Hi Wolfgang,

> > Nobody ?
> Well,you're supposed to do some basic code reading yourself.

Of course. It's always the idea to post a question after reading for some 
time. It either means I don't understand the code, the code really doesn't 
work or I did miss the most important part in the documents. I guess the 
answer will follow once the issue is solved.
To be specific, I work with the u-boot-usb at91-cdc branch code. I'm not sure 
if that is all working code at this moment but sounded like the best starting 
point for my USB code.
> > req->buf = (u8 *) NetRxPackets[0];
> > 
> > This is returning an non existing buffer for some reason and I know not
> > much about the ethernet layer to fix this.
> But you know how to use the search function in your favorite editor,
> and tools like for example ctags or grep?
> Hint: have a look at "net/net.c".

I found that, but it doesn't make sense to me. I'll read it again and 
hopefully it makes sense to me than. Anyway, my knowledge of the ethernet part 
in u-boot is limited and I do not focus on ethernet. I will not use ether.c in 
the end anyway and I was just hoping it would work as a basis to test my new 
controller code. 

> And note: as NetRxPackets[] is a static array I can't see how
> NetRxPackets[0] should be a "non existing buffer".

Well, I guess the point where that's done doesn't show up nicely with grep.
I probably missed it and will start to read the ethernet code. I know little 
of the ethernet code so I feel that as of tomorrow I will skip ether.c and 
move on to implementing another driver for testing my controller code.

My feeling is that I miss something very simple, but I can be looking for it 
for days. Perhaps I missed some define or whatever, but I'm almost certain that 
I missed something extremely simple that causes NetRxPackets to be empty 


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