On 12/22/22 21:23, Simon Glass wrote:
> (dropping the two bounces from cc)
> On Thu, 22 Dec 2022 at 13:18, Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> Hi Jerome,
>> On Thu, 22 Dec 2022 at 08:36, Jerome Forissier
>> <jerome.foriss...@linaro.org> wrote:
>>> On 12/22/22 00:07, Simon Glass wrote:
>>>> OP-TEE has a format with a binary header that can be used instead of the
>>>> ELF file. With newer versions of OP-TEE this may be required on some
>>>> platforms.
>>>> Add support for this in binman. First, add a method to obtain the ELF
>>>> sections from an entry, then use that in the FIT support. We then end up
>>>> with the ability to support both types of OP-TEE files, depending on which
>>>> one is passed in with the entry argument (TEE=xxx in the U-Boot build).
>>> So, with:
>>> BL31=/path/to/bl31.elf TEE=/path/to/tee.bin make -C u-boot \
>>>   CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc \
>>> ...I get:
>>> Entry '/binman/simple-bin/fit/images/@tee-SEQ/tee-os' marked absent: uses 
>>> v1 format which must be in a FIT
>>> More complete log at https://pastebin.com/UZzZeicQ
>> Thanks.
>> Is this file in the v1 binary format (with the custom header),


>> or is
>> is a plain binary file? At present only the former is supported, as I
>> thought that it can only be the elf or the v1 binary format these
>> days?

>> Actually can you please send me the tee.bin ?

Sure, here you go: https://ufile.io/f/ex5oy

I have added bl31.elf too, although I suppose it is handled properly
being an ELF file.


>> Regards,
>> Simon
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Jerome
>>>> Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>
>>>> ---
>>>> (no changes since v7)
>>>> Changes in v7:
>>>> - Correct missing test coverage
>>>> Changes in v6:
>>>> - Update op-tee to support new v1 binary header
>>>>  tools/binman/entries.rst                     | 35 ++++++++-
>>>>  tools/binman/entry.py                        | 13 +++
>>>>  tools/binman/etype/fit.py                    | 69 +++++++++-------
>>>>  tools/binman/etype/section.py                |  9 +++
>>>>  tools/binman/etype/tee_os.py                 | 68 +++++++++++++++-
>>>>  tools/binman/ftest.py                        | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>  tools/binman/test/263_tee_os_opt.dts         | 22 ++++++
>>>>  tools/binman/test/264_tee_os_opt_fit.dts     | 33 ++++++++
>>>>  tools/binman/test/265_tee_os_opt_fit_bad.dts | 40 ++++++++++
>>>>  9 files changed, 340 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
>>>>  create mode 100644 tools/binman/test/263_tee_os_opt.dts
>>>>  create mode 100644 tools/binman/test/264_tee_os_opt_fit.dts
>>>>  create mode 100644 tools/binman/test/265_tee_os_opt_fit_bad.dts
>>>> diff --git a/tools/binman/entries.rst b/tools/binman/entries.rst
>>>> index b2ce7960d3b..a3e4493a44f 100644
>>>> --- a/tools/binman/entries.rst
>>>> +++ b/tools/binman/entries.rst
>>>> @@ -1508,12 +1508,45 @@ Entry: tee-os: Entry containing an OP-TEE Trusted 
>>>> OS (TEE) blob
>>>>  Properties / Entry arguments:
>>>>      - tee-os-path: Filename of file to read into entry. This is typically
>>>> -        called tee-pager.bin
>>>> +        called tee.bin or tee.elf
>>>>  This entry holds the run-time firmware, typically started by U-Boot SPL.
>>>>  See the U-Boot README for your architecture or board for how to use it. 
>>>> See
>>>>  https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os for more information about OP-TEE.
>>>> +Note that if the file is in ELF format, it must go in a FIT. In that case,
>>>> +this entry will mark itself as absent, providing the data only through the
>>>> +read_elf_segments() method.
