/11/2023 20:07, Stephen Graf wrote:
Below is the console log from trying to use mtd_debug write. It returned immediately with a strange success message.

root@orangepizero3:~# mtd_debug write /dev/mtd0 0 0xf0000 /home/sysadmin/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin
file_to_flash: fread, size 0xf0000, n 0xf0000
fread(): Success

interesting, I was under the impression that "mtd_debug write" would be the way to write to flash. In hindsight, the "debug" in that name should have probably put me off. Anyway, "cat" is probably not a good choice, "dd" is better, but it looks like "flashcp" (also part of mtdutils) is the go-to tool, since it does the required erasing automatically and also reportedly does some error detection. Can you please test this?
# flashcp u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin /dev/mtd0
I would test this on my end ASAP as well.

Do you feel like sending a patch to the U-Boot documentation to get this changed then?

--- doc/board/allwinner/sunxi.rst       2023-11-28 21:31:06.844607403 -0800
+++ doc/board/allwinner/sunxi.rst_updated       2023-11-29 16:48:03.682352328 
@@ -251,8 +251,7 @@

     # apt-get install mtd-utils
     # mtdinfo
-    # mtd_debug erase /dev/mtdX 0 0xf0000
-    # mtd_debug write /dev/mtdX 0 0xf0000 u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin
+    # flashcp -v u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin /dev/mtdX

 ``/dev/mtdX`` needs to be replaced with the respective device name, as listed
 in the output of ``mtdinfo``.

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