The dev_ prefix is a hangover from the pre-driver model days. The device
is now a different thing, with driver model. Update the partition code to
just use 'desc', as is done with driver model.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

 disk/part.c    | 178 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 include/part.h | 128 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)

diff --git a/disk/part.c b/disk/part.c
index eec02f58988d..8035dcb8a429 100644
--- a/disk/part.c
+++ b/disk/part.c
@@ -42,25 +42,25 @@ static struct part_driver *part_driver_get_type(int 
        return NULL;
-static struct part_driver *part_driver_lookup_type(struct blk_desc *dev_desc)
+static struct part_driver *part_driver_lookup_type(struct blk_desc *desc)
        struct part_driver *drv =
                ll_entry_start(struct part_driver, part_driver);
        const int n_ents = ll_entry_count(struct part_driver, part_driver);
        struct part_driver *entry;
-       if (dev_desc->part_type == PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+       if (desc->part_type == PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
                for (entry = drv; entry != drv + n_ents; entry++) {
                        int ret;
-                       ret = entry->test(dev_desc);
+                       ret = entry->test(desc);
                        if (!ret) {
-                               dev_desc->part_type = entry->part_type;
+                               desc->part_type = entry->part_type;
                                return entry;
        } else {
-               return part_driver_get_type(dev_desc->part_type);
+               return part_driver_get_type(desc->part_type);
        /* Not found */
@@ -85,25 +85,25 @@ int part_get_type_by_name(const char *name)
 static struct blk_desc *get_dev_hwpart(const char *ifname, int dev, int hwpart)
-       struct blk_desc *dev_desc;
+       struct blk_desc *desc;
        int ret;
        if (!blk_enabled())
                return NULL;
-       dev_desc = blk_get_devnum_by_uclass_idname(ifname, dev);
-       if (!dev_desc) {
+       desc = blk_get_devnum_by_uclass_idname(ifname, dev);
+       if (!desc) {
                debug("%s: No device for iface '%s', dev %d\n", __func__,
                      ifname, dev);
                return NULL;
-       ret = blk_dselect_hwpart(dev_desc, hwpart);
+       ret = blk_dselect_hwpart(desc, hwpart);
        if (ret) {
                debug("%s: Failed to select h/w partition: err-%d\n", __func__,
                return NULL;
-       return dev_desc;
+       return desc;
 struct blk_desc *blk_get_dev(const char *ifname, int dev)
@@ -140,29 +140,24 @@ static lba512_t lba512_muldiv(lba512_t block_count, 
lba512_t mul_by,
        return bc_quot * mul_by + ((bc_rem * mul_by) >> right_shift);
-void dev_print(struct blk_desc *dev_desc)
+void dev_print(struct blk_desc *desc)
        lba512_t lba512; /* number of blocks if 512bytes block size */
-       if (dev_desc->type == DEV_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+       if (desc->type == DEV_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
                puts ("not available\n");
-       switch (dev_desc->uclass_id) {
+       switch (desc->uclass_id) {
        case UCLASS_SCSI:
-               printf ("(%d:%d) Vendor: %s Prod.: %s Rev: %s\n",
-                       dev_desc->target,dev_desc->lun,
-                       dev_desc->vendor,
-                       dev_desc->product,
-                       dev_desc->revision);
+               printf("(%d:%d) Vendor: %s Prod.: %s Rev: %s\n", desc->target,
+                      desc->lun, desc->vendor, desc->product, desc->revision);
        case UCLASS_IDE:
        case UCLASS_AHCI:
-               printf ("Model: %s Firm: %s Ser#: %s\n",
-                       dev_desc->vendor,
-                       dev_desc->revision,
-                       dev_desc->product);
+               printf("Model: %s Firm: %s Ser#: %s\n", desc->vendor,
+                      desc->revision, desc->product);
        case UCLASS_MMC:
        case UCLASS_USB:
@@ -171,27 +166,27 @@ void dev_print(struct blk_desc *dev_desc)
        case UCLASS_HOST:
        case UCLASS_BLKMAP:
                printf ("Vendor: %s Rev: %s Prod: %s\n",