>>>> +
>>>> +Marking this entry as absent means that it if is used in the wrong context
>>>> +it can be automatically dropped. Thus it is possible to add anb OP-TEE 
>>>> entry
>>>> +like this::
>>>> +
>>>> +    binman {
>>>> +        tee-os {
>>>> +        };
>>>> +    };
>>>> +
>>>> +and pass either an ELF or plain binary in with -a tee-os-path <filename>
>>>> +and have binman do the right thing:
>>>> +
>>>> +   - include the entry if tee.bin is provided and it doesn't have the v1
>>>> +     header
>>>> +   - drop it otherwise
>>>> +
>>>> +When used within a FIT, we can do::
>>>> +
>>>> +    binman {
>>>> +        fit {
>>>> +            tee-os {
>>>> +            };
>>>> +        };
>>>> +    };
>>>> +
>>>> +which will split the ELF into separate nodes for each segment, if an ELF
>>>> +file is provide (see Flat Image Tree / FIT), or produce a single node if
>>>> +the binary v1 format is provided.
>>>> +
>>>>  .. _etype_text:
>>>> diff --git a/tools/binman/entry.py b/tools/binman/entry.py
>>>> index 637aece3705..de51d295891 100644
>>>> --- a/tools/binman/entry.py
>>>> +++ b/tools/binman/entry.py
>>>> @@ -1290,3 +1290,16 @@ features to produce new behaviours.
>>>>      def mark_absent(self, msg):
>>>>          tout.info("Entry '%s' marked absent: %s" % (self._node.path, msg))
>>>>          self.absent = True
>>>> +
>>>> +    def read_elf_segments(self):
>>>> +        """Read segments from an entry that can generate an ELF file
>>>> +
>>>> +        Returns:
>>>> +            tuple:
>>>> +                list of segments, each:
>>>> +                    int: Segment number (0 = first)
>>>> +                    int: Start address of segment in memory
>>>> +                    bytes: Contents of segment
>>>> +                int: entry address of ELF file
>>>> +        """
>>>> +        return None
>>>> diff --git a/tools/binman/etype/fit.py b/tools/binman/etype/fit.py
>>>> index 8ad4f3a8a83..21c769a1cbe 100644
>>>> --- a/tools/binman/etype/fit.py
>>>> +++ b/tools/binman/etype/fit.py
>>>> @@ -540,41 +540,34 @@ class Entry_fit(Entry_section):
>>>>                      else:
>>>>                          self.Raise("Generator node requires 
>>>> 'fit,fdt-list' property")
>>>> -        def _gen_split_elf(base_node, node, elf_data, missing):
>>>> +        def _gen_split_elf(base_node, node, segments, entry_addr):
>>>>              """Add nodes for the ELF file, one per group of contiguous 
>>>> segments
>>>>              Args:
>>>>                  base_node (Node): Template node from the binman definition
>>>>                  node (Node): Node to replace (in the FIT being built)
>>>> -                data (bytes): ELF-format data to process (may be empty)
>>>> -                missing (bool): True if any of the data is missing
>>>> +                segments, entry_addr
>>>> +
>>>> +                data (bytes): ELF-format data to process (may be empty)
>>>>              """
>>>> -            # If any pieces are missing, skip this. The missing entries 
>>>> will
>>>> -            # show an error
>>>> -            if not missing:
>>>> -                try:
>>>> -                    segments, entry = elf.read_loadable_segments(elf_data)
>>>> -                except ValueError as exc:
>>>> -                    self._raise_subnode(node,
>>>> -                                        f'Failed to read ELF file: 
>>>> {str(exc)}')
>>>> -                for (seq, start, data) in segments:
>>>> -                    node_name = node.name[1:].replace('SEQ', str(seq + 1))
>>>> -                    with fsw.add_node(node_name):
>>>> -                        loadables.append(node_name)
>>>> -                        for pname, prop in node.props.items():
>>>> -                            if not pname.startswith('fit,'):
>>>> -                                fsw.property(pname, prop.bytes)
>>>> -                            elif pname == 'fit,load':
>>>> -                                fsw.property_u32('load', start)
>>>> -                            elif pname == 'fit,entry':
>>>> -                                if seq == 0:
>>>> -                                    fsw.property_u32('entry', entry)
>>>> -                            elif pname == 'fit,data':
>>>> -                                fsw.property('data', bytes(data))
>>>> -                            elif pname != 'fit,operation':
>>>> -                                self._raise_subnode(
>>>> -                                    node, f"Unknown directive '{pname}'")
>>>> +            for (seq, start, data) in segments:
