Dear Wolfgang Denk,

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Wolfgang Denk <> wrote:
> In message <> you 
> wrote:
>> The bug is caused by using recursively expanded flavor for BIN and SREC.
> You wrote "The bug".  How does this bug manifest in U-Boot?  For which
> configuration do you see issues?

The bug I refer to is that hello_world.bin and hello_world.srec are not built.

I can reproduce this bug in versatile_config, but I believe it is generally
applicable to other configures as well since it is caused by Makefile

Here is how I found the bug:
$ make O=/tmp/build distclean
$ make O=/tmp/build versatile_config
$ make O=/tmp/build -j8
$ ls /tmp/build/examples/standalone/
hello_world  hello_world.o  libstubs.o  smc91111_eeprom
smc91111_eeprom.o  stubs.o
Notice that hello_world.bin and hello_world.srec are not found.

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