-                       dev_desc->vendor,
-                       dev_desc->revision,
-                       dev_desc->product);
+                       desc->vendor,
+                       desc->revision,
+                       desc->product);
        case UCLASS_VIRTIO:
-               printf("%s VirtIO Block Device\n", dev_desc->vendor);
+               printf("%s VirtIO Block Device\n", desc->vendor);
        case UCLASS_EFI_MEDIA:
-               printf("EFI media Block Device %d\n", dev_desc->devnum);
+               printf("EFI media Block Device %d\n", desc->devnum);
        case UCLASS_INVALID:
                puts("device type unknown\n");
-               printf("Unhandled device type: %i\n", dev_desc->uclass_id);
+               printf("Unhandled device type: %i\n", desc->uclass_id);
        puts ("            Type: ");
-       if (dev_desc->removable)
+       if (desc->removable)
                puts ("Removable ");
-       switch (dev_desc->type & 0x1F) {
+       switch (desc->type & 0x1F) {
        case DEV_TYPE_HARDDISK:
                puts ("Hard Disk");
@@ -205,17 +200,17 @@ void dev_print(struct blk_desc *dev_desc)
                puts ("Tape");
-               printf ("# %02X #", dev_desc->type & 0x1F);
+               printf("# %02X #", desc->type & 0x1F);
        puts ("\n");
-       if (dev_desc->lba > 0L && dev_desc->blksz > 0L) {
+       if (desc->lba > 0L && desc->blksz > 0L) {
                ulong mb, mb_quot, mb_rem, gb, gb_quot, gb_rem;
                lbaint_t lba;
-               lba = dev_desc->lba;
+               lba = desc->lba;
-               lba512 = (lba * (dev_desc->blksz/512));
+               lba512 = lba * (desc->blksz / 512);
                /* round to 1 digit */
                /* 2048 = (1024 * 1024) / 512 MB */
                mb = lba512_muldiv(lba512, 10, 11);
@@ -227,7 +222,7 @@ void dev_print(struct blk_desc *dev_desc)
                gb_quot = gb / 10;
                gb_rem  = gb - (10 * gb_quot);
 #ifdef CONFIG_LBA48
-               if (dev_desc->lba48)
+               if (desc->lba48)
                        printf ("            Supports 48-bit addressing\n");
 #if defined(CONFIG_SYS_64BIT_LBA)
@@ -235,42 +230,42 @@ void dev_print(struct blk_desc *dev_desc)
                        mb_quot, mb_rem,
                        gb_quot, gb_rem,
-                       dev_desc->blksz);
+                       desc->blksz);
                printf ("            Capacity: %lu.%lu MB = %lu.%lu GB (%lu x 
                        mb_quot, mb_rem,
                        gb_quot, gb_rem,
-                       dev_desc->blksz);
+                       desc->blksz);
        } else {
                puts ("            Capacity: not available\n");
-void part_init(struct blk_desc *dev_desc)
+void part_init(struct blk_desc *desc)
        struct part_driver *drv =
                ll_entry_start(struct part_driver, part_driver);
        const int n_ents = ll_entry_count(struct part_driver, part_driver);
        struct part_driver *entry;
-       blkcache_invalidate(dev_desc->uclass_id, dev_desc->devnum);
+       blkcache_invalidate(desc->uclass_id, desc->devnum);
-       dev_desc->part_type = PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+       desc->part_type = PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
        for (entry = drv; entry != drv + n_ents; entry++) {
                int ret;
-               ret = entry->test(dev_desc);
+               ret = entry->test(desc);
                debug("%s: try '%s': ret=%d\n", __func__, entry->name, ret);
                if (!ret) {
-                       dev_desc->part_type = entry->part_type;
+                       desc->part_type = entry->part_type;
-static void print_part_header(const char *type, struct blk_desc *dev_desc)
+static void print_part_header(const char *type, struct blk_desc *desc)
@@ -278,7 +273,7 @@ static void print_part_header(const char *type, struct 
blk_desc *dev_desc)
        puts ("\nPartition Map for ");
-       switch (dev_desc->uclass_id) {
+       switch (desc->uclass_id) {
        case UCLASS_IDE:
                puts ("IDE");
@@ -314,28 +309,28 @@ static void print_part_header(const char *type, struct 
blk_desc *dev_desc)
