Hi Tom,

This PR includes the following x86 related changes for v2023.10 release:

- bootstd: Add a bootmeth for ChromiumOS on x86
- x86: Use qemu-x86_64 to boot EFI installers

Azure results: PASS

The following changes since commit e6e67bb9e0a40f3eb3c87d16935192821987c3e0:

  Merge branch '2023-07-14-assorted-general-updates' (2023-07-14 15:21:48 -0400)

are available in the Git repository at:


for you to fetch changes up to b8956425d525c3c25fd218f252f89a5e44df6a9f:

  x86: Switch QEMU over to use the bochs driver (2023-07-17 17:23:15 +0800)

Simon Glass (60):
      test: Skip flat-tree tests if devicetree is not used
      bootstd: Correct the name of the QEMU bootmeth
      bootstd: Use bootdev instead of bootdevice
      bootstd: Correct baudrate typo
      bootstd: Allow storing the OS command line in the bootflow
      bootstd: Use the bootargs env var for changing the cmdline
      bootstd: Allow storing x86 setup information
      bdinfo: Show information about the serial port
      bootstd: Add a function to update a command line
      bootstd: Add support for updating elements of the cmdline
      x86: qemu: Create a little more room for U-Boot
      x86: qemu: Switch to standard boot
      bootstd: Support automatically setting Linux parameters
      x86: Add a function to boot a zimage
      x86: zimage: Export the function to obtain the cmdline
      bootstd: Add a simple bootmeth for ChromiumOS
      x86: coreboot: Adjust various config options
      x86: coral: Adjust various config options
      x86: Allow listing MTRRs in SPL
      x86: mtrr: Add documentation
      bios_emulator: Add Kconfig and adjust Makefile for SPL
      bios_emulator: Drop VIDEO_IO_OFFSET
      x86: Tidy up EFI code in interrupt_init()
      x86: Add a comment for board_init_f_r_trampoline()
      x86: Show the CPU physical address size with bdinfo
      x86: Correct get_sp() implementation for 64-bit
      x86: Show an error when a BIOS exception occurs
      acpi: Add a comment to set the acpi tables
      bdinfo: Show the RAM top and approximate stack pointer
      part: Allow setting the partition-table type
      qfw: Show the file address if available
      log: Tidy up an ambiguous comment
      qfw: Set the address of the ACPI tables
      efi: Show all known UUIDs with CONFIG_CMD_EFIDEBUG
      x86: Improve the trampoline in 64-bit mode
      bdinfo: Show the malloc base with the bdinfo command
      nvme: Provide more useful debugging messages
      pci: Support autoconfig in SPL
      pci: Tidy up logging and reporting for video BIOS
      x86: Allow video-BIOS code to be built for SPL
      x86: Pass video settings from SPL to U-Boot proper
      x86: Ensure SPL banner is only shown once
      x86: Init video in SPL if enabled
      pci: Adjust video BIOS debugging to be SPL-friendly
      pci: Mask the ROM address in case it is already enabled
      x86: Enable display for QEMU 64-bit
      x86: Allow logging to be used in SPL reliably
      fs: fat: Shrink the size of a few strings
      x86: Enable useful options for qemu-86_64
      x86: Refactor table-writing code a little
      x86: Record the start and end of the tables
      x86: Convert some debug statements to use logging
      x86: link: Support Micron memory
      x86: Make sure that the LPC is active before SDRAM init
      log: Support outputing function names in SPL
      sandbox: Correct header order in board file
      sandbox: Install ACPI tables on startup
      efi: Use the installed ACPI tables
      x86: video: Add a driver for QEMU bochs emulation
      x86: Switch QEMU over to use the bochs driver

