Dear Tom,

The following changes since commit b3bbad816e97538c8c3b8acad7c7e134261cf3a3:

  Merge branch '2023-07-14-expo-initial-config-editor' (2023-07-14
13:26:42 -0400)

are available in the Git repository at:

for you to fetch changes up to 345a8b15acf228c4a429f6569c34cbc0232e76eb:

  doc: uefi: enhance anti-rollback documentation (2023-07-15 11:20:41

Gitlab CI showed no issues:

Pull request efi-2023-10-rc1


* enhance UEFI anti-rollback documentation


* Reconnect drivers if UninstallProtocol fails
* Prefer short device paths for boot options
* Fix error handling when updating boot options for block devices

Heinrich Schuchardt (1):
      README: remove Minicom comment

Ilias Apalodimas (4):
      efi_loader: reconnect drivers on failure
      efi_loader: check the status of disconnected drivers
      efi_loader: fix the return codes of UninstallProtocol
      efi_selftests: add extra testcases on controller handling

Masahisa Kojima (1):
      doc: uefi: enhance anti-rollback documentation

Raymond Mao (3):
      Move bootorder and bootoption apis to lib
      Fix incorrect return code of boot option update
      Load option with short device path for boot vars

 README                                      |  21 --
 cmd/bootmenu.c                              |   4 +-
 cmd/eficonfig.c                             | 410
 doc/develop/uefi/uefi.rst                   |   7 +
 include/efi_config.h                        |   5 -
 include/efi_loader.h                        |  11 +
 lib/efi_loader/efi_bootmgr.c                | 385
 lib/efi_loader/efi_boottime.c               |  43 ++-
 lib/efi_loader/efi_helper.c                 |  25 ++
 lib/efi_selftest/efi_selftest_controllers.c |  44 ++-
 10 files changed, 514 insertions(+), 441 deletions(-)

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