        printf (" device %d  --   Partition Type: %s\n\n",
-                       dev_desc->devnum, type);
+                       desc->devnum, type);
 #endif /* any CONFIG_..._PARTITION */
-void part_print(struct blk_desc *dev_desc)
+void part_print(struct blk_desc *desc)
        struct part_driver *drv;
-       drv = part_driver_lookup_type(dev_desc);
+       drv = part_driver_lookup_type(desc);
        if (!drv) {
                printf("## Unknown partition table type %x\n",
-                      dev_desc->part_type);
+                      desc->part_type);
        PRINTF("## Testing for valid %s partition ##\n", drv->name);
-       print_part_header(drv->name, dev_desc);
+       print_part_header(drv->name, desc);
        if (drv->print)
-               drv->print(dev_desc);
+               drv->print(desc);
-int part_get_info_by_type(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, int part, int part_type,
+int part_get_info_by_type(struct blk_desc *desc, int part, int part_type,
                          struct disk_partition *info)
        struct part_driver *drv;
@@ -350,14 +345,14 @@ int part_get_info_by_type(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, int 
part, int part_type,
                if (part_type == PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
-                       drv = part_driver_lookup_type(dev_desc);
+                       drv = part_driver_lookup_type(desc);
                } else {
                        drv = part_driver_get_type(part_type);
                if (!drv) {
                        debug("## Unknown partition table type %x\n",
-                             dev_desc->part_type);
+                             desc->part_type);
                        return -EPROTONOSUPPORT;
                if (!drv->get_info) {
@@ -365,7 +360,7 @@ int part_get_info_by_type(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, int 
part, int part_type,
                        return -ENOSYS;
-               if (drv->get_info(dev_desc, part, info) == 0) {
+               if (drv->get_info(desc, part, info) == 0) {
                        PRINTF("## Valid %s partition found ##\n", drv->name);
                        return 0;
@@ -374,18 +369,18 @@ int part_get_info_by_type(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, int 
part, int part_type,
        return -ENOENT;
-int part_get_info(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, int part,
+int part_get_info(struct blk_desc *desc, int part,
                  struct disk_partition *info)
-       return part_get_info_by_type(dev_desc, part, PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN, info);
+       return part_get_info_by_type(desc, part, PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN, info);
-int part_get_info_whole_disk(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
+int part_get_info_whole_disk(struct blk_desc *desc,
                             struct disk_partition *info)
        info->start = 0;
-       info->size = dev_desc->lba;
-       info->blksz = dev_desc->blksz;
+       info->size = desc->lba;
+       info->blksz = desc->blksz;
        info->bootable = 0;
        strcpy((char *)info->type, BOOT_PART_TYPE);
        strcpy((char *)info->name, "Whole Disk");
@@ -400,7 +395,7 @@ int part_get_info_whole_disk(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
 int blk_get_device_by_str(const char *ifname, const char *dev_hwpart_str,
-                         struct blk_desc **dev_desc)
+                         struct blk_desc **desc)
        char *ep;
        char *dup_str = NULL;
@@ -436,8 +431,8 @@ int blk_get_device_by_str(const char *ifname, const char 
-       *dev_desc = get_dev_hwpart(ifname, dev, hwpart);
-       if (!(*dev_desc) || ((*dev_desc)->type == DEV_TYPE_UNKNOWN)) {
+       *desc = get_dev_hwpart(ifname, dev, hwpart);
+       if (!(*desc) || ((*desc)->type == DEV_TYPE_UNKNOWN)) {
                debug("** Bad device %s %s **\n", ifname, dev_hwpart_str);
                dev = -ENODEV;
                goto cleanup;
@@ -449,8 +444,8 @@ int blk_get_device_by_str(const char *ifname, const char 
                 * Always should be done, otherwise hw partition 0 will return
                 * stale data after displaying a non-zero hw partition.
