El Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 11:20:17AM +0800, Kever Yang deia:
> The idea for dtsi now is to sync the kernel and U-Boot dts, and Linux
> distribution will
> use the dts from U-Boot. If we change the dts property in -u-boot.dts, it
> will also pass
> to kernel, which make kernel function not available. So we would like to
> sync the driver
> for kernel and u-boot to use the same dts nodes.

That's news to me. I was thinking all the time that the reason for having 
some dtsi? files with -u-boot suffix was that these were exclusive for u-boot
and the others were shared with linux. If now the content of .*-u-boot.dtsi? 
gets passed to linux too, I no longer know why we separate the files.
Is this for Rockchip or ARM64 or a general rule for all of U-Boot? 
Should I (or someone) try to change documentation or is that already done?
I thought I read something different few months ago ? Maybe I misunderstood...

> So we can try option 1, output warning instead of error return for clock get
> fail, since the clock
> driver for kernel and u-boot are totally different.

Ok. I hope I find time to try that some day. 

Thanks for looking at the patch.

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