On 2022/7/30 07:49, Johan Jonker wrote:
In order to better compare the Linux rk3288.dtsi version
with the u-boot version update the cpu and gpu nodes.

   use operating-points-v2
   update thermal for all cpus
   add labels to all cpus
   change gpu compatible
   change gpu interrupt names

Signed-off-by: Johan Jonker <jbx6...@gmail.com>

Reviewed-by: Kever Yang <kever.y...@rock-chips.com>

- Kever
  arch/arm/dts/rk3288.dtsi | 148 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
  1 file changed, 111 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/rk3288.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/rk3288.dtsi
index c46741b0..6b03a63c 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/rk3288.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/rk3288.dtsi
@@ -45,44 +45,99 @@
                        device_type = "cpu";
                        compatible = "arm,cortex-a12";
                        reg = <0x500>;
-                       operating-points = <
-                               /* KHz    uV */
-                               1800000 1400000
-                               1704000 1350000
-                               1608000 1300000
-                               1512000 1250000
-                               1416000 1200000
-                               1200000 1100000
-                               1008000 1050000
-                                816000 1000000
-                                696000  950000
-                                600000  900000
-                                408000  900000
-                                216000  900000
-                                126000  900000
-                       >;
+                       resets = <&cru SRST_CORE0>;
+                       operating-points-v2 = <&cpu_opp_table>;
                        #cooling-cells = <2>; /* min followed by max */
                        clock-latency = <40000>;
                        clocks = <&cru ARMCLK>;
-                       resets = <&cru SRST_CORE0>;
+                       dynamic-power-coefficient = <370>;
-               cpu@501 {
+               cpu1: cpu@501 {
                        device_type = "cpu";
                        compatible = "arm,cortex-a12";
                        reg = <0x501>;
                        resets = <&cru SRST_CORE1>;
+                       operating-points-v2 = <&cpu_opp_table>;
+                       #cooling-cells = <2>; /* min followed by max */
+                       clock-latency = <40000>;
+                       clocks = <&cru ARMCLK>;
+                       dynamic-power-coefficient = <370>;
-               cpu@502 {
+               cpu2: cpu@502 {
                        device_type = "cpu";
                        compatible = "arm,cortex-a12";
                        reg = <0x502>;
                        resets = <&cru SRST_CORE2>;
+                       operating-points-v2 = <&cpu_opp_table>;
+                       #cooling-cells = <2>; /* min followed by max */
+                       clock-latency = <40000>;
+                       clocks = <&cru ARMCLK>;
+                       dynamic-power-coefficient = <370>;
-               cpu@503 {
+               cpu3: cpu@503 {
                        device_type = "cpu";
                        compatible = "arm,cortex-a12";
                        reg = <0x503>;
                        resets = <&cru SRST_CORE3>;
+                       operating-points-v2 = <&cpu_opp_table>;
+                       #cooling-cells = <2>; /* min followed by max */
+                       clock-latency = <40000>;
+                       clocks = <&cru ARMCLK>;
+                       dynamic-power-coefficient = <370>;
+               };
+       };
+       cpu_opp_table: opp-table-0 {
+               compatible = "operating-points-v2";
+               opp-shared;
+               opp-126000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <126000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <900000>;
+               };
+               opp-216000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <216000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <900000>;
+               };
+               opp-312000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <312000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <900000>;
+               };
+               opp-408000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <408000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <900000>;
+               };
+               opp-600000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <600000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <900000>;
+               };
+               opp-696000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <696000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <950000>;
+               };
+               opp-816000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <816000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <1000000>;
+               };
+               opp-1008000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1008000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <1050000>;
+               };
+               opp-1200000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1200000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <1100000>;
+               };
+               opp-1416000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1416000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <1200000>;
+               };
+               opp-1512000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1512000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <1300000>;
+               };
+               opp-1608000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1608000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <1350000>;
@@ -374,12 +429,18 @@
                                map0 {
                                        trip = <&cpu_alert0>;
                                        cooling-device =
-                                               <&cpu0 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 6>;
+                                               <&cpu0 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 6>,
+                                               <&cpu1 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 6>,
+                                               <&cpu2 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 6>,
+                                               <&cpu3 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 6>;
                                map1 {
                                        trip = <&cpu_alert1>;
                                        cooling-device =
-                                               <&cpu0 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 
+                                               <&cpu0 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 
+                                               <&cpu1 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 
+                                               <&cpu2 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 
+                                               <&cpu3 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 
@@ -900,31 +961,44 @@
gpu: gpu@ffa30000 {
-               compatible = "arm,malit764",
-                            "arm,malit76x",
-                            "arm,malit7xx",
-                            "arm,mali-midgard";
+               compatible = "rockchip,rk3288-mali", "arm,mali-t760";
                reg = <0xffa30000 0x10000>;
                interrupts = <GIC_SPI 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
                             <GIC_SPI 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
                             <GIC_SPI 8 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
-               interrupt-names = "JOB", "MMU", "GPU";
+               interrupt-names = "job", "mmu", "gpu";
                clocks = <&cru ACLK_GPU>;
-               clock-names = "aclk_gpu";
-               operating-points = <
-                       /* KHz uV */
-                       100000 950000
-                       200000 950000
-                       300000 1000000
-                       400000 1100000
-                       /* 500000 1200000 - See crosbug.com/p/33857 */
-                       600000 1250000
-               >;
+               operating-points-v2 = <&gpu_opp_table>;
                #cooling-cells = <2>; /* min followed by max */
                power-domains = <&power RK3288_PD_GPU>;
                status = "disabled";
+ gpu_opp_table: opp-table-1 {
+               compatible = "operating-points-v2";
+               opp-100000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <100000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <950000>;
+               };
+               opp-200000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <200000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <950000>;
+               };
+               opp-300000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <300000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <1000000>;
+               };
+               opp-400000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <400000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <1100000>;
+               };
+               opp-600000000 {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <600000000>;
+                       opp-microvolt = <1250000>;
+               };
+       };
        dmac_bus_s: dma-controller@ffb20000 {
                compatible = "arm,pl330", "arm,primecell";
                reg = <0xffb20000 0x4000>;

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