-               if ((*dev_desc)->uclass_id == UCLASS_MMC)
-                       part_init(*dev_desc);
+               if ((*desc)->uclass_id == UCLASS_MMC)
+                       part_init(*desc);
@@ -461,7 +456,7 @@ cleanup:
 #define PART_AUTO -1
 int blk_get_device_part_str(const char *ifname, const char *dev_part_str,
-                            struct blk_desc **dev_desc,
+                            struct blk_desc **desc,
                             struct disk_partition *info, int allow_whole_dev)
        int ret;
@@ -474,7 +469,7 @@ int blk_get_device_part_str(const char *ifname, const char 
        int part;
        struct disk_partition tmpinfo;
-       *dev_desc = NULL;
+       *desc = NULL;
        memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));
@@ -533,7 +528,7 @@ int blk_get_device_part_str(const char *ifname, const char 
        /* Look up the device */
-       dev = blk_get_device_by_str(ifname, dev_str, dev_desc);
+       dev = blk_get_device_by_str(ifname, dev_str, desc);
        if (dev < 0) {
                printf("** Bad device specification %s %s **\n",
                       ifname, dev_str);
@@ -565,9 +560,8 @@ int blk_get_device_part_str(const char *ifname, const char 
         * No partition table on device,
         * or user requested partition 0 (entire device).
-       if (((*dev_desc)->part_type == PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN) ||
-           (part == 0)) {
-               if (!(*dev_desc)->lba) {
+       if (((*desc)->part_type == PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN) || !part) {
+               if (!(*desc)->lba) {
                        printf("** Bad device size - %s %s **\n", ifname,
                        ret = -EINVAL;
@@ -586,9 +580,9 @@ int blk_get_device_part_str(const char *ifname, const char 
                        goto cleanup;
-               (*dev_desc)->log2blksz = LOG2((*dev_desc)->blksz);
+               (*desc)->log2blksz = LOG2((*desc)->blksz);
-               part_get_info_whole_disk(*dev_desc, info);
+               part_get_info_whole_disk(*desc, info);
                ret = 0;
                goto cleanup;
@@ -606,7 +600,7 @@ int blk_get_device_part_str(const char *ifname, const char 
         * other than "auto", use that partition number directly.
        if (part != PART_AUTO) {
-               ret = part_get_info(*dev_desc, part, info);
+               ret = part_get_info(*desc, part, info);
                if (ret) {
                        printf("** Invalid partition %d **\n", part);
                        goto cleanup;
@@ -618,7 +612,7 @@ int blk_get_device_part_str(const char *ifname, const char 
                part = 0;
                for (p = 1; p <= MAX_SEARCH_PARTITIONS; p++) {
-                       ret = part_get_info(*dev_desc, p, info);
+                       ret = part_get_info(*desc, p, info);
                        if (ret)
@@ -662,7 +656,7 @@ int blk_get_device_part_str(const char *ifname, const char 
                goto cleanup;
-       (*dev_desc)->log2blksz = LOG2((*dev_desc)->blksz);
+       (*desc)->log2blksz = LOG2((*desc)->blksz);
        ret = part;
        goto cleanup;
@@ -672,14 +666,14 @@ cleanup:
        return ret;
-int part_get_info_by_name(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, const char *name,
+int part_get_info_by_name(struct blk_desc *desc, const char *name,
                          struct disk_partition *info)
        struct part_driver *part_drv;
        int ret;
        int i;
-       part_drv = part_driver_lookup_type(dev_desc);
+       part_drv = part_driver_lookup_type(desc);
        if (!part_drv)
                return -1;
@@ -690,7 +684,7 @@ int part_get_info_by_name(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, const 
char *name,
        for (i = 1; i < part_drv->max_entries; i++) {
-               ret = part_drv->get_info(dev_desc, i, info);
+               ret = part_drv->get_info(desc, i, info);
                if (ret != 0) {
                        /* no more entries in table */
@@ -710,18 +704,18 @@ int part_get_info_by_name(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, 
const char *name,
  * Parse a device number and partition name string in the form of
  * "devicenum.hwpartnum#partition_name", for example "0.1#misc". devicenum and
  * hwpartnum are both optional, defaulting to 0. If the partition is found,
- * sets dev_desc and part_info accordingly with the information of the
+ * sets desc and part_info accordingly with the information of the
  * partition with the given partition_name.
