On 11/9/23 11:24, Tom Rini wrote:
On Thu, Nov 09, 2023 at 09:23:02AM -0800, Heinrich Schuchardt wrote:

Function acpi_get_rsdp_addr() is needed on all architectures which
write ACPI tables. Move the definition from the x86 include to an
architecture independent one.

Signed-off-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <heinrich.schucha...@canonical.com>
  arch/x86/include/asm/acpi_table.h | 9 ---------
  drivers/misc/qfw.c                | 1 +
  include/acpi/acpi_table.h         | 9 +++++++++
  3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

My question here is, does this work right on non-x86? I know you can
have ACPI without UEFI on x86, but elsewhere doesn't the location have
to be provided in some manner by UEFI? I know I'm thinking that's the
case with SMBIOS (with a few exception).

I'm assuming you're doing something here with qemu and its qfw interface
and risc-v.

Hello Tom,

yes, I want to enable ACPI passthrough on QEMU RISC-V. There will be more patches needed. But the current change seemed obvious looking at the code so I did not want to pile up more patches first.

Do you know what the status of ACPI passthrough is on ARM?

Best regards


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