>>>> +                node_name = node.name[1:].replace('SEQ', str(seq + 1))
>>>> +                with fsw.add_node(node_name):
>>>> +                    loadables.append(node_name)
>>>> +                    for pname, prop in node.props.items():
>>>> +                        if not pname.startswith('fit,'):
>>>> +                            fsw.property(pname, prop.bytes)
>>>> +                        elif pname == 'fit,load':
>>>> +                            fsw.property_u32('load', start)
>>>> +                        elif pname == 'fit,entry':
>>>> +                            if seq == 0:
>>>> +                                fsw.property_u32('entry', entry_addr)
>>>> +                        elif pname == 'fit,data':
>>>> +                            fsw.property('data', bytes(data))
>>>> +                        elif pname != 'fit,operation':
>>>> +                            self._raise_subnode(
>>>> +                                node, f"Unknown directive '{pname}'")
>>>>          def _gen_node(base_node, node, depth, in_images, entry):
>>>>              """Generate nodes from a template
>>>> @@ -598,6 +591,8 @@ class Entry_fit(Entry_section):
>>>>                  depth (int): Current node depth (0 is the base 'fit' node)
>>>>                  in_images (bool): True if this is inside the 'images' 
>>>> node, so
>>>>                      that 'data' properties should be generated
>>>> +                entry (entry_Section): Entry for the second containing the
>>>> +                    contents of this node
>>>>              """
>>>>              oper = self._get_operation(base_node, node)
>>>>              if oper == OP_GEN_FDT_NODES:
>>>> @@ -609,10 +604,24 @@ class Entry_fit(Entry_section):
>>>>                  missing_list = []
>>>>                  entry.ObtainContents()
>>>>                  entry.Pack(0)
>>>> -                data = entry.GetData()
>>>>                  entry.CheckMissing(missing_list)
>>>> -                _gen_split_elf(base_node, node, data, bool(missing_list))
>>>> +                # If any pieces are missing, skip this. The missing 
>>>> entries will
>>>> +                # show an error
>>>> +                if not missing_list:
>>>> +                    segs = entry.read_elf_segments()
>>>> +                    if segs:
>>>> +                        segments, entry_addr = segs
>>>> +                    else:
>>>> +                        elf_data = entry.GetData()
>>>> +                        try:
>>>> +                            segments, entry_addr = (
>>>> +                                    elf.read_loadable_segments(elf_data))
>>>> +                        except ValueError as exc:
>>>> +                            self._raise_subnode(
>>>> +                                node, f'Failed to read ELF file: 
>>>> {str(exc)}')
>>>> +
>>>> +                    _gen_split_elf(base_node, node, segments, entry_addr)
>>>>          def _add_node(base_node, depth, node):
>>>>              """Add nodes to the output FIT
>>>> diff --git a/tools/binman/etype/section.py b/tools/binman/etype/section.py
>>>> index dcb7a062047..57bfee0b286 100644
>>>> --- a/tools/binman/etype/section.py
>>>> +++ b/tools/binman/etype/section.py
>>>> @@ -948,3 +948,12 @@ class Entry_section(Entry):
>>>>          super().AddBintools(btools)
>>>>          for entry in self._entries.values():
>>>>              entry.AddBintools(btools)
>>>> +
>>>> +    def read_elf_segments(self):
>>>> +        entries = self.GetEntries()
>>>> +
>>>> +        # If the section only has one entry, see if it can provide ELF 
>>>> segments
>>>> +        if len(entries) == 1:
>>>> +            for entry in entries.values():
>>>> +                return entry.read_elf_segments()
>>>> +        return None
>>>> diff --git a/tools/binman/etype/tee_os.py b/tools/binman/etype/tee_os.py
>>>> index 6ce4b672de4..687acd4689f 100644
>>>> --- a/tools/binman/etype/tee_os.py
>>>> +++ b/tools/binman/etype/tee_os.py
>>>> @@ -4,19 +4,85 @@
>>>>  # Entry-type module for OP-TEE Trusted OS firmware blob
>>>>  #
>>>> +import struct
>>>> +
>>>>  from binman.etype.blob_named_by_arg import Entry_blob_named_by_arg
>>>> +from binman import elf
>>>>  class Entry_tee_os(Entry_blob_named_by_arg):
>>>>      """Entry containing an OP-TEE Trusted OS (TEE) blob
>>>>      Properties / Entry arguments:
>>>>          - tee-os-path: Filename of file to read into entry. This is 
>>>> typically
>>>> -            called tee-pager.bin
>>>> +            called tee.bin or tee.elf
>>>>      This entry holds the run-time firmware, typically started by U-Boot 
>>>> SPL.