  * @param[in] dev_iface Device interface
  * @param[in] dev_part_str Input string argument, like "0.1#misc"
- * @param[out] dev_desc Place to store the device description pointer
+ * @param[out] desc Place to store the device description pointer
  * @param[out] part_info Place to store the partition information
  * Return: 0 on success, or a negative on error
 static int part_get_info_by_dev_and_name(const char *dev_iface,
                                         const char *dev_part_str,
-                                        struct blk_desc **dev_desc,
+                                        struct blk_desc **desc,
                                         struct disk_partition *part_info)
        char *dup_str = NULL;
@@ -743,11 +737,11 @@ static int part_get_info_by_dev_and_name(const char 
                return -EINVAL;
-       ret = blk_get_device_by_str(dev_iface, dev_str, dev_desc);
+       ret = blk_get_device_by_str(dev_iface, dev_str, desc);
        if (ret < 0)
                goto cleanup;
-       ret = part_get_info_by_name(*dev_desc, part_str, part_info);
+       ret = part_get_info_by_name(*desc, part_str, part_info);
        if (ret < 0)
                printf("Could not find \"%s\" partition\n", part_str);
@@ -758,35 +752,35 @@ cleanup:
 int part_get_info_by_dev_and_name_or_num(const char *dev_iface,
                                         const char *dev_part_str,
-                                        struct blk_desc **dev_desc,
+                                        struct blk_desc **desc,
                                         struct disk_partition *part_info,
                                         int allow_whole_dev)
        int ret;
        /* Split the part_name if passed as "$dev_num#part_name". */
-       ret = part_get_info_by_dev_and_name(dev_iface, dev_part_str,
-                                           dev_desc, part_info);
+       ret = part_get_info_by_dev_and_name(dev_iface, dev_part_str, desc,
+                                           part_info);
        if (ret >= 0)
                return ret;
         * Couldn't lookup by name, try looking up the partition description
         * directly.
-       ret = blk_get_device_part_str(dev_iface, dev_part_str,
-                                     dev_desc, part_info, allow_whole_dev);
+       ret = blk_get_device_part_str(dev_iface, dev_part_str, desc, part_info,
+                                     allow_whole_dev);
        if (ret < 0)
                printf("Couldn't find partition %s %s\n",
                       dev_iface, dev_part_str);
        return ret;
-void part_set_generic_name(const struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
-       int part_num, char *name)
+void part_set_generic_name(const struct blk_desc *desc, int part_num,
+                          char *name)
        char *devtype;
-       switch (dev_desc->uclass_id) {
+       switch (desc->uclass_id) {
        case UCLASS_IDE:
        case UCLASS_AHCI:
                devtype = "hd";
@@ -805,7 +799,7 @@ void part_set_generic_name(const struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
-       sprintf(name, "%s%c%d", devtype, 'a' + dev_desc->devnum, part_num);
+       sprintf(name, "%s%c%d", devtype, 'a' + desc->devnum, part_num);
 int part_get_bootable(struct blk_desc *desc)
diff --git a/include/part.h b/include/part.h
index edc46f8dcbe9..dfe1dc08baa4 100644
--- a/include/part.h
+++ b/include/part.h
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ struct blk_desc *mg_disk_get_dev(int dev);
  * contained with the interface's data structure. There is no global
  * numbering for block devices, so the interface name must be provided.
- * @dev_desc:  Block device descriptor
+ * @desc:      Block device descriptor
  * @part:      Partition number to read
  * @part_type: Partition driver to use, or PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN to automatically
  *             choose a driver
@@ -121,20 +121,20 @@ struct blk_desc *mg_disk_get_dev(int dev);
  * Return: 0 on success, negative errno on failure
-int part_get_info_by_type(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, int part, int part_type,
+int part_get_info_by_type(struct blk_desc *desc, int part, int part_type,
                          struct disk_partition *info);
-int part_get_info(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, int part,
+int part_get_info(struct blk_desc *desc, int part,
                  struct disk_partition *info);
  * part_get_info_whole_disk() - get partition info for the special case of
  * a partition occupying the entire disk.
