That is quite a big patch that includes such things as Neighbour
Discovery Protocol, string parsers, converters and basic IPv6
implementation. It consists of all necessary parts to add upper layer

Due to code dependency and desire to make it clearer it is not made of
smaller patches.

Signed-off-by: Viacheslav Mitrofanov <>
 include/env_callback.h |  10 +
 include/env_flags.h    |  10 +
 include/ndisc.h        |  65 ++++++
 include/net6.h         | 295 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/net_utils.c        | 122 +++++++++++
 net/Kconfig            |   4 +
 net/Makefile           |   2 +
 net/ndisc.c            | 276 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 net/net.c              |  23 +-
 net/net6.c             | 480 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 10 files changed, 1286 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 include/ndisc.h
 create mode 100644 include/net6.h
 create mode 100644 net/ndisc.c
 create mode 100644 net/net6.c

diff --git a/include/env_callback.h b/include/env_callback.h
index d5d2b2fcad..14c6ce0d24 100644
--- a/include/env_callback.h
+++ b/include/env_callback.h
@@ -57,6 +57,15 @@
+#ifdef CONFIG_IPV6
+#define NET6_CALLBACKS \
+       "ip6addr:ip6addr," \
+       "serverip6:serverip6," \
+       "gatewayip6:gatewayip6,"
 #define BOOTSTD_CALLBACK       "bootmeths:bootmeths,"
@@ -71,6 +80,7 @@
        ENV_DOT_ESCAPE ENV_FLAGS_VAR ":flags," \
        "baudrate:baudrate," \
+       NET6_CALLBACKS \
        "loadaddr:loadaddr," \
diff --git a/include/env_flags.h b/include/env_flags.h
index 313cb8c49a..718d72773c 100644
--- a/include/env_flags.h
+++ b/include/env_flags.h
@@ -67,6 +67,15 @@ enum env_flags_varaccess {
 #define NET_FLAGS
+#ifdef CONFIG_IPV6
+#define NET6_FLAGS \
+       "ip6addr:s," \
+       "serverip6:s," \
+       "gatewayip6:s"
+#define NET6_FLAGS
 #define SERIAL_FLAGS "serial#:so,"
@@ -76,6 +85,7 @@ enum env_flags_varaccess {
        NET_FLAGS \
+       NET6_FLAGS \
        SERIAL_FLAGS \
diff --git a/include/ndisc.h b/include/ndisc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7debdd79d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ndisc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Allied Telesis Labs NZ
+ * Chris Packham, <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 YADRO
+ * Viacheslav Mitrofanov <>
+ */
+#ifndef __NDISC_H__
+#define __NDISC_H__
+#include <ndisc.h>
+struct nd_msg {
+       struct icmp6hdr icmph;
+       struct in6_addr target;
+       __u8            opt[0];
+struct echo_msg {
+       struct icmp6hdr icmph;
+       __u16           id;
+       __u16           sequence;
+/* IPv6 destination address of packet waiting for ND */
+extern struct in6_addr net_nd_sol_packet_ip6;
+/* MAC destination address of packet waiting for ND */
+extern uchar *net_nd_packet_mac;
+/* pointer to packet waiting to be transmitted after ND is resolved */
+extern uchar *net_nd_tx_packet;
+/* size of packet waiting to be transmitted */
+extern int net_nd_tx_packet_size;
+/* the timer for ND resolution */
+extern ulong net_nd_timer_start;
+/* the number of requests we have sent so far */
+extern int net_nd_try;
+#ifdef CONFIG_IPV6
+void ndisc_init(void);
+void ndisc_receive(struct ethernet_hdr *et, struct ip6_hdr *ip6, int len);
+void ndisc_request(void);
+int ndisc_timeout_check(void);
+static inline void ndisc_init(void)
+static inline void
+ndisc_receive(struct ethernet_hdr *et, struct ip6_hdr *ip6, int len)
+static inline void ndisc_request(void)
+static inline int ndisc_timeout_check(void)
+       return 0;
+#endif /* __NDISC_H__ */
diff --git a/include/net6.h b/include/net6.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..383f8336e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/net6.h
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Allied Telesis Labs NZ
+ * Chris Packham, <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 YADRO
+ * Viacheslav Mitrofanov <>
+ */
+#ifndef __NET6_H__
+#define __NET6_H__
+#include <net.h>
+#include <linux/ctype.h>
+struct in6_addr {
+       union {
+               u8      u6_addr8[16];
+               __be16  u6_addr16[8];
+               __be32  u6_addr32[4];
+       } in6_u;
+#define s6_addr                in6_u.u6_addr8
+#define s6_addr16      in6_u.u6_addr16
