Unfortunately, the TCG spec is very confusing in section 6.4.4 #2 and
#3.  They attempted to clarify in an errata:

...but it is still confusing.

Ilias and I had discussed the ambiguities, and back in March 2022 I
requested clarification from the TCG workgroup.  In cases of
ambiguity TCG frequently will defer to how EDK2 has implemented
a point in the spec.

Here are my notes following the call with TCG about the intent
of #2 and #3, which was based on their review of the EDK2

a. If a client passes in a Size that is the full size including all
   fields including ActivePcrBanks, the return code is SUCCESS and
   all fields are populated. [This is a 1.1 client scenario]

b. If a client passes in a Size that includes all fields up to
   and including the vendor ID, the return code is SUCCESS and all
   fields up to including the vendor ID are populated. [This is a
   1.0 client scenario, so a populated 1.0 struct is returned]

c. If a client passes in a Size that is less than the size up to
   and including the vendor ID, the return code is BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
   and the Size field is populated with the full size of the struct
   supported by the firmware. [This allows a client to determine
   whether it is talking to 1.0 or 1.1 firmware]

What Ilias wants to avoid is supporting #b above in u-boot, and
I agree that having u-boot support clients based on struct 1.0
seems unnecessary.

I took a look at the u-boot code.  What I think we want is this:

diff --git a/include/efi_tcg2.h b/include/efi_tcg2.h
index b1c3abd097..6a46d9e51c 100644
--- a/include/efi_tcg2.h
+++ b/include/efi_tcg2.h
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ struct efi_tcg2_boot_service_capability {

  /* up to and including the vendor ID (manufacturer_id) field */
         offsetof(struct efi_tcg2_boot_service_capability,

  #define TCG_EFI_SPEC_ID_EVENT_SIGNATURE_03 "Spec ID Event03"
diff --git a/lib/efi_loader/efi_tcg2.c b/lib/efi_loader/efi_tcg2.c
index a83ae7a46c..d37b896b7e 100644
--- a/lib/efi_loader/efi_tcg2.c
+++ b/lib/efi_loader/efi_tcg2.c
@@ -742,15 +742,15 @@ efi_tcg2_get_capability(struct efi_tcg2_protocol
                 goto out;

-       if (capability->size < BOOT_SERVICE_CAPABILITY_MIN) {
-               capability->size = BOOT_SERVICE_CAPABILITY_MIN;
+       if (capability->size < BOOT_SERVICE_CAPABILITY_1_0) {
+               capability->size = sizeof(*capability);
                 efi_ret = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
                 goto out;

         if (capability->size < sizeof(*capability)) {
                 capability->size = sizeof(*capability);
-               efi_ret = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
+               efi_ret = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
                 goto out;

That is:

-if the passed in size is less than the 1.0 struct size
  then return sizeof() the full struct.  This allows
  client to query and determine the supported struct

-to detect and reject 1.0 clients, if the passed in
  size is >= 1.0 struct size AND less than sizeof(*capability)
  then return EFI_UNSUPPORTED

Does that make sense?

No, this will not work. A 1.0 client may call with size = 0 and next
will call with whatever size was returned accompanied by

The spec defines the Size field as "Allocated size of the
structure.", so I don't see how a value of 0 makes sense.

If a client wants to just get the Size field populated, pass in
a buffer of Size=1 and firmware will return just the Size field
populated with the correct struct size.

It is the client's obligation to check the values of fields
StructureVersion and ProtocolVersion.

Yes, but what if the client fails to do that? What if a client
passes in a struct with a size corresponding to a 1.0 struct?
What should firmware do?

According to point #b above, firmware should support the 1.0
client and populate only the 1.0 fields.  But, what we are
proposing is not supporting that in u-boot.  Instead return
EFI_UNSUPPORTED.  I can discuss this with the TCG WG.


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