On 2/27/23 15:58, Dario Binacchi wrote:
Hi Ashok,

On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 6:07 AM Ashok Reddy Soma
<ashok.reddy.s...@amd.com> wrote:
DC3 nand node is not correct, it is showing all partitions under
controller node directly. Create two sub nand nodes with partitions for

Signed-off-by: Ashok Reddy Soma <ashok.reddy.s...@amd.com>

  arch/arm/dts/zynqmp-zc1751-xm017-dc3.dts | 117 ++++++++++++++---------
  1 file changed, 70 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/zynqmp-zc1751-xm017-dc3.dts 
index 13812470ae..8a06c2a90a 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/zynqmp-zc1751-xm017-dc3.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/zynqmp-zc1751-xm017-dc3.dts
@@ -128,54 +128,77 @@
         num-cs = <2>;

-       partition@0 {   /* for testing purpose */
-               label = "nand-fsbl-uboot";
-               reg = <0x0 0x0 0x400000>;
+       nand@0 {
+               reg = <0x0>;
+               #address-cells = <0x2>;
+               #size-cells = <0x1>;
+               nand-ecc-mode = "soft";
+               nand-ecc-algo = "bch";
+               nand-rb = <0>;
+               label = "main-storage-0";
+               nand-ecc-step-size = <1024>;
+               nand-ecc-strength = <24>;
+               partition@0 {   /* for testing purpose */
+                       label = "nand-fsbl-uboot";
+                       reg = <0x0 0x0 0x400000>;
+               };
+               partition@1 {   /* for testing purpose */
+                       label = "nand-linux";
+                       reg = <0x0 0x400000 0x1400000>;
+               };
+               partition@2 {   /* for testing purpose */
+                       label = "nand-device-tree";
+                       reg = <0x0 0x1800000 0x400000>;
+               };
+               partition@3 {   /* for testing purpose */
+                       label = "nand-rootfs";
+                       reg = <0x0 0x1C00000 0x1400000>;
+               };
+               partition@4 {   /* for testing purpose */
+                       label = "nand-bitstream";
+                       reg = <0x0 0x3000000 0x400000>;
+               };
+               partition@5 {   /* for testing purpose */
+                       label = "nand-misc";
+                       reg = <0x0 0x3400000 0xFCC00000>;
+               };
I don't see these partitions in the kernel dts. Can we take advantage
of this opportunity to align the dts to that of the kernel
by adding a new file -u-boot.dtsi where to put the partitions?
I don't want any -u-boot.dtsi file. Simon is trying to get rid of it by moving 
u-boot specific configurations to dt binding.
But I think we should used fixed-partitions description instead.

And yes the same change should be also pushed to Linux kernel.


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