On Sat, Dec 18, 2010, Loïc Minier wrote:
> > Don't make it that complicated. Just change the line into
> >     @rm -fr$(obj)include/asm/proc $(obj)include/asm/arch $(obj)include/asm
>  I think I had this in my first version, but had an issue with it; I
>  will retest

 This works just fine and is much simpler; thanks.  I will send an
 updated patch to use this

> > Also a question: how has this change been tested?

 I'm attaching a test script which, starting from a clean tree, will try
 to distclean, to configure + distclean, and finally to configure +
 build + distclean.  It tries both with and without an objdir in all
 make calls, and checks whether the tree is really clean with:
    git clean -d -x -n.

 This script uncovered another issue with .boards.depend which was not
 cleaned up by distclean O=foo because it's created in the srctree.

 I will send a separate patch for this issue as well.

Loïc Minier

set -e

self="$(basename "$0")"

do_make() {
    make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- "$@"

distclean() {
    do_make distclean "$@"

config() {
    do_make omap3_beagle_config "$@"

build() {
    do_make -j2 "$@"

check_clean() {
    clean_output="$(git clean -x -d -n "$@" 2>&1)"
    if [ -n "$clean_output" ]; then
        echo "Expected a clean tree but got: $clean_output" >&2
        exit 1

cleanup() {
    if [ -n "$objdir" ]; then
        rm -rf "$objdir"
trap "cleanup" 0 1 2 3 9 11 13 15

objdir="$(mktemp -dt)"

# this will stop the test if the tree isn't clean to start with

for with_objdir in yes no; do
    echo "I: objdir: $with_objdir" >&2
    for seq in "distclean" "config distclean" "config build distclean"; do
        echo "I: sequence: $seq" >&2
        for step in $seq; do
            echo "I: step: $step" >&2
            if [ "$with_objdir" = yes ]; then
                $step "O=$objdir" >/dev/null 2>&1
                $step >/dev/null 2>&1

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