Hi Anatolij, --- On Thu, 3/10/11, Anatolij Gustschin <ag...@denx.de> wrote: .... > mx31_get_mcu_main_clk() / 1000000); > + struct wdog_regs *wdog = (struct> wdog_regs *)WDOG_BASE; > + > + printf("CPU: Freescale i.MX31 at %d MHz (WRSR=0x%04x)\n", > + > mx31_get_mcu_main_clk() / 1000000, wdog->wrsr); > return 0;
Wouldn´t it be better to show a string for the reset source, rather than a pure register value? I sent a similar patch yesterday for MX31PDK: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.boot-loaders.u-boot/95615 ,but I agree that moving it to the generic code is a better idea. Regards, Fabio Estevam _______________________________________________ U-Boot mailing list U-Boot@lists.denx.de http://lists.denx.de/mailman/listinfo/u-boot