-int part_get_info_whole_disk(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
+int part_get_info_whole_disk(struct blk_desc *desc,
                             struct disk_partition *info);
-void part_print(struct blk_desc *dev_desc);
-void part_init(struct blk_desc *dev_desc);
-void dev_print(struct blk_desc *dev_desc);
+void part_print(struct blk_desc *desc);
+void part_init(struct blk_desc *desc);
+void dev_print(struct blk_desc *desc);
  * blk_get_device_by_str() - Get a block device given its interface/hw 
@@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ void dev_print(struct blk_desc *dev_desc);
  *             containing the device number (e.g. "2") or the device number
  *             and hardware partition number (e.g. "2.4") for devices that
  *             support it (currently only MMC).
- * @dev_desc:  Returns a pointer to the block device on success
+ * @desc:      Returns a pointer to the block device on success
  * Return: block device number (local to the interface), or -1 on error
 int blk_get_device_by_str(const char *ifname, const char *dev_str,
-                         struct blk_desc **dev_desc);
+                         struct blk_desc **desc);
  * blk_get_device_part_str() - Get a block device and partition
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ int blk_get_device_by_str(const char *ifname, const char 
  * @ifname:    Interface name (e.g. "ide", "scsi")
  * @dev_part_str:      Device and partition string
- * @dev_desc:  Returns a pointer to the block device on success
+ * @desc:      Returns a pointer to the block device on success
  * @info:      Returns partition information
  * @allow_whole_dev:   true to allow the user to select partition 0
  *             (which means the whole device), false to require a valid
@@ -198,22 +198,22 @@ int blk_get_device_by_str(const char *ifname, const char 
 int blk_get_device_part_str(const char *ifname, const char *dev_part_str,
-                           struct blk_desc **dev_desc,
-                           struct disk_partition *info, int allow_whole_dev);
+                           struct blk_desc **desc, struct disk_partition *info,
+                           int allow_whole_dev);
  * part_get_info_by_name() - Search for a partition by name
  *                           among all available registered partitions
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * @param gpt_name - the specified table entry name
  * @param info - returns the disk partition info
  * Return: - the partition number on match (starting on 1), -1 on no match,
  * otherwise error
-int part_get_info_by_name(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
-                             const char *name, struct disk_partition *info);
+int part_get_info_by_name(struct blk_desc *desc, const char *name,
+                         struct disk_partition *info);
  * Get partition info from dev number + part name, or dev number + part number.
@@ -223,11 +223,11 @@ int part_get_info_by_name(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
  * (like "device_num#partition_name") or a device number plus a partition 
  * separated by a ":". For example both "0#misc" and "0:1" can be valid
  * partition descriptions for a given interface. If the partition is found, 
- * dev_desc and part_info accordingly with the information of the partition.
+ * desc and part_info accordingly with the information of the partition.
  * @param[in] dev_iface        Device interface
  * @param[in] dev_part_str Input partition description, like "0#misc" or "0:1"
- * @param[out] dev_desc        Place to store the device description pointer
+ * @param[out] desc    Place to store the device description pointer
  * @param[out] part_info Place to store the partition information
  * @param[in] allow_whole_dev true to allow the user to select partition 0
  *             (which means the whole device), false to require a valid
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ int part_get_info_by_name(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
 int part_get_info_by_dev_and_name_or_num(const char *dev_iface,
                                         const char *dev_part_str,
-                                        struct blk_desc **dev_desc,
+                                        struct blk_desc **desc,
                                         struct disk_partition *part_info,
                                         int allow_whole_dev);
@@ -247,12 +247,12 @@ int part_get_info_by_dev_and_name_or_num(const char 
  * (DOS, ISO). Generates partition name out of the device type and partition
  * number.
