Add the first axi_ethernet driver for little-endian Microblaze.

Signed-off-by: Michal Simek <>

- Fix return addreses
- Fix NULL pointer defer for priv structure

- Freeing allocated memory when initialization failed
 .../xilinx/microblaze-generic/microblaze-generic.c |    4 +
 drivers/net/Makefile                               |    1 +
 drivers/net/xilinx_axi_emac.c                      |  537 ++++++++++++++++++++
 include/configs/microblaze-generic.h               |    3 +
 4 files changed, 545 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/xilinx_axi_emac.c

diff --git a/board/xilinx/microblaze-generic/microblaze-generic.c 
index 5c07fdb..e711546 100644
--- a/board/xilinx/microblaze-generic/microblaze-generic.c
+++ b/board/xilinx/microblaze-generic/microblaze-generic.c
@@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ int board_eth_init(bd_t *bis)
        int ret = 0;
+       ret |= xilinx_axiemac_initialize(bis, XILINX_AXIEMAC_BASEADDR,
+                                               XILINX_AXIDMA_BASEADDR);
        ret |= xilinx_emaclite_initialize(bis, XILINX_EMACLITE_BASEADDR);
diff --git a/drivers/net/Makefile b/drivers/net/Makefile
index fd9d0b4..01752a5 100644
--- a/drivers/net/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/net/Makefile
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ COBJS-$(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET) += tsec.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_TSI108_ETH) += tsi108_eth.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_ULI526X) += uli526x.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_VSC7385_ENET) += vsc7385.o
+COBJS-$(CONFIG_XILINX_AXIEMAC) += xilinx_axi_emac.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_XILINX_EMACLITE) += xilinx_emaclite.o
 COBJS  := $(sort $(COBJS-y))
diff --git a/drivers/net/xilinx_axi_emac.c b/drivers/net/xilinx_axi_emac.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c25381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/xilinx_axi_emac.c
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Michal Simek <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 PetaLogix
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <net.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+/* Axi Ethernet registers offset */
+#define XAE_IS_OFFSET          0x0000000C /* Interrupt status */
+#define XAE_IE_OFFSET          0x00000014 /* Interrupt enable */
+#define XAE_RCW1_OFFSET                0x00000404 /* Rx Configuration Word 1 */
+#define XAE_TC_OFFSET          0x00000408 /* Tx Configuration */
+#define XAE_EMMC_OFFSET                0x00000410 /* EMAC mode configuration */
+#define XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET     0x00000500 /* MII Management Config */
+#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_OFFSET    0x00000504 /* MII Management Control */
+#define XAE_MDIO_MRD_OFFSET    0x0000050C /* MII Management Read Data */
+/* Link setup */
+#define XAE_EMMC_LINKSPEED_MASK        0xC0000000 /* Link speed */
+#define XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_10    0x00000000 /* Link Speed mask for 10 Mbit */
+#define XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_100   0x40000000 /* Link Speed mask for 100 Mbit */
+#define XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_1000  0x80000000 /* Link Speed mask for 1000 Mbit */
+/* Interrupt Status/Enable/Mask Registers bit definitions */
+#define XAE_INT_RXRJECT_MASK   0x00000008 /* Rx frame rejected */
+#define XAE_INT_MGTRDY_MASK    0x00000080 /* MGT clock Lock */
+/* Receive Configuration Word 1 (RCW1) Register bit definitions */
+#define XAE_RCW1_RX_MASK       0x10000000 /* Receiver enable */
+/* Transmitter Configuration (TC) Register bit definitions */
+#define XAE_TC_TX_MASK         0x10000000 /* Transmitter enable */
+ * Station address bits [47:32]
+ * Station address bits [31:0] are stored in register UAW0
+ */
+#define XAE_UAW0_OFFSET                        0x00000700 /* Unicast address 
word 0 */
+#define XAE_UAW1_OFFSET                        0x00000704 /* Unicast address 
word 1 */
+#define XAE_UAW1_UNICASTADDR_MASK      0x0000FFFF
+/* MDIO Management Configuration (MC) Register bit definitions */
+#define XAE_MDIO_MC_MDIOEN_MASK                0x00000040 /* MII management 
+/* MDIO Management Control Register (MCR) Register bit definitions */
