From: Meng Li <> There are 2 patches as bleow: 0001-bcm2835-Add-simiple-framebuffer-for-use-with-fkms.patch 0002-rpi-set-the-correct-parameter-for-simple-framebuffer.patch The first one is used to enable u-boot video driver. The second one is used to fix the wired display status on monitor.
Jason Wessel (1): bcm2835: Add simiple-framebuffer for use with fkms Meng Li (1): rpi: set the correct parameter for simple framebuffer node board/raspberrypi/rpi/rpi.c | 2 ++ drivers/video/bcm2835.c | 3 +++ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+) -- 2.34.1