- * @dev_desc:  pointer to the block device
+ * @desc:      pointer to the block device
  * @part_num:  partition number for which the name is generated
  * @name:      buffer where the name is written
-void part_set_generic_name(const struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
-       int part_num, char *name);
+void part_set_generic_name(const struct blk_desc *desc, int part_num,
+                          char *name);
 extern const struct block_drvr block_drvr[];
@@ -260,25 +260,25 @@ static inline struct blk_desc *blk_get_dev(const char 
*ifname, int dev)
 { return NULL; }
 static inline struct blk_desc *mg_disk_get_dev(int dev) { return NULL; }
-static inline int part_get_info(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, int part,
+static inline int part_get_info(struct blk_desc *desc, int part,
                                struct disk_partition *info) { return -1; }
-static inline int part_get_info_whole_disk(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
+static inline int part_get_info_whole_disk(struct blk_desc *desc,
                                           struct disk_partition *info)
 { return -1; }
-static inline void part_print(struct blk_desc *dev_desc) {}
-static inline void part_init(struct blk_desc *dev_desc) {}
-static inline void dev_print(struct blk_desc *dev_desc) {}
+static inline void part_print(struct blk_desc *desc) {}
+static inline void part_init(struct blk_desc *desc) {}
+static inline void dev_print(struct blk_desc *desc) {}
 static inline int blk_get_device_by_str(const char *ifname, const char 
-                                       struct blk_desc **dev_desc)
+                                       struct blk_desc **desc)
 { return -1; }
 static inline int blk_get_device_part_str(const char *ifname,
                                          const char *dev_part_str,
-                                         struct blk_desc **dev_desc,
+                                         struct blk_desc **desc,
                                          struct disk_partition *info,
                                          int allow_whole_dev)
-{ *dev_desc = NULL; return -1; }
+{ *desc = NULL; return -1; }
-static inline int part_get_info_by_name(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
+static inline int part_get_info_by_name(struct blk_desc *desc,
                                        const char *name,
                                        struct disk_partition *info)
@@ -288,11 +288,11 @@ static inline int part_get_info_by_name(struct blk_desc 
 static inline int
 part_get_info_by_dev_and_name_or_num(const char *dev_iface,
                                     const char *dev_part_str,
-                                    struct blk_desc **dev_desc,
+                                    struct blk_desc **desc,
                                     struct disk_partition *part_info,
                                     int allow_whole_dev)
-       *dev_desc = NULL;
+       *desc = NULL;
        return -ENOSYS;
@@ -378,28 +378,28 @@ struct part_driver {
         * get_info() - Get information about a partition
-        * @dev_desc:   Block device descriptor
+        * @desc:       Block device descriptor
         * @part:       Partition number (1 = first)
         * @info:       Returns partition information
-       int (*get_info)(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, int part,
+       int (*get_info)(struct blk_desc *desc, int part,
                        struct disk_partition *info);
         * print() - Print partition information
-        * @dev_desc:   Block device descriptor
+        * @desc:       Block device descriptor
-       void (*print)(struct blk_desc *dev_desc);
+       void (*print)(struct blk_desc *desc);
         * test() - Test if a device contains this partition type
-        * @dev_desc:   Block device descriptor
+        * @desc:       Block device descriptor
         * @return 0 if the block device appears to contain this partition
         *         type, -ve if not
-       int (*test)(struct blk_desc *dev_desc);
+       int (*test)(struct blk_desc *desc);
 /* Declare a new U-Boot partition 'driver' */
@@ -413,19 +413,18 @@ struct part_driver {
  * write_gpt_table() - Write the GUID Partition Table to disk
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * @param gpt_h - pointer to GPT header representation
  * @param gpt_e - pointer to GPT partition table entries
  * Return: - zero on success, otherwise error
-int write_gpt_table(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
-                 gpt_header *gpt_h, gpt_entry *gpt_e);
+int write_gpt_table(struct blk_desc *desc, gpt_header *gpt_h, gpt_entry 
  * gpt_fill_pte(): Fill the GPT partition table entry
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * @param gpt_h - GPT header representation
  * @param gpt_e - GPT partition table entries
  * @param partitions - list of partitions
@@ -433,55 +432,54 @@ int write_gpt_table(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
  * Return: zero on success
-int gpt_fill_pte(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
-                gpt_header *gpt_h, gpt_entry *gpt_e,