+#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_PHYAD_MASK                0x1F000000 /* Phy Address Mask 
+#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_PHYAD_SHIFT       24         /* Phy Address Shift */
+#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_REGAD_MASK                0x001F0000 /* Reg Address Mask 
+#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_REGAD_SHIFT       16         /* Reg Address Shift */
+#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_OP_READ_MASK      0x00008000 /* Op Code Read Mask */
+#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_OP_WRITE_MASK     0x00004000 /* Op Code Write Mask */
+#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_INITIATE_MASK     0x00000800 /* Ready Mask */
+#define XAE_MDIO_MCR_READY_MASK                0x00000080 /* Ready Mask */
+#define XAE_MDIO_DIV_DFT       29      /* Default MDIO clock divisor */
+/* DMA macros */
+/* Bitmasks of XAXIDMA_CR_OFFSET register */
+#define XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK        0x00000001 /* Start/stop DMA channel */
+#define XAXIDMA_CR_RESET_MASK  0x00000004 /* Reset DMA engine */
+/* Bitmasks of XAXIDMA_SR_OFFSET register */
+#define XAXIDMA_HALTED_MASK    0x00000001  /* DMA channel halted */
+/* Bitmask for interrupts */
+#define XAXIDMA_IRQ_IOC_MASK   0x00001000 /* Completion intr */
+#define XAXIDMA_IRQ_DELAY_MASK 0x00002000 /* Delay interrupt */
+#define XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK   0x00007000 /* All interrupts */
+/* Bitmasks of XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_OFFSET register */
+#define XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXSOF_MASK     0x08000000 /* First tx packet */
+#define XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXEOF_MASK     0x04000000 /* Last tx packet */
+#define DMAALIGN       128
+static u8 RxFrame[ENET_MAX_MTU] __attribute((aligned(DMAALIGN))) ;
+/* reflect dma offsets */
+struct axidma_reg {
+       u32 control; /* DMACR */
+       u32 status; /* DMASR */
+       u32 current; /* CURDESC */
+       u32 reserved;
+       u32 tail; /* TAILDESC */
+/* Private driver structures */
+struct axidma_priv {
+       struct axidma_reg *dmatx;
+       struct axidma_reg *dmarx;
+/* BD descriptors */
+typedef struct axidma_bd {
+       u32 next;       /* Next descriptor pointer */
+       u32 reserved1;
+       u32 phys;       /* Buffer address */
+       u32 reserved2;
+       u32 reserved3;
+       u32 reserved4;
+       u32 cntrl;      /* Control */
+       u32 status;     /* Status */
+       u32 app0;
+       u32 app1;       /* TX start << 16 | insert */
+       u32 app2;       /* TX csum seed */
+       u32 app3;
+       u32 app4;
+       u32 sw_id_offset;
+       u32 reserved5;
+       u32 reserved6;
+} axidma_bd __attribute((aligned(DMAALIGN)));
+/* Static BDs - driver uses only one BD */
+static axidma_bd tx_bd;
+static axidma_bd rx_bd;
+/* Use MII register 1 (MII status register) to detect PHY */
+#define PHY_DETECT_REG  1
+/* Mask used to verify certain PHY features (or register contents)
+ * in the register above:
+ *  0x1000: 10Mbps full duplex support
+ *  0x0800: 10Mbps half duplex support
+ *  0x0008: Auto-negotiation support
+ */
+#define PHY_DETECT_MASK 0x1808
+static u16 phy_read(struct eth_device *dev, u32 PhyAddress, u32 RegisterNum)
+       u32 MdioCtrlReg = 0;
+       /* Wait till MDIO interface is ready to accept a new transaction. */
+       while (!(in_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_MDIO_MCR_OFFSET)
+                                               & XAE_MDIO_MCR_READY_MASK))
+               ;
+       MdioCtrlReg =   ((PhyAddress << XAE_MDIO_MCR_PHYAD_SHIFT) &
+                       XAE_MDIO_MCR_PHYAD_MASK) |
+                       ((RegisterNum << XAE_MDIO_MCR_REGAD_SHIFT)
+                       & XAE_MDIO_MCR_REGAD_MASK) |
+                       XAE_MDIO_MCR_INITIATE_MASK |
+                       XAE_MDIO_MCR_OP_READ_MASK;
+       out_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_MDIO_MCR_OFFSET, MdioCtrlReg);
+       /* Wait till MDIO transaction is completed. */
+       while (!(in_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_MDIO_MCR_OFFSET)
+                                               & XAE_MDIO_MCR_READY_MASK))
+               ;
+       /* Read data */
