Hi Remy,

> 2011/1/15 Marcel <korg...@home.nl>:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Is there someone on the list who has a USB trace of a working CDC
> > implementation ?
> > What I want to know is what happens after all descriptors are received by
> > the host.
> > The last descriptor I receive is a string descriptor saying "Ethernet
> > data".
> > 
> > I'm busy implementing the USB device controller for the SAM9G45 and got
> > quite
> In the U-boot-usb tree  there is a branch (cdc-at91 branch) that has a
> working implementation for a SAM9261 core.
> Maybe this gives you a starting point...

This has been my starting point for a couple of weeks and it did help quite a 
lot already. It's the main reason I checked out this branch.
Unfortunately I'm stuck with a tiny issue and was wondering if someone has a 
USB trace of this SAM9261 implementation or just let me know if everything 
works well with this board and current git status.
I usually assume code in git is working code, but since I can't find a 
difference between my code and the at91_udc.c code at the point where I'm stuck 
I very much wonder. 

Best regards,

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