+#define s6_addr32      in6_u.u6_addr32
+#define PROT_IP6       0x86DD          /* IPv6 protocol */
+#define IN6ADDRSZ      sizeof(struct in6_addr)
+#define INETHADDRSZ    sizeof(net_ethaddr)
+#define IPV6_ADDRSCOPE_INTF    0x01
+#define IPV6_ADDRSCOPE_LINK    0x02
+#define IPV6_ADDRSCOPE_AMDIN   0x04
+#define IPV6_ADDRSCOPE_SITE    0x05
+#define IPV6_ADDRSCOPE_ORG     0x08
+#define USE_IP6_CMD_PARAM      "-ipv6"
+ * struct ipv6hdr - Internet Protocol V6 (IPv6) header.
+ *
+ * IPv6 packet header as defined in RFC 2460.
+ */
+struct ip6_hdr {
+       u8      priority:4,
+               version:4;
+#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD)
+       u8      version:4,
+               priority:4;
+#error  "Please fix <asm/byteorder.h>"
+       u8              flow_lbl[3];
+       __be16          payload_len;
+       u8              nexthdr;
+       u8              hop_limit;
+       struct in6_addr saddr;
+       struct in6_addr daddr;
+struct udp_hdr {
+       u16             udp_src;        /* UDP source port              */
+       u16             udp_dst;        /* UDP destination port         */
+       u16             udp_len;        /* Length of UDP packet         */
+       u16             udp_xsum;       /* Checksum                     */
+} __packed;
+#define IP6_HDR_SIZE (sizeof(struct ip6_hdr))
+/* Handy for static initialisations of struct in6_addr, atlhough the
+ * c99 '= { 0 }' idiom might work depending on you compiler.
+ */
+#define ZERO_IPV6_ADDR { { { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
+                         0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
+                         0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
+                         0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } } }
+#define IPV6_LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX 0xfe80
+enum {
+       __ND_OPT_PREFIX_INFO_END        = 0,
+       ND_OPT_SOURCE_LL_ADDR           = 1,
+       ND_OPT_TARGET_LL_ADDR           = 2,
+       ND_OPT_PREFIX_INFO              = 3,
+       ND_OPT_REDIRECT_HDR             = 4,
+       ND_OPT_MTU                      = 5,
+       __ND_OPT_MAX
+/* ICMPv6 */
+#define IPPROTO_ICMPV6                 58
+/* hop limit for neighbour discovery packets */
+#define IPV6_NDISC_HOPLIMIT             255
+#define NDISC_TIMEOUT                  5000UL
+#define NDISC_TIMEOUT_COUNT             3
+struct icmp6hdr {
+       u8      icmp6_type;
+#define IPV6_ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST                 128
+#define IPV6_ICMP_ECHO_REPLY                   129
+#define IPV6_NDISC_ROUTER_ADVERTISEMENT                134
+#define IPV6_NDISC_REDIRECT                    137
+       u8      icmp6_code;
+       __be16  icmp6_cksum;
+       union {
+               __be32  un_data32[1];
+               __be16  un_data16[2];
+               u8      un_data8[4];
+               struct icmpv6_echo {
+                       __be16          identifier;
+                       __be16          sequence;
+               } u_echo;
+               struct icmpv6_nd_advt {
+                       __be32          reserved:5,
+                                       override:1,
+                                       solicited:1,
+                                       router:1,
+                                       reserved2:24;
+#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD)
+                       __be32          router:1,
+                                       solicited:1,
+                                       override:1,
+                                       reserved:29;
+#error "Please fix <asm/byteorder.h>"
+               } u_nd_advt;
+               struct icmpv6_nd_ra {
+                       u8              hop_limit;
+                       u8              reserved:6,
+                                       other:1,
+                                       managed:1;
+#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD)
+                       u8              managed:1,
+                                       other:1,
+                                       reserved:6;
+#error "Please fix <asm/byteorder.h>"
+                       __be16          rt_lifetime;
+               } u_nd_ra;
+       } icmp6_dataun;
+#define icmp6_identifier       