At present binman returns success when told to handle missing blobs.
This is confusing this in fact the resulting image cannot work.

Use exit code 103 to signal this problem, with a -W option to convert
it to a warning.

Add documentation about exit codes while we are here.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

(no changes since v1)

 tools/binman/binman.rst | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/binman/ |  3 +++
 tools/binman/ |  7 ++++++-
 tools/binman/   | 20 ++++++++++++++++++--
 4 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/binman/binman.rst b/tools/binman/binman.rst
index fda16f1992d..30ced31e43b 100644
--- a/tools/binman/binman.rst
+++ b/tools/binman/binman.rst
@@ -1461,6 +1461,10 @@ space-separated list of directories to search for binary 
        odroid-c4/build/board/hardkernel/odroidc4/firmware \
        odroid-c4/build/scp_task" binman ...
+Note that binman fails with exit code 103 when there are missing blobs. If you
+wish binman to continue anyway, you can pass `-W` to binman.
 Code coverage
@@ -1472,6 +1476,23 @@ To enable Python test coverage on Debian-type 
distributions (e.g. Ubuntu)::
    $ sudo apt-get install python-coverage python3-coverage python-pytest
+Exit status
+Binman produces the following exit codes:
+    Success
+    Any sort of failure - see output for more details
+    There are missing external blobs or bintools. This is only returned if
+    -M is passed to binman, otherwise missing blobs return in an exit status of
+    1.
 Error messages
diff --git a/tools/binman/ b/tools/binman/
index 1d1ca43993d..144c0c916a2 100644
--- a/tools/binman/
+++ b/tools/binman/
@@ -128,6 +128,9 @@ controlled by a description in the board device tree.'''
         default=False, help='Update the binman node with offset/size info')
     build_parser.add_argument('--update-fdt-in-elf', type=str,
         help='Update an ELF file with the output dtb: 
+    build_parser.add_argument(
+        '-W', '--ignore-missing-blobs', action='store_true', default=False,
+        help='Return success even if there are missing blobs')
         'bintool-docs', help='Write out bintool documentation (see 
diff --git a/tools/binman/ b/tools/binman/
index bfe63a15204..8b94db60113 100644
--- a/tools/binman/
+++ b/tools/binman/
@@ -742,7 +742,12 @@ def Binman(args):
                 elf.UpdateFile(*elf_params, data)
             if invalid:
-                tout.warning("\nSome images are invalid")
+                msg = '\nSome images are invalid'
+                if args.ignore_missing_blobs:
+                    tout.warning(msg)
+                else:
+                    tout.error(msg)
+                    return 103
             # Use this to debug the time take to pack the image
diff --git a/tools/binman/ b/tools/binman/
index e849d96587c..fc38a2efccd 100644
--- a/tools/binman/
+++ b/tools/binman/
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase):
                     use_expanded=False, verbosity=None, allow_missing=False,
                     allow_fake_blobs=False, extra_indirs=None, threads=None,
                     test_section_timeout=False, update_fdt_in_elf=None,
-                    force_missing_bintools=''):
+                    force_missing_bintools='', ignore_missing_blobs=False):
         """Run binman with a given test file
@@ -403,6 +403,8 @@ class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase):
                 args.append('-a%s=%s' % (arg, value))
         if allow_missing:
+        if ignore_missing_blobs:
+            args.append('-W')
         if allow_fake_blobs:
         if force_missing_bintools:
@@ -3725,9 +3727,23 @@ class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase):
     def testExtblobMissingOk(self):
         """Test an image with an missing external blob that is allowed"""
         with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr):
-            self._DoTestFile('158_blob_ext_missing.dts', allow_missing=True)
+            ret = self._DoTestFile('158_blob_ext_missing.dts',
+                                   allow_missing=True)
+        self.assertEqual(103, ret)
         err = stderr.getvalue()
         self.assertRegex(err, "Image 'main-section'.*missing.*: blob-ext")
+        self.assertIn('Some images are invalid', err)
+    def testExtblobMissingOkFlag(self):
+        """Test an image with an missing external blob allowed with -W"""
+        with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr):
+            ret = self._DoTestFile('158_blob_ext_missing.dts',
+                                   allow_missing=True,
+                                   ignore_missing_blobs=True)
+        self.assertEqual(0, ret)
+        err = stderr.getvalue()
+        self.assertRegex(err, "Image 'main-section'.*missing.*: blob-ext")
+        self.assertIn('Some images are invalid', err)
     def testExtblobMissingOkSect(self):
         """Test an image with an missing external blob that is allowed"""

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