In SPL probing of the designware_i2c device on the StarFive VisionFive 2
board fails with

    dw_i2c: mode 0, ic_clk 1000000, speed 100000,
    period 10 rise 1 fall 1 tlow 5 thigh 4 spk 0
    dw_i2c: bad counts. hcnt = -4 lcnt = 4
    device_probe: i2c@12050000 failed to probe -22

When changing the offset for the high phase from 7 to 3 the device is
probed correctly. This now matches the value from the Linux driver.

Without this fix the memory size of the StarFive VisionFive 2 board cannot
be read from EEPROM.

Fixes: e71b6f6622d6 ("i2c: designware_i2c: Rewrite timing calculation")

Signed-off-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <>
        use the same timing offset at Linux
        provide a descriptive comment for the constant
 drivers/i2c/designware_i2c.c | 19 +++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/i2c/designware_i2c.c b/drivers/i2c/designware_i2c.c
index e54de42abc..215ce010cb 100644
--- a/drivers/i2c/designware_i2c.c
+++ b/drivers/i2c/designware_i2c.c
@@ -24,6 +24,17 @@
 #define DW_I2C_COMP_TYPE       0x44570140
+ * This constant is used to calculate when during the clock high phase the data
+ * bit shall be read. The value was copied from the Linux v6.5 function
+ * i2c_dw_scl_hcnt() which provides the following explanation:
+ *
+ * "This is just an experimental rule: the tHD;STA period turned out to be
+ * proportinal to (_HCNT + 3). With this setting, we could meet both tHIGH and
+ * tHD;STA timing specs."
+ */
+#define T_HD_STA_OFFSET 3
 static int dw_i2c_enable(struct i2c_regs *i2c_base, bool enable)
        u32 ena = enable ? IC_ENABLE_0B : 0;
@@ -155,10 +166,10 @@ static int dw_i2c_calc_timing(struct dw_i2c *priv, enum 
i2c_speed_mode mode,
         * Back-solve for hcnt and lcnt according to the following equations:
-        * SCL_High_time = [(HCNT + IC_*_SPKLEN + 7) * ic_clk] + SCL_Fall_time
+        * SCL_High_time = [(HCNT + IC_*_SPKLEN + T_HD_STA_OFFSET) * ic_clk] + 
         * SCL_Low_time = [(LCNT + 1) * ic_clk] - SCL_Fall_time + SCL_Rise_time
-       hcnt = min_thigh_cnt - fall_cnt - 7 - spk_cnt;
+       hcnt = min_thigh_cnt - fall_cnt - T_HD_STA_OFFSET - spk_cnt;
        lcnt = min_tlow_cnt - rise_cnt + fall_cnt - 1;
        if (hcnt < 0 || lcnt < 0) {
@@ -170,13 +181,13 @@ static int dw_i2c_calc_timing(struct dw_i2c *priv, enum 
i2c_speed_mode mode,
         * Now add things back up to ensure the period is hit. If it is off,
         * split the difference and bias to lcnt for remainder
-       tot = hcnt + lcnt + 7 + spk_cnt + rise_cnt + 1;
+       tot = hcnt + lcnt + T_HD_STA_OFFSET + spk_cnt + rise_cnt + 1;
        if (tot < period_cnt) {
                diff = (period_cnt - tot) / 2;
                hcnt += diff;
                lcnt += diff;
-               tot = hcnt + lcnt + 7 + spk_cnt + rise_cnt + 1;
+               tot = hcnt + lcnt + T_HD_STA_OFFSET + spk_cnt + rise_cnt + 1;
                lcnt += period_cnt - tot;

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