
I'm trying to boot MCR3000 board with U-boot 2023.01 and it crashes in 
the weed in fdtdec_setup().

I bisected the issue to commit 50128aeb0f8 ("cyclic: get rid of 

At the time being I don't understand what happens.

The problem is here below, idx is in the weed, I don't know why, any idea ?

     htab=0x4050288 <env_htab>, flag=flag@entry=0x0) at lib/hashtable.c:313
313             if (htab->table[idx].used) {
=> 0x04032098 <hsearch_r+120>:  1f 9d 00 14     mulli   r28,r29,20
    0x0403209c <hsearch_r+124>: 81 3f 00 00     lwz     r9,0(r31)
    0x040320a0 <hsearch_r+128>: 7d 49 e2 14     add     r10,r9,r28
    0x040320a4 <hsearch_r+132>: 7d 29 e0 2e     lwzx    r9,r9,r28
    0x040320a8 <hsearch_r+136>: 2f 89 00 00     cmpwi   cr7,r9,0
    0x040320ac <hsearch_r+140>: 41 9e 01 00     beq     cr7,0x40321ac 
(gdb) stepi
0x0403209c      313             if (htab->table[idx].used) {
    0x04032098 <hsearch_r+120>: 1f 9d 00 14     mulli   r28,r29,20
=> 0x0403209c <hsearch_r+124>:  81 3f 00 00     lwz     r9,0(r31)
    0x040320a0 <hsearch_r+128>: 7d 49 e2 14     add     r10,r9,r28
    0x040320a4 <hsearch_r+132>: 7d 29 e0 2e     lwzx    r9,r9,r28
    0x040320a8 <hsearch_r+136>: 2f 89 00 00     cmpwi   cr7,r9,0
    0x040320ac <hsearch_r+140>: 41 9e 01 00     beq     cr7,0x40321ac 
(gdb) print $r31
$1 = 0x4050288
(gdb) stepi
0x040320a0      313             if (htab->table[idx].used) {
    0x04032098 <hsearch_r+120>: 1f 9d 00 14     mulli   r28,r29,20
    0x0403209c <hsearch_r+124>: 81 3f 00 00     lwz     r9,0(r31)
=> 0x040320a0 <hsearch_r+128>:  7d 49 e2 14     add     r10,r9,r28
    0x040320a4 <hsearch_r+132>: 7d 29 e0 2e     lwzx    r9,r9,r28
    0x040320a8 <hsearch_r+136>: 2f 89 00 00     cmpwi   cr7,r9,0
    0x040320ac <hsearch_r+140>: 41 9e 01 00     beq     cr7,0x40321ac 
0x040320a4      313             if (htab->table[idx].used) {
    0x04032098 <hsearch_r+120>: 1f 9d 00 14     mulli   r28,r29,20
    0x0403209c <hsearch_r+124>: 81 3f 00 00     lwz     r9,0(r31)
    0x040320a0 <hsearch_r+128>: 7d 49 e2 14     add     r10,r9,r28
=> 0x040320a4 <hsearch_r+132>:  7d 29 e0 2e     lwzx    r9,r9,r28
    0x040320a8 <hsearch_r+136>: 2f 89 00 00     cmpwi   cr7,r9,0
    0x040320ac <hsearch_r+140>: 41 9e 01 00     beq     cr7,0x40321ac 
(gdb) print $r9
$2 = 0x0
(gdb) print $r28
$3 = 0x22b154f8
(gdb) print $r29
$4 = 0x9b55aaa6
(gdb) print idx
$5 = 0x9b55aaa6
(gdb) bt
#0  hsearch_r (item=..., action=action@entry=ENV_FIND, 
     htab=0x4050288 <env_htab>, flag=flag@entry=0x0) at lib/hashtable.c:313
#1  0x04026d1c in env_get (name=0x4042c81 "fdtcontroladdr") at 
#2  0x04026d74 in env_get_hex (varname=<optimized out>, 
     at env/common.c:81
#3  0x04031b68 in fdtdec_setup () at lib/fdtdec.c:1659
#4  0x04013188 in initcall_run_list (init_sequence=0x404bd90 
     at include/initcall.h:46
#5  board_init_f (boot_flags=<optimized out>) at common/board_f.c:981
#6  0x040001e4 in in_flash () at arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc8xx/start.S:174

$ git log -1 --oneline
50128aeb0f8 (HEAD) cyclic: get rid of cyclic_init()

Reverting that commit on top of v2023.01 allows a successful boot.


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