+       return (u16) in_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_MDIO_MRD_OFFSET);
+/* setting axi emac and phy to proper setting */
+static void setup_phy(struct eth_device *dev)
+       int i;
+       unsigned retries = 100;
+       u16 PhyReg;
+       u16 PhyReg2;
+       int PhyAddr = -1;
+       u32 emmc_reg;
+       debug("detecting phy address\n");
+       /* detect the PHY address */
+       for (PhyAddr = 31; PhyAddr >= 0; PhyAddr--) {
+               PhyReg = phy_read(dev, PhyAddr, PHY_DETECT_REG);
+               if ((PhyReg != 0xFFFF) &&
+                  ((PhyReg & PHY_DETECT_MASK) == PHY_DETECT_MASK)) {
+                       /* Found a valid PHY address */
+                       debug("Found valid phy address, %d\n", PhyReg);
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       debug("waiting for the phy to be up\n");
+       /* wait for link up and autonegotiation completed */
+       while (retries-- > 0) {
+               if ((PhyReg & 0x24) == 0x24)
+                       break;
+       }
+       /* get PHY id */
+       PhyReg = phy_read(dev, PhyAddr, 2);
+       PhyReg2 = phy_read(dev, PhyAddr, 2);
+       i = (PhyReg << 16) | PhyReg2;
+       debug("LL_TEMAC: Phy ID 0x%x\n", i);
+       /* Marwell 88e1111 id - ml50x, 0x1410141 id - sp605 */
+       if ((i == 0x1410cc2) || (i == 0x1410141)) {
+               debug("Marvell PHY recognized\n");
+               /* Setup the emac for the phy speed */
+               emmc_reg = in_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_EMMC_OFFSET);
+               emmc_reg &= ~XAE_EMMC_LINKSPEED_MASK;
+               PhyReg = phy_read(dev, PhyAddr, 17);
+               if ((PhyReg & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
+                       emmc_reg |= XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_1000;
+                       printf("1000BASE-T\n");
+               } else if ((PhyReg & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {
+                       printf("100BASE-T\n");
+                       emmc_reg |= XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_100;
+               } else {
+                       printf("10BASE-T\n");
+                       emmc_reg |= XAE_EMMC_LINKSPD_10;
+               }
+               /* Write new speed setting out to Axi Ethernet */
+               out_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_EMMC_OFFSET, emmc_reg);
+               /*
+                * Setting the operating speed of the MAC needs a delay. There
+                * doesn't seem to be register to poll, so please consider this
+                * during your application design.
+                */
+               udelay(1);
+       }
+/* STOP DMA transfers */
+static void axiemac_halt(struct eth_device *dev)
+       struct axidma_priv *dma = dev->priv;
+       if (dev->state) {
+               /* Stop the hardware */
+               dma->dmatx->control &= ~XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK;
+               dma->dmarx->control &= ~XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK;
+               dev->state = 0;
+       }
+       debug("axiemac halted\n");
+static void axi_ethernet_init(struct eth_device *dev)
+       /*
+        * Check the status of the MgtRdy bit in the interrupt status
+        * registers. This must be done to allow the MGT clock to become stable
+        * for the Sgmii and 1000BaseX PHY interfaces. No other register reads
+        * will be valid until this bit is valid.
+        * The bit is always a 1 for all other PHY interfaces.
+        */
+       u32 timeout = 200;
+       while (timeout &&
+               (!(in_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_IS_OFFSET) & XAE_INT_MGTRDY_MASK)))
+               timeout--;
+       if (!timeout)
+               printf("%s: Timeout\n", __func__);
+       /* Stop the device and reset HW */
+       /* Disable interrupts */
+       out_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_IE_OFFSET, 0);
+       /* Disable the receiver */
+       out_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_RCW1_OFFSET,
+               in_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_RCW1_OFFSET) & ~XAE_RCW1_RX_MASK);
+       /*
+        * Stopping the receiver in mid-packet causes a dropped packet
+        * indication from HW. Clear it.
