Dear Albert:

Let me try. U-Boot is a "board oriented" bootloader. So, with that said, can
you tell us  what "boards" might use an M3 or armv7-M?

When I say boards, I mean those boards one can buy from Freescale, Intel,
TI, Digikey or others.

Given a "board" name, it gets easier to answer your question.


On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Albert ARIBAUD <>wrote:

> Le 23/02/2011 18:36, Thorsten Mühlfelder a écrit :
> > Am Wednesday 23 February 2011 13:53:53 schrieb pratik pujar:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> Does U-boot have support for Cortex-M3?
> >
> > Cortex M3 is a CPU architecture, not a specific CPU or board type.
> Not exactly. M3 is a core; the architecture in ARM parlance is armv7-M.
> Still, what does your statement try to imply?
> I don't think U-Boot has support for M3, but that's not related to M3
> being a core.
> Amicalement,
> --
> Albert.
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