Update the bootflow svg diagram and reuse across the platforms as they
are common.

Reviewed-by: Neha Malcom Francis <n-fran...@ti.com>
Signed-off-by: Nishanth Menon <n...@ti.com>
Changes since V1
* Picked up reviewed-by

V1: https://lore.kernel.org/all/20230727080027.2817701-3...@ti.com/

 doc/board/ti/am62x_sk.rst                    |   68 +-
 doc/board/ti/img/boot_diagram_k3_current.svg | 1925 ++++++++++++++++++
 doc/board/ti/j7200_evm.rst                   |   85 +-
 3 files changed, 1927 insertions(+), 151 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/board/ti/img/boot_diagram_k3_current.svg

diff --git a/doc/board/ti/am62x_sk.rst b/doc/board/ti/am62x_sk.rst
index ba017a2b489e..f511b5935c16 100644
--- a/doc/board/ti/am62x_sk.rst
+++ b/doc/board/ti/am62x_sk.rst
@@ -42,73 +42,7 @@ Boot Flow:
 Below is the pictorial representation of boot flow:
-.. code-block:: text
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- |        TIFS            |      Main R5          |        A53            |
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- |    +--------+          |                       |                       |
- |    |  Reset |          |                       |                       |
- |    +--------+          |                       |                       |
- |         :              |                       |                       |
- |    +--------+          |   +-----------+       |                       |
- |    | *ROM*  |----------|-->| Reset rls |       |                       |
- |    +--------+          |   +-----------+       |                       |
- |    |        |          |         :             |                       |
- |    |  ROM   |          |         :             |                       |
- |    |services|          |         :             |                       |
- |    |        |          |   +-------------+     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   |  *R5 ROM*   |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   +-------------+     |                       |
- |    |        |<---------|---|Load and auth|     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   | tiboot3.bin |     |                       |
- |    +--------+          |   +-------------+     |                       |
- |    |        |<---------|---| Load sysfw  |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   | part to TIFS|     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   | core        |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   +-------------+     |                       |
- |    |        |          |         :             |                       |
- |    |        |          |         :             |                       |
- |    |        |          |         :             |                       |
- |    |        |          |   +-------------+     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   |  *R5 SPL*   |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   +-------------+     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   |    DDR      |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   |   config    |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   +-------------+     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   |    Load     |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   |  tispl.bin  |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   +-------------+     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   |   Load R5   |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   |   firmware  |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   +-------------+     |                       |
- |    |        |<---------|---| Start A53   |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   | and jump to |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   | DM fw image |     |                       |
- |    |        |          |   +-------------+     |                       |
- |    |        |          |                       |     +-----------+     |
- |    |        |----------|-----------------------|---->| Reset rls |     |
- |    |        |          |                       |     +-----------+     |
- |    |  TIFS  |          |                       |          :            |
- |    |Services|          |                       |     +-------------+   |
- |    |        |<---------|-----------------------|---->|*TF-A/OP-TEE*|   |
- |    |        |          |                       |     +-------------+   |
- |    |        |          |                       |          :            |
- |    |        |          |                       |     +-----------+     |
- |    |        |<---------|-----------------------|---->| *A53 SPL* |     |
- |    |        |          |                       |     +-----------+     |
- |    |        |          |                       |     |   Load    |     |
- |    |        |          |                       |     | u-boot.img|     |
- |    |        |          |                       |     +-----------+     |
- |    |        |          |                       |          :            |
- |    |        |          |                       |     +-----------+     |
- |    |        |<---------|-----------------------|---->| *U-Boot*  |     |
- |    |        |          |                       |     +-----------+     |
- |    |        |          |                       |     |  prompt   |     |
- |    |        |----------|-----------------------|-----+-----------+-----|
- |    +--------+          |                       |                       |
- |                        |                       |                       |
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+.. image:: img/boot_diagram_k3_current.svg
 - Here TIFS acts as master and provides all the critical services. R5/A53
   requests TIFS to get these services done as shown in the above diagram.
diff --git a/doc/board/ti/img/boot_diagram_k3_current.svg 
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/doc/board/ti/img/boot_diagram_k3_current.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,1925 @@
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white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Load Aux core f/w<xhtml:br />
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+           id="text370">Load Aux core f/w...</text>
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white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: normal;">Start Aux core<xhtml:br />
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+           id="text378">Start Aux core...</text>
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justify-content: unsafe center; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding-top: 900px; 
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background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); white-space: nowrap;">Release 
+            </xhtml:div>
+          </xhtml:div>
+        </foreignObject>
+        <text
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+           fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)"
+           font-family="Helvetica"
+           font-size="11px"
+           text-anchor="middle"
+           id="text388">Release Re...</text>
