Dear Bob Feretich,

In message <> you wrote:
> The BeagleBoard beagle.c file contains:
>   242         /* Configure GPIOs to output */
>   243         writel(~(GPIO23 | GPIO10 | GPIO8 | GPIO2 | GPIO1), 
> &gpio6_base->oe);
>   244         writel(~(GPIO31 | GPIO30 | GPIO29 | GPIO28 | GPIO22 | GPIO21 |
>   245                 GPIO15 | GPIO14 | GPIO13 | GPIO12), &gpio5_base->oe);
>   246
>   247         /* Set GPIOs */
>   248         writel(GPIO23 | GPIO10 | GPIO8 | GPIO2 | GPIO1,
>   249 &gpio6_base->setdataout);
>   250         writel(GPIO31 | GPIO30 | GPIO29 | GPIO28 | GPIO22 | GPIO21 |
>   251                 GPIO15 | GPIO14 | GPIO13 | GPIO12, 
> &gpio5_base->setdataout);
> It first sets some pins as outputs and then initializes their values. 
> This can cause narrow glitches on the output pins.
> To prevent the glitches the order should be reversed. First Set the 
> GPIOs, then Configure them as outputs.

You are right.  Can you please submit a patch?  For instructions
please see

> Also, I have observed the discussion regarding moving Pin Mux control to 
> the kernel. This is fine except for pins that need to be configured ASAP 
> after power-on. (The system could sit at the u-boot command prompt 
> indefinitely, so the kernel pin mux configuration can be significantly 
> delayed.). Please leave the hook so that u-boot customizers can 
> configure their critical pins muxes.

Which pins would that be, for example?

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

DENX Software Engineering GmbH,     MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email:
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                  ``Hazards of Prophecy: The Failure of Imagination''
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