+int gpt_fill_pte(struct blk_desc *desc, gpt_header *gpt_h, gpt_entry *gpt_e,
                 struct disk_partition *partitions, int parts);
  * gpt_fill_header(): Fill the GPT header
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * @param gpt_h - GPT header representation
  * @param str_guid - disk guid string representation
  * @param parts_count - number of partitions
  * Return: - error on str_guid conversion error
-int gpt_fill_header(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, gpt_header *gpt_h,
-               char *str_guid, int parts_count);
+int gpt_fill_header(struct blk_desc *desc, gpt_header *gpt_h, char *str_guid,
+                   int parts_count);
  * gpt_restore(): Restore GPT partition table
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * @param str_disk_guid - disk GUID
  * @param partitions - list of partitions
  * @param parts - number of partitions
  * Return: zero on success
-int gpt_restore(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, char *str_disk_guid,
+int gpt_restore(struct blk_desc *desc, char *str_disk_guid,
                struct disk_partition *partitions, const int parts_count);
  * is_valid_gpt_buf() - Ensure that the Primary GPT information is valid
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * @param buf - buffer which contains the MBR and Primary GPT info
  * Return: - '0' on success, otherwise error
-int is_valid_gpt_buf(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, void *buf);
+int is_valid_gpt_buf(struct blk_desc *desc, void *buf);
  * write_mbr_and_gpt_partitions() - write MBR, Primary GPT and Backup GPT
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * @param buf - buffer which contains the MBR and Primary GPT info
  * Return: - '0' on success, otherwise error
-int write_mbr_and_gpt_partitions(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, void *buf);
+int write_mbr_and_gpt_partitions(struct blk_desc *desc, void *buf);
  * gpt_verify_headers() - Function to read and CRC32 check of the GPT's header
@@ -489,24 +487,24 @@ int write_mbr_and_gpt_partitions(struct blk_desc 
*dev_desc, void *buf);
  * As a side effect if sets gpt_head and gpt_pte so they point to GPT data.
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * @param gpt_head - pointer to GPT header data read from medium
  * @param gpt_pte - pointer to GPT partition table enties read from medium
  * Return: - '0' on success, otherwise error
-int gpt_verify_headers(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, gpt_header *gpt_head,
+int gpt_verify_headers(struct blk_desc *desc, gpt_header *gpt_head,
                       gpt_entry **gpt_pte);
  * gpt_repair_headers() - Function to repair the GPT's header
  *                        and partition table entries (PTE)
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * Return: - '0' on success, otherwise error
-int gpt_repair_headers(struct blk_desc *dev_desc);
+int gpt_repair_headers(struct blk_desc *desc);
  * gpt_verify_partitions() - Function to check if partitions' name, start and
@@ -516,7 +514,7 @@ int gpt_repair_headers(struct blk_desc *dev_desc);
  * provided in '$partitions' environment variable. Specificially, name, start
  * and size of the partition is checked.
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * @param partitions - partition data read from '$partitions' env variable
  * @param parts - number of partitions read from '$partitions' env variable
  * @param gpt_head - pointer to GPT header data read from medium
@@ -524,7 +522,7 @@ int gpt_repair_headers(struct blk_desc *dev_desc);
  * Return: - '0' on success, otherwise error
-int gpt_verify_partitions(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
+int gpt_verify_partitions(struct blk_desc *desc,
                          struct disk_partition *partitions, int parts,
                          gpt_header *gpt_head, gpt_entry **gpt_pte);
@@ -535,12 +533,12 @@ int gpt_verify_partitions(struct blk_desc *dev_desc,
  * This function reads the GUID string from a block device whose descriptor
  * is provided.
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * @param guid - pre-allocated string in which to return the GUID
  * Return: - '0' on success, otherwise error
-int get_disk_guid(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, char *guid);
+int get_disk_guid(struct blk_desc *desc, char *guid);
@@ -557,15 +555,15 @@ int is_valid_dos_buf(void *buf);
  * write_mbr_sector() - write DOS MBR
- * @param dev_desc - block device descriptor
+ * @param desc - block device descriptor
  * @param buf - buffer which contains the MBR
  * Return: - '0' on success, otherwise error
-int write_mbr_sector(struct blk_desc *dev_desc, void *buf);
+int write_mbr_sector(struct blk_desc *desc, void *buf);
-int write_mbr_partitions(struct blk_desc *dev,
-               struct disk_partition *p, int count, unsigned int disksig);
+int write_mbr_partitions(struct blk_desc *dev, struct disk_partition *p,
+                        int count, unsigned int disksig);
 int layout_mbr_partitions(struct disk_partition *p, int count,
                          lbaint_t total_sectors);

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