+      </switch>
+    </g>
+    <path
+       d="M 482 632.91 L 315.37 632.91"
+       fill="none"
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+       d="M 310.12 632.91 L 317.12 629.41 L 315.37 632.91 L 317.12 636.41 Z"
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+         id="text402">Text is not SVG - cannot display</text>
+    </a>
+  </switch>
diff --git a/doc/board/ti/j7200_evm.rst b/doc/board/ti/j7200_evm.rst
index f81e3f43b7d7..fea01b55e2a1 100644
--- a/doc/board/ti/j7200_evm.rst
+++ b/doc/board/ti/j7200_evm.rst
@@ -30,90 +30,7 @@ Boot Flow:
 Below is the pictorial representation of boot flow:
-.. code-block:: text
- |        DMSC            |      MCU R5           |        A72            |  
MAIN R5/C7x          |
- |    +--------+          |                       |                       |    
- |    |  Reset |          |                       |                       |    
- |    +--------+          |                       |                       |    
- |         :              |                       |                       |    
- |    +--------+          |   +-----------+       |                       |    
- |    | *ROM*  |----------|-->| Reset rls |       |                       |    
- |    +--------+          |   +-----------+       |                       |    
- |    |        |          |         :             |                       |    
- |    |  ROM   |          |         :             |                       |    
- |    |services|          |         :             |                       |    
- |    |        |          |   +-------------+     |                       |    
- |    |        |          |   |  *R5 ROM*   |     |                       |    
- |    |        |          |   +-------------+     |                       |    
- |    |        |<---------|---|Load and auth|     |                       |    
- |    |        |          |   | tiboot3.bin |     |                       |    
- |    | Start  |          |   +-------------+     |                       |    
- |    |  TIFS  |<---------|---|    Start    |     |                       |    
- |    |        |          |   |    TIFS     |     |                       |    
- |    +--------+          |   +-------------+     |                       |    
- |        :               |   |             |     |                       |    
- |    +---------+         |   |   Load      |     |                       |    
- |    | *TIFS*  |         |   |   system    |     |                       |    
- |    +---------+         |   | Config data |     |                       |    
- |    |         |<--------|---|             |     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   +-------------+     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |         :             |                       |    
- |    |         |         |         :             |                       |    
- |    |         |         |         :             |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   +-------------+     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   |  *R5 SPL*   |     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   +-------------+     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   |    DDR      |     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   |   config    |     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   +-------------+     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   |    Load     |     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   |  tispl.bin  |     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   +-------------+     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   |   Load R5   |     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   |   firmware  |     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   +-------------+     |                       |    
- |    |         |<--------|---| Start A72   |     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   | and jump to |     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   | DM fw image |     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |   +-------------+     |                       |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     +-----------+     |    
- |    |         |---------|-----------------------|---->| Reset rls |     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     +-----------+     |    
- |    |  TIFS   |         |                       |          :            |    
- |    |Services |         |                       |     +-------------+   |    
- |    |         |<--------|-----------------------|---->|*TF-A/OP-TEE*|   |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     +-------------+   |    
- |    |         |         |                       |          :            |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     +-----------+     |    
- |    |         |<--------|-----------------------|---->| *A72 SPL* |     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     +-----------+     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     |   Load    |     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     | u-boot.img|     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     +-----------+     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |          :            |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     +-----------+     |    
- |    |         |<--------|-----------------------|---->| *U-Boot*  |     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     +-----------+     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     |  prompt   |     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     +-----------+     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     |  Load R5  |     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     |  Firmware |     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     +-----------+     |    
- |    |         |<--------|-----------------------|-----|  Start R5 |     |    
  +-----------+    |
- |    |         
|---------|-----------------------|-----+-----------+-----|----->| R5 starts |  
- |    |         |         |                       |     |  Load C7  |     |    
  +-----------+    |
- |    |         |         |                       |     |  Firmware |     |    
- |    |         |         |                       |     +-----------+     |    
- |    |         |<--------|-----------------------|-----|  Start C7 |     |    
  +-----------+    |
- |    |         
|---------|-----------------------|-----+-----------+-----|----->| C7 starts |  
- |    |         |         |                       |                       |    
  +-----------+    |
- |    |         |         |                       |                       |    
- |    +---------+         |                       |                       |    
- |                        |                       |                       |    
+.. image:: img/boot_diagram_k3_current.svg
 - Here DMSC acts as master and provides all the critical services. R5/A72
   requests DMSC to get these services done as shown in the above diagram.

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