>>>>      See the U-Boot README for your architecture or board for how to use 
>>>> it. See
>>>>      https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os for more information about OP-TEE.
>>>> +
>>>> +    Note that if the file is in ELF format, it must go in a FIT. In that 
>>>> case,
>>>> +    this entry will mark itself as absent, providing the data only 
>>>> through the
>>>> +    read_elf_segments() method.
>>>> +
>>>> +    Marking this entry as absent means that it if is used in the wrong 
>>>> context
>>>> +    it can be automatically dropped. Thus it is possible to add anb 
>>>> OP-TEE entry
>>>> +    like this::
>>>> +
>>>> +        binman {
>>>> +            tee-os {
>>>> +            };
>>>> +        };
>>>> +
>>>> +    and pass either an ELF or plain binary in with -a tee-os-path 
>>>> <filename>
>>>> +    and have binman do the right thing:
>>>> +
>>>> +       - include the entry if tee.bin is provided and it doesn't have the 
>>>> v1
>>>> +         header
>>>> +       - drop it otherwise
>>>> +
>>>> +    When used within a FIT, we can do::
>>>> +
>>>> +        binman {
>>>> +            fit {
>>>> +                tee-os {
>>>> +                };
>>>> +            };
>>>> +        };
>>>> +
>>>> +    which will split the ELF into separate nodes for each segment, if an 
>>>> ELF
>>>> +    file is provide (see Flat Image Tree / FIT), or produce a single node 
>>>> if
>>>> +    the binary v1 format is provided.
>>>>      """
>>>>      def __init__(self, section, etype, node):
>>>>          super().__init__(section, etype, node, 'tee-os')
>>>>          self.external = True
>>>> +
>>>> +    @staticmethod
>>>> +    def is_optee_bin(data):
>>>> +        return len(data) >= 8 and data[0:5] == b'OPTE\x01'
>>>> +
>>>> +    def ObtainContents(self, fake_size=0):
>>>> +        super().ObtainContents(fake_size)
>>>> +        if not self.missing:
>>>> +            if elf.is_valid(self.data):
>>>> +                self.mark_absent('uses Elf format which must be in a FIT')
>>>> +            elif self.is_optee_bin(self.data):
>>>> +                self.mark_absent('uses v1 format which must be in a FIT')
>>>> +        return True
>>>> +
>>>> +    def read_elf_segments(self):
>>>> +        data = self.GetData()
>>>> +        if self.is_optee_bin(data):
>>>> +            # OP-TEE v1 format (tee.bin)
>>>> +            init_sz, start_hi, start_lo, _, paged_sz = (
>>>> +                struct.unpack_from('<5I', data, 0x8))
>>>> +            if paged_sz != 0:
>>>> +                self.Raise("OP-TEE paged mode not supported")
>>>> +            e_entry = (start_hi << 32) + start_lo
>>>> +            p_addr = e_entry
>>>> +            p_data = data[0x1c:]
>>>> +            if len(p_data) != init_sz:
>>>> +                self.Raise("Invalid OP-TEE file: size mismatch (expected 
>>>> %#x, have %#x)" %
>>>> +                           (init_sz, len(p_data)))
>>>> +            return [[0, p_addr, p_data]], e_entry
>>>> +        return None
>>>> diff --git a/tools/binman/ftest.py b/tools/binman/ftest.py
>>>> index f47a745f1e1..f893050e706 100644
>>>> --- a/tools/binman/ftest.py
>>>> +++ b/tools/binman/ftest.py
>>>> @@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ REPACK_DTB_PROPS = ['orig-offset', 'orig-size']
>>>>  # Supported compression bintools
>>>>  COMP_BINTOOLS = ['bzip2', 'gzip', 'lz4', 'lzma_alone', 'lzop', 'xz', 
>>>> 'zstd']
>>>> +TEE_ADDR = 0x5678
>>>> +
>>>>  class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase):
>>>>      """Functional tests for binman
>>>> @@ -219,6 +221,9 @@ class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase):
>>>>          TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('tee.elf',
>>>>              tools.read_file(cls.ElfTestFile('elf_sections')))
>>>> +        # Newer OP_TEE file in v1 binary format
>>>> +        cls.make_tee_bin('tee.bin')
>>>> +
>>>>          cls.comp_bintools = {}
>>>>          for name in COMP_BINTOOLS:
>>>>              cls.comp_bintools[name] = bintool.Bintool.create(name)
>>>> @@ -644,6 +649,14 @@ class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase):
>>>>      def ElfTestFile(cls, fname):
>>>>          return os.path.join(cls._elf_testdir, fname)
>>>> +    @classmethod
>>>> +    def make_tee_bin(cls, fname, paged_sz=0, extra_data=b''):
>>>> +        init_sz, start_hi, start_lo, dummy = (len(U_BOOT_DATA), 0, 
>>>> TEE_ADDR, 0)
