These are now quite out-of-date. Update to 2023 versions and bring in
those are are needed for the newer tool features.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

(no changes since v1)

 doc/build/tools.rst | 20 ++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/build/tools.rst b/doc/build/tools.rst
index ec0172292585..6b7342a27606 100644
--- a/doc/build/tools.rst
+++ b/doc/build/tools.rst
@@ -24,15 +24,18 @@ you can use MSYS2, a software distro and building platform 
for Windows.
 Download the MSYS2 installer from Make sure you have
 installed all required packages below in order to build these host tools::
-   * gcc (9.1.0)
-   * make (4.2.1)
-   * bison (3.4.2)
-   * diffutils (3.7)
-   * openssl-devel (1.1.1.d)
+   * gcc (11.3.0-3)
+   * make (4.4.1-1)
+   * bison (3.8.2-4)
+   * diffutils (3.9-1)
+   * flex (2.6.4-3)
+   * libgnutls-devel (3.8.0-1)
+   * libutil-linux-devel (2.35.2)
+   * openssl-devel (3.1.0-1)
 Note the version numbers in these parentheses above are the package versions
 at the time being when writing this document. The MSYS2 installer tested is
 There are 3 MSYS subsystems installed: MSYS2, MinGW32 and MinGW64. Each
 subsystem provides an environment to build Windows applications. The MSYS2
@@ -43,5 +46,6 @@ applications using a linux toolchain (gcc, bash, etc), 
targeting respectively
 Launch the MSYS2 shell of the MSYS2 environment, and do the following::
-   $ make tools-only_defconfig
-   $ make tools-only
+   $ pacman -S bison diffutils flex gcc libgnutls-devel libutil-linux-devel \
+      make openssl-devel
+   $ make tools-only_defconfig tools-only

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