 arch/sandbox/include/asm/global_data.h    |   4 ++
 arch/x86/cpu/i386/interrupt.c             |  17 +++-----
 arch/x86/cpu/intel_common/mrc.c           |  10 ++---
 arch/x86/cpu/ivybridge/sdram.c            |   4 +-
 arch/x86/cpu/mtrr.c                       |  61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/x86/cpu/qemu/Kconfig                 |   2 +-
 arch/x86/cpu/start64.S                    |  19 +++++++++
 arch/x86/dts/chromebook_link.dts          |   1 +
 arch/x86/include/asm/global_data.h        |   4 ++
 arch/x86/include/asm/mtrr.h               |  20 ++++++++++
 arch/x86/include/asm/u-boot-x86.h         |  27 ++++++++++++-
 arch/x86/include/asm/zimage.h             |  27 +++++++++++++
 arch/x86/lib/Makefile                     |   7 ++--
 arch/x86/lib/bdinfo.c                     |   5 +++
 arch/x86/lib/bios.c                       |   4 +-
 arch/x86/lib/bootm.c                      |   2 +-
 arch/x86/lib/mrccache.c                   |   6 ++-
 arch/x86/lib/spl.c                        |  68
 arch/x86/lib/tables.c                     |  46 +++++++++++++++-------
 arch/x86/lib/zimage.c                     |  93
 board/google/Kconfig                      |   7 ----
 board/sandbox/sandbox.c                   |  22 +++++++++--
 boot/Kconfig                              |  11 ++++++
 boot/Makefile                             |   1 +
 boot/bootflow.c                           | 339
 boot/bootmeth-uclass.c                    |   2 +-
 boot/bootmeth_cros.c                      | 212
 boot/bootmeth_qfw.c                       |   2 +-
 cmd/Kconfig                               |   8 ++++
 cmd/acpi.c                                |  24 ++++++++++--
 cmd/bdinfo.c                              |  27 +++++++++++++
 cmd/bootflow.c                            |  87
 cmd/part.c                                |  34 ++++++++++++++++
 cmd/qfw.c                                 |   2 +-
 cmd/x86/mtrr.c                            |  60 ++--------------------------
 common/bloblist.c                         |   1 +
 common/board_f.c                          |  12 +++---
 common/board_r.c                          |   7 ++--
 common/log.c                              |   2 +-
 common/log_console.c                      |  10 ++++-
 configs/chromebook_coral_defconfig        |  10 ++++-
 configs/coreboot_defconfig                |  14 +------
 configs/qemu-x86_64_defconfig             |  21 +++++++---
 configs/qemu-x86_defconfig                |   5 +--
 configs/tools-only_defconfig              |   1 +
 disk/part.c                               |  16 ++++++++
 doc/usage/cmd/acpi.rst                    |  29 +++++++++++++-
 doc/usage/cmd/bootflow.rst                | 100
 doc/usage/cmd/mtrr.rst                    | 151
 doc/usage/cmd/part.rst                    |  74
 doc/usage/cmd/qfw.rst                     |  27 +++++++------
 doc/usage/index.rst                       |   1 +
 drivers/Kconfig                           |   2 +
 drivers/Makefile                          |   2 +-
 drivers/bios_emulator/Kconfig             |  10 +++++
 drivers/bios_emulator/biosemui.h          |  18 ++++-----
 drivers/bios_emulator/x86emu/sys.c        |   1 +
 drivers/gpio/intel_ich6_gpio.c            |   5 ++-
 drivers/misc/qfw.c                        |  13 +++++++
 drivers/mmc/mmc_bootdev.c                 |   2 +-
 drivers/nvme/nvme.c                       |  36 ++++++++++++-----
 drivers/pch/pch9.c                        |   6 ++-
 drivers/pci/Kconfig                       |   5 +++
 drivers/pci/pci-uclass.c                  |  10 ++++-
 drivers/pci/pci_rom.c                     | 119
 drivers/scsi/scsi_bootdev.c               |   2 +-
 drivers/usb/host/usb_bootdev.c            |   2 +-
 drivers/video/Kconfig                     |  30 ++++++++++++++
 drivers/video/Makefile                    |   1 +
 drivers/video/bochs.c                     | 123
 drivers/video/bochs.h                     |  36 +++++++++++++++++
 fs/fat/fat.c                              |  20 +++++-----
 fs/fat/fat_write.c                        |  14 ++-----
 fs/sandbox/host_bootdev.c                 |   2 +-
 include/asm-generic/global_data.h         |  13 +++++++
 include/bloblist.h                        |   1 +
 include/bootdev.h                         |   2 +-
 include/bootflow.h                        | 100
 include/configs/conga-qeval20-qa3-e3845.h |   2 -
 include/configs/dfi-bt700.h               |   2 -
 include/configs/minnowmax.h               |   2 -
 include/configs/qemu-x86.h                |   8 ----
 include/configs/som-db5800-som-6867.h     |   2 -
 include/configs/theadorable-x86-common.h  |   2 -
 include/configs/x86-chromebook.h          |   2 -
 include/env_callback.h                    |   6 ++-
 include/part.h                            |   9 +++++
 include/video.h                           |  24 ++++++++++++
 lib/efi_loader/efi_acpi.c                 |  33 +++++++++-------
 lib/uuid.c                                |   2 +-
 net/eth_bootdev.c                         |   2 +-
 test/boot/bootflow.c                      | 263
 test/cmd/bdinfo.c                         |  21 ++++++++++
 test/dm/acpi.c                            |  38 ++++++++++++++++++
 test/test-main.c                          |   3 +-
 95 files changed, 2424 insertions(+), 318 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 boot/bootmeth_cros.c
 create mode 100644 doc/usage/cmd/mtrr.rst
 create mode 100644 drivers/bios_emulator/Kconfig
 create mode 100644 drivers/video/bochs.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/video/bochs.h


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