On Thursday 20 January 2011 09:07:53 Stefano Babic wrote:
> On 01/20/2011 03:06 AM, Thomas Besemer wrote:
> > Hi folks -
> > 
> > I had posted last week.  I was able to get basic Splash Screen going on
> > EVK, through using patches I found from googling around.  At the end of
> > this email, the patch set that shows the differences from the U-Boot I
> > pulled on 12/24/2010.  I am not sure I have the right patch set, but in
> > this case, what I have does seem to work; U-Boot does output to LCD
> > display on the second Display Interface.
> There is no correct patchset. As I already stated, patches sent
> sometimes ago to ML (and that you reuse) require some rework to be
> merged into the mainline.
> > There seems to have been a discussion on lcd_setmem().  Has this been
> > resolved, and I missed it?
> No, someone should fix it. The result of the discussion suggested by
> Wolfgang is to use the same interface Linux uses, that is with a
> video-mode=" variable with something such as 1024x768@60. U-Boot has
> already a videomodes.c, but it uses an ancient syntax for videomode (see
> the code). Feel free to fix it.
> >  You'll see from patch set that I just put a
> > 
> > very large buffer in place (hard coded hack).
> Of course it can work, but this cannot go to mainline...
> >  U-Boot hung on boot before
> > 
> > I put this in, and based on what I see on mailing list, this seems to be
> > an issue of not having the display information available early on in
> > boot.
> Right. This is an open issue.
> > At any rate, I got it to boot, and see that the LCD shows display on
> > startup.  Yet, I lose the console on this; the serial port is read, but
> > the output goes to LCD.
> Fine.
> > In an ideal world, what I would like is to not loose the console.
> Console remains on UART if you do not change the behavior.
> >  I want
> > 
> > stdin/stdout to remain on serial port, while I toss a bit map out on LCD.
> > Any comments on how to do this?  End game is that I toss a splash screen
> > up on LCD on EVK, while having U-Boot information still on the console.
> This is already foreseen. If you checked in IPU code, there is an
> overwrite function set for this purpose. You must set
> CONFIG_SYS_CONSOLE_OVERWRITE_ROUTINE. Check the setup in the vision2 board.
> > So, a couple of things:
> > 
> > 1. Do I have correct patch work for this version of U-Boot, or is there a
> > newer version of U-Boot to pull?  I pulled both mainline and IMX tree
> > yesterday, don't see the MX51 EVK in them.
> As I stated previously, the patch adding splashscreen to the mx51evk
> board need reworking.
> > 2. How to configure so that I get console while LCD is available for
> > display.
> See my answer before
> > 3. What is current status on lcd_setmem() thing.
> Awaiting for patches. Do you think you can provide them ?
> > I might have missed a few things along the way folks; I am not the
> > sharpest tool in the shed.  Please let me know if I missed patch sets on
> > lcd_setmem(), and help me understand how to make sure console works with
> > Splash Screen.
> Regarding lcd_setmem() there is some clear statements. IMHO I like
> Wolfgang's proposal, because we should not reinvent the wheel.
> Best regards,
> Stefano Babic

Hey guys, any update on this matter ? I'm quite interested :)
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