Hi Heinrich,

On Tue, 24 Oct 2023 at 18:22, Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.g...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Am 25. Oktober 2023 01:31:19 MESZ schrieb Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>:
> >U-Boot typically sets up its malloc() pool near the top of memory. On
> >ARM64 systems this can result in an SMBIOS table above 4GB which is
> >not supported by SMBIOSv2.
> >
> >Work around this problem by providing a new option to choose an address
> >below 4GB (but as high as possible), if needed.
> You must not overwrite memory controlled by the EFI subsystem without calling 
> its allocator.  We should provide SMBIOS 3. SMBIOS 2 is only a fallback for 
> outdated tools.

That is not my intention and I don't believe this code does that. EFI
is not running at this point, is it?

The bit I am confused about is that we don't support SMBIOS3 in
U-Boot. I am trying to fix an introduced bug...


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