Hi Devarsh,

On 12/05/23 13:39, Devarsh Thakkar wrote:
Hi Nikhil, Vignesh, Tom,

Thanks for the patch.

On 11/05/23 15:29, Nikhil M Jain wrote:

I think more apt subject would be "Update stack pointer after relocation"
At SPL stage when stack is relocated, the stack pointer needs to be

the stack pointer may point to stack in on chip memory even
though stack is relocated.

Signed-off-by: Nikhil M Jain <n-ja...@ti.com>
  common/spl/spl.c | 1 +
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/common/spl/spl.c b/common/spl/spl.c
index 72078a8ebc..206caf4f8b 100644
--- a/common/spl/spl.c
+++ b/common/spl/spl.c
@@ -992,6 +992,7 @@ ulong spl_relocate_stack_gd(void)
        /* Get stack position: use 8-byte alignment for ABI compliance */
        ptr = CONFIG_SPL_STACK_R_ADDR - roundup(sizeof(gd_t),16);
+       gd->start_addr_sp = ptr;
        new_gd = (gd_t *)ptr;

Seems to me you are setting gd->start_addr_sp to new gd's base address, are
they both supposed to be same ?

Vignesh, Tom,

Could you please have a look at this patch and comment ? Does the caller of
this function need to set gd->start_addr_sp or it's ok to set in here only?

I looked at how the start_addr_sp was being updated in u-boot proper stage and it is done in the same way as I have done. Since the stack grows in opposite direction there won't be any issues.


        memcpy(new_gd, (void *)gd, sizeof(gd_t));


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