On 6/13/23 08:52, Xavier Drudis Ferran wrote:
Ok. New test.
This uses yesterday morning's next branch.
commit 5b589e139620214f
Merge: cc5a940923 32d2461e04
Merge branch 'next_net/phy_connect_dev'
USB2 does not work for rk3399 in next (fixes are in master, thanks),
but USB3 is enough.
I compiled for rock-pi-4-rk3399_defconfig
flashed to a new microSD card as per doc/board/rockchip/rockchip.rst :
dd if=u-boot-rockchip.bin of=/dev/sda seek=64
Put this microSD card in a Rock Pi 4 B+
Put a new USB stick in the USB3 port (center blue port closer to board).
(the microSD card and USB stick come from factory, I guess they were
partitioned with a single FAT partition)
(make sure emmc and spi are blank)
Connected only serial console and power.
Got this:
U-Boot TPL 2023.07-rc2-00144-g497967f1ee (Jun 12 2023 - 11:15:47)
Next is already at rc4 , what's this rc2 ?