On Saturday, January 29, 2011 07:58:37 Michael Schwingen wrote:
> I am wondering how CONFIG_ENV_IS_EMBEDDED is supposed to work.

the embedded env stuff is kind of a mess.  anyone will to waste/spend time on 
cleaning it up would be nice.

> As far as I understand the code, it is set automatically by
> environment.h in case the environment is in a sector in NOR flash that
> overlaps with the u-boot code.

historically, i think that's what the code attempted to do.

> However, I see two problems:
>  - CONFIG_ENV_IS_EMBEDDED does not end up in autoconf.mk - however, it
> is used in common/Makefile. This does not cause problems as long as
> CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH is also set, but the switch in the Makefile is
> either useless or broken.

well, the former cant really show up if the latter isnt defined

>  - include/common.h also contains #ifdef CONFIG_ENV_IS_EMBEDDED without
> including environment.h, so that the definitions inside that block are
> never reached.

common.h has historically been a dumping ground for crap.  relocating that 
malloc-specific code to a better header would probably be a good idea.

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