+        */
+       /* set the interrupt status register to clear the interrupt */
+       out_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_IS_OFFSET, XAE_INT_RXRJECT_MASK);
+       /* Setup HW */
+       /* Set default MDIO divisor */
+       out_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_MDIO_MC_OFFSET,
+                       (u32) XAE_MDIO_DIV_DFT | XAE_MDIO_MC_MDIOEN_MASK);
+       debug("XAxiEthernet InitHw: done\n");
+/* DO NOT called setup mac without proper hw initialization */
+static void setup_mac(struct eth_device *dev)
+       /* Set the MAC address */
+       int val = ((dev->enetaddr[3] << 24) | (dev->enetaddr[2] << 16) |
+               (dev->enetaddr[1] << 8) | (dev->enetaddr[0]));
+       out_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_UAW0_OFFSET, val);
+       val = (dev->enetaddr[5] << 8) | dev->enetaddr[4] ;
+       val |= in_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_UAW1_OFFSET)
+                                               & ~XAE_UAW1_UNICASTADDR_MASK;
+       out_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_UAW1_OFFSET, val);
+/* Reset DMA engine */
+static void axi_dma_init(struct eth_device *dev)
+       struct axidma_priv *dma = dev->priv;
+       /* Reset the engine so the hardware starts from a known state */
+       dma->dmatx->control = XAXIDMA_CR_RESET_MASK;
+       dma->dmarx->control = XAXIDMA_CR_RESET_MASK;
+       /* At the initialization time, hardware should finish reset quickly */
+       u32 timeout = 500;
+       while (timeout--) {
+               /* Check transmit/receive channel */
+               /* Reset is done when the reset bit is low */
+               if (!(dma->dmatx->control | dma->dmarx->control)
+                                               & XAXIDMA_CR_RESET_MASK)
+                       break;
+               timeout -= 1;
+       }
+       if (!timeout)
+               printf("%s: Timeout\n", __func__);
+static int axiemac_init(struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
+       struct axidma_priv *dma = dev->priv;
+       debug("axi emac init started\n");
+       /*
+        * Initialize AXIDMA engine. AXIDMA engine must be initialized before
+        * AxiEthernet. During AXIDMA engine initialization, AXIDMA hardware is
+        * reset, and since AXIDMA reset line is connected to AxiEthernet, this
+        * would ensure a reset of AxiEthernet.
+        */
+       axi_dma_init(dev);
+       /* Initialize AxiEthernet hardware. */
+       axi_ethernet_init(dev);
+       /* setup mac must be called when hw is initialized */
+       setup_mac(dev);
+       /* Start the hardware */
+       dma->dmarx->control |= XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK;
+       /* Start DMA RX channel. Now it's ready to receive data.*/
+       dma->dmarx->current = (u32)&rx_bd;
+       /* Disable all RX interrupts before RxBD space setup */
+       dma->dmarx->control &= ~(XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK & XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK);
+       /* Setup the BD. */
+       memset((void *) &rx_bd, 0, sizeof(axidma_bd));
+ = (u32)&rx_bd;
+       rx_bd.phys = (u32)&RxFrame;
+       rx_bd.cntrl = sizeof(RxFrame);
+       /* Flush the last BD so DMA core could see the updates */
+       flush_cache((u32)&rx_bd, sizeof(axidma_bd));
+       /* it is necessary to flush RxFrame because if you don't do it
+        * then cache can contain uninitialized data */
+       flush_cache((u32)&RxFrame, sizeof(RxFrame));
+       /* Rx BD is ready - start */
+       dma->dmarx->tail = (u32)&rx_bd;
+       /* enable TX */
+       out_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_TC_OFFSET, XAE_TC_TX_MASK);
+       /* enable RX */
+       out_be32(dev->iobase + XAE_RCW1_OFFSET, XAE_RCW1_RX_MASK);
+       /* PHY setup */
+       setup_phy(dev);
+       dev->state = 1;
+       debug("axi emac init complete\n");
+       return 0;
+static int axiemac_send(struct eth_device *dev, volatile void *ptr, int len)
+       struct axidma_priv *dma = dev->priv;
+       if (len > ENET_MAX_MTU)
+               len = ENET_MAX_MTU;
+       /* Flush packet to main memory to be trasfered by DMA */
+       flush_cache(ptr, len);
+       /* Setup Tx BD */
+       memset((void *) &tx_bd, 0, sizeof(axidma_bd));
