On 2022/10/19 22:10, quentin.sch...@theobroma-systems.com wrote:
Hi Kever,
On 10/19/22 2:47 PM, Kever Yang <kever.y...@rock-chips.com> wrote:
Hi Quentin,
This is report by the denx ci system:
I cannot see this page, probably a custodian account on that gitlab
instance is required?
And I can reproduce it with buildman sheep-rk3568
I can reproduce by building for sheep-3368_defconfig indeed.
CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_U_BOOT_SECTOR is not defined for this board
and it is used in the lion dts.
Since the Lion dts is built for any RK3368-based board, it needs to be
defined for all boards based on RK3368 which is not the case for the
Sheep board.
The lion dts is only used for this board, the sheep board have its own
dts, I didn't see any sheep dts include lion dts, but it's strange why
the sheep-rk3368 fail with lion change.
Was it a deliberate choice to build all DTS from a specific SoC,
whatever the board you're building for?
I would have imagined that using CONFIG_TARGET_LION_RK3368 instead of
CONFIG_ROCKCHIP_RK3368 in arch/arm/dts/Makefile for deciding whether
to build a device tree would make more sense?
For the time being, please just drop this patch, we don't really need
it at the moment so I'll have a look on how to do this properly when I
have time.
OK, you can send the follow up patch if we figure out the reason.
- Kever
- Kever
On 2022/10/19 20:11, Quentin Schulz wrote:
> Hi Kever,
> On 10/19/22 13:28, Kever Yang wrote:
>> Hi Quentin,
>> I got below error when apply this patch, could you help to check
>> +Error: arch/arm/dts/rk3368-lion-haikou-u-boot.dtsi:44.16-17
syntax >> error
>> +FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree
>> +make[3]: *** [arch/arm/dts/rk3368-lion-haikou.dtb] Error 1
>> +make[2]: *** [arch-dtbs] Error 2
> Did you run make lion-rk3368_defconfig before trying to compile the
> I ran:
> ```
> git checkout 3724ddf157
> b4 shazam --add-link --add-my-sob >
make CROSS_COMPILE="ccache aarch64-linux-gnu-" lion-rk3368_defconfig
> make CROSS_COMPILE="ccache aarch64-linux-gnu-" j`nproc`
> ```
> and it compiled without any problem.
> Cheers,
> Quentin