Hi Heinrich,


> >+
> >+Measured Boot
> >+=====================
> This completely misses o describe measured boot with UEFI.
> @Ilias, do you want to add that in a follow up patch?

Yes, I'll do that once I pull Eddie's patches

> >+
> >+U-Boot can perform a measured boot, the process of hashing various 
> >components
> >+of the boot process, extending the results in the TPM and logging the
> >+component's measurement in memory for the operating system to consume.
> >+
> >+Requirements
> >+---------------------
> >+
> >+* A hardware TPM 2.0 supported by the U-Boot drivers
> >+* CONFIG_TPM=y
> >+* Device-tree configuration of the TPM device to specify the memory area
> >+  for event logging. The TPM device node must either contain a phandle to
> >+  a reserved memory region or "linux,sml-base" and "linux,sml-size"
> >+  indicating the address and size of the memory region. An example can be
> >+  found in arch/sandbox/dts/test.dts
> >+* The operating system must also be configured to use the memory regions
> >+  specified in the U-Boot device-tree in order to make use of the event
> >+  log.
> Please, provide enough information such that a reader can set this up. This 
> should include example code.
> Best regards
> Heinrich

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