+       /* At the end of the ring, link the last BD back to the top */
+ = (u32)&tx_bd;
+       tx_bd.phys = (u32)ptr;
+       /* save len */
+       tx_bd.cntrl = len | XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXSOF_MASK |
+                                               XAXIDMA_BD_CTRL_TXEOF_MASK;
+       /* Flush the last BD so DMA core could see the updates */
+       flush_cache((u32)&tx_bd, sizeof(axidma_bd));
+       if (dma->dmatx->status & XAXIDMA_HALTED_MASK) {
+               dma->dmatx->current = (u32)&tx_bd;
+               /* Start the hardware */
+               dma->dmatx->control |= XAXIDMA_CR_RUNSTOP_MASK;
+       }
+       /* start transfer */
+       dma->dmatx->tail = (u32)&tx_bd;
+       /* Wait for transmission to complete */
+       debug("axi emac, waiting for tx to be done\n");
+       while (!dma->dmatx->status &
+                               (XAXIDMA_IRQ_DELAY_MASK | XAXIDMA_IRQ_IOC_MASK))
+               ;
+       debug("axi emac send complete\n");
+       return 0;
+static int IsRxReady(struct eth_device *dev)
+       u32 status;
+       struct axidma_priv *dma = dev->priv;
+       /* Read pending interrupts */
+       status = dma->dmarx->status;
+       /* Acknowledge pending interrupts */
+       dma->dmarx->status &= XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK;
+       /*
+        * If Reception done interrupt is asserted, call RX call back function
+        * to handle the processed BDs and then raise the according flag.
+        */
+               return 1;
+       return 0;
+static int axiemac_recv(struct eth_device *dev)
+       u32 length;
+       struct axidma_priv *dma = dev->priv;
+       /* wait for an incoming packet */
+       if (!IsRxReady(dev))
+               return 0;
+       debug("axi emac, rx data ready\n");
+       /* Disable IRQ for a moment till packet is handled */
+       dma->dmarx->control &= ~(XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK & XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK);
+       length = rx_bd.app4 & 0x0000FFFF;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       print_buffer(&RxFrame, &RxFrame[0], 1, length, 16);
+       /* pass the received frame up for processing */
+       if (length)
+               NetReceive(RxFrame, length);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       /* It is useful to clear buffer to be sure that it is consistent */
+       memset(RxFrame, 0, sizeof(RxFrame));
+       /* Setup RxBD */
+       /* Clear the whole buffer and setup it again - all flags are cleared */
+       memset((void *) &rx_bd, 0, sizeof(axidma_bd));
+ = (u32)&rx_bd;
+       rx_bd.phys = (u32)&RxFrame;
+       rx_bd.cntrl = sizeof(RxFrame);
+       /* write bd to HW */
+       flush_cache((u32)&rx_bd, sizeof(axidma_bd));
+       /* it is necessary to flush RxFrame because if you don't do it
+        * then cache will contain previous packet */
+       flush_cache((u32)&RxFrame, sizeof(RxFrame));
+       /* Rx BD is ready - start again */
+       dma->dmarx->tail = (u32)&rx_bd;
+       debug("axi emac rx complete, framelength = %d\n", length);
+       return length;
+int xilinx_axiemac_initialize(bd_t *bis, int base_addr, int dma_addr)
+       struct eth_device *dev;
+       struct axidma_priv *dma;
+       dev = calloc(1, sizeof(struct eth_device));
+       if (dev == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       dev->priv = calloc(1, sizeof(struct axidma_priv));
+       if (dev->priv == NULL) {
+               free(dev);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       sprintf(dev->name, "Xilinx_AxiEmac");
+       dev->iobase = base_addr;
+       dma = dev->priv;
+       dma->dmatx = dma_addr;
+       dma->dmarx = (u32)dma->dmatx + 0x30; /* rx channel offset */
+       dev->init = axiemac_init;
+       dev->halt = axiemac_halt;
+       dev->send = axiemac_send;
+       dev->recv = axiemac_recv;
+       eth_register(dev);
+       return 1;
diff --git a/include/configs/microblaze-generic.h 
index a334110..47bfb86 100644
--- a/include/configs/microblaze-generic.h
+++ b/include/configs/microblaze-generic.h
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@
 # define CONFIG_XILINX_LL_TEMAC                1
+# define CONFIG_XILINX_AXIEMAC         1
 #undef ET_DEBUG

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