>>>> +        data = b'OPTE\x01xxx' + struct.pack('<5I', init_sz, start_hi, 
>>>> start_lo,
>>>> +                                            dummy, paged_sz) + U_BOOT_DATA
>>>> +        data += extra_data
>>>> +        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile(fname, data)
>>>> +
>>>>      def AssertInList(self, grep_list, target):
>>>>          """Assert that at least one of a list of things is in a target
>>>> @@ -6095,6 +6108,76 @@ fdt         fdtmap                Extract the 
>>>> devicetree blob from the fdtmap
>>>>          data = self._DoReadFile('262_absent.dts')
>>>>          self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + U_BOOT_IMG_DATA, data)
>>>> +    def testPackTeeOsOptional(self):
>>>> +        """Test that an image with an optional TEE binary can be 
>>>> created"""
>>>> +        entry_args = {
>>>> +            'tee-os-path': 'tee.elf',
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        data = self._DoReadFileDtb('263_tee_os_opt.dts',
>>>> +                                   entry_args=entry_args)[0]
>>>> +        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + U_BOOT_IMG_DATA, data)
>>>> +
>>>> +    def checkFitTee(self, dts, tee_fname):
>>>> +        """Check that a tee-os entry works and returns data
>>>> +
>>>> +        Args:
>>>> +            dts (str): Device tree filename to use
>>>> +            tee_fname (str): filename containing tee-os
>>>> +
>>>> +        Returns:
>>>> +            bytes: Image contents
>>>> +        """
>>>> +        if not elf.ELF_TOOLS:
>>>> +            self.skipTest('Python elftools not available')
>>>> +        entry_args = {
>>>> +            'of-list': 'test-fdt1 test-fdt2',
>>>> +            'default-dt': 'test-fdt2',
>>>> +            'tee-os-path': tee_fname,
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        test_subdir = os.path.join(self._indir, TEST_FDT_SUBDIR)
>>>> +        data = self._DoReadFileDtb(dts, entry_args=entry_args,
>>>> +                                   extra_indirs=[test_subdir])[0]
>>>> +        return data
>>>> +
>>>> +    def testFitTeeOsOptionalFit(self):
>>>> +        """Test an image with a FIT with an optional OP-TEE binary"""
>>>> +        data = self.checkFitTee('264_tee_os_opt_fit.dts', 'tee.bin')
>>>> +
>>>> +        # There should be only one node, holding the data set up in 
>>>> SetUpClass()
>>>> +        # for tee.bin
>>>> +        dtb = fdt.Fdt.FromData(data)
>>>> +        dtb.Scan()
>>>> +        node = dtb.GetNode('/images/tee-1')
>>>> +        self.assertEqual(TEE_ADDR,
>>>> +                         fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(node.props['load'].value))
>>>> +        self.assertEqual(TEE_ADDR,
>>>> +                         fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(node.props['entry'].value))
>>>> +        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, node.props['data'].bytes)
>>>> +
>>>> +    def testFitTeeOsOptionalFitBad(self):
>>>> +        """Test an image with a FIT with an optional OP-TEE binary"""
>>>> +        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc:
>>>> +            self.checkFitTee('265_tee_os_opt_fit_bad.dts', 'tee.bin')
>>>> +        self.assertIn(
>>>> +            "Node '/binman/fit': subnode 'images/@tee-SEQ': Failed to 
>>>> read ELF file: Magic number does not match",
>>>> +            str(exc.exception))
>>>> +
>>>> +    def testFitTeeOsBad(self):
>>>> +        """Test an OP-TEE binary with wrong formats"""
>>>> +        self.make_tee_bin('tee.bad1', 123)
>>>> +        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc:
>>>> +            self.checkFitTee('264_tee_os_opt_fit.dts', 'tee.bad1')
>>>> +        self.assertIn(
>>>> +            "Node '/binman/fit/images/@tee-SEQ/tee-os': OP-TEE paged mode 
>>>> not supported",
>>>> +            str(exc.exception))
>>>> +
>>>> +        self.make_tee_bin('tee.bad2', 0, b'extra data')
>>>> +        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc:
>>>> +            self.checkFitTee('264_tee_os_opt_fit.dts', 'tee.bad2')
>>>> +        self.assertIn(
>>>> +            "Node '/binman/fit/images/@tee-SEQ/tee-os': Invalid OP-TEE 
>>>> file: size mismatch (expected 0x4, have 0xe)",
>>>> +            str(exc.exception))
>>>> +
>>>>  if __name__ == "__main__":
>>>>      unittest.main()
>>>> diff --git a/tools/binman/test/263_tee_os_opt.dts 
>>>> b/tools/binman/test/263_tee_os_opt.dts
