On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 07:32:41PM +0600, Maxim Uvarov wrote:
> Define Makefile and Kconfig to build lwIP inside the U-Boot. We compile
> lwIP the same as the main code, plus we can do optimization for size at
> compile time with disabling not needed debug asserts, or not used protocols.
> So we can tune lwIP configuration specially for U-Boot environments.
> +menu "LWIP"


> +config LWIP
> +     bool "Support LWIP library"
> +     help
> +          Enable the lwIP library code with
> +          all dependencies (cmd commands implemented with lwIP

cmd commands -> commands

> +          library. This option is automatically enabled if CONFIG_NET=y.
> +       lwIP library (https://git.savannah.nongnu.org/git/lwip.git) provides
> +          network stack and application code for U-Boot cmd commands.
> +       Please see doc/develop/net_lwip.rst for more details.
> +
> +menu "LWIP options"
> +


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