Hi Kamlesh!

On March  2, 2023 thus sayeth kaml...@ti.com:
> From: Kamlesh Gurudasani <kaml...@ti.com>
> Add support for high security bootflow on am62 devices.
> On HS devices, ROM and TIFS will protect the RAM regions with
> firewalls. This means the wakeup domain's SPL will need to move the
> stack and heap to HSM RAM to ensure it stays within its allotted
> memory regions.
> Kamlesh Gurudasani (2):
>   arm: mach-k3: am62: move scratch board area to HSM RAM
>   configs: am62: move stack and heap to HSM RAM
>  arch/arm/mach-k3/include/mach/am62_hardware.h |  3 +--
>  configs/am62x_evm_r5_defconfig                | 16 +++++++++++-----
>  2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

Thanks for getting this fixed! Does TIFS drop the On Chip SRAM firewall 
completely once it's started? or only for the r5?

Reviewed-by: Bryan Brattlof <b...@ti.com>


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