>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>> index 00000000000..2e4ec24ac2c
>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>> +++ b/tools/binman/test/263_tee_os_opt.dts
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
>>>> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
>>>> +
>>>> +/dts-v1/;
>>>> +
>>>> +/ {
>>>> +     #address-cells = <1>;
>>>> +     #size-cells = <1>;
>>>> +
>>>> +     binman {
>>>> +             u-boot {
>>>> +             };
>>>> +             tee-os {
>>>> +                     /*
>>>> +                      * this results in nothing being added since only the
>>>> +                      * .bin format is supported by this etype, unless it 
>>>> is
>>>> +                      * part of a FIT
>>>> +                      */
>>>> +             };
>>>> +             u-boot-img {
>>>> +             };
>>>> +     };
>>>> +};
>>>> diff --git a/tools/binman/test/264_tee_os_opt_fit.dts 
>>>> b/tools/binman/test/264_tee_os_opt_fit.dts
>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>> index 00000000000..ae44b433edf
>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>> +++ b/tools/binman/test/264_tee_os_opt_fit.dts
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
>>>> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
>>>> +
>>>> +/dts-v1/;
>>>> +
>>>> +/ {
>>>> +     #address-cells = <1>;
>>>> +     #size-cells = <1>;
>>>> +
>>>> +     binman {
>>>> +             fit {
>>>> +                     description = "test-desc";
>>>> +                     #address-cells = <1>;
>>>> +                     fit,fdt-list = "of-list";
>>>> +
>>>> +                     images {
>>>> +                             @tee-SEQ {
>>>> +                                     fit,operation = "split-elf";
>>>> +                                     description = "TEE";
>>>> +                                     type = "tee";
>>>> +                                     arch = "arm64";
>>>> +                                     os = "tee";
>>>> +                                     compression = "none";
>>>> +                                     fit,load;
>>>> +                                     fit,entry;
>>>> +                                     fit,data;
>>>> +
>>>> +                                     tee-os {
>>>> +                                     };
>>>> +                             };
>>>> +                     };
>>>> +             };
>>>> +     };
>>>> +};
>>>> diff --git a/tools/binman/test/265_tee_os_opt_fit_bad.dts 
>>>> b/tools/binman/test/265_tee_os_opt_fit_bad.dts
>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>> index 00000000000..7fa363cc199
>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>> +++ b/tools/binman/test/265_tee_os_opt_fit_bad.dts
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
>>>> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
>>>> +
>>>> +/dts-v1/;
>>>> +
>>>> +/ {
>>>> +     #address-cells = <1>;
>>>> +     #size-cells = <1>;
>>>> +
>>>> +     binman {
>>>> +             fit {
>>>> +                     description = "test-desc";
>>>> +                     #address-cells = <1>;
>>>> +                     fit,fdt-list = "of-list";
>>>> +
>>>> +                     images {
>>>> +                             @tee-SEQ {
>>>> +                                     fit,operation = "split-elf";
>>>> +                                     description = "TEE";
>>>> +                                     type = "tee";
>>>> +                                     arch = "arm64";
>>>> +                                     os = "tee";
>>>> +                                     compression = "none";
>>>> +                                     fit,load;
>>>> +                                     fit,entry;
>>>> +                                     fit,data;
>>>> +
>>>> +                                     tee-os {
>>>> +                                     };
>>>> +
>>>> +                                     /*
>>>> +                                      * mess up the ELF data by adding
>>>> +                                      * another bit of data at the end
>>>> +                                      */
>>>> +                                     u-boot {
>>>> +                                     };
>>>> +                             };
>>>> +                     };
>>>> +             };
>>>> +     };
>>>> +};

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