On Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 11:27:24AM +0530, Sughosh Ganu wrote:

> The EFI capsules can now be generated as part of u-boot build, through
> binman. Highlight these changes in the documentation.
> Signed-off-by: Sughosh Ganu <sughosh.g...@linaro.org>
> Acked-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.g...@gmx.de>
> +Capsule Generation through binman
> +*********************************
> +
> +Support has also been added to generate capsules during u-boot build
> +through binman. This requires the platform's DTB to be populated with
> +the capsule entry nodes for binman. The capsules then can be generated
> +by specifying the capsule parameters as properties in the capsule
> +entry node.
> +
> +Check the arch/sandbox/dts/sandbox_capsule.dtsi file for the sandbox
> +platform as reference for how to generate capsules through binman as
> +part of u-boot build.

In that I have any problems with the series at this point, it is this.
A 314 line example file is not a good example.  This is because it has
all of the tests.  I would frankly rather see an in-line example here of
what a typical capsule dtsi looks like instead.  I'm not NAK'ing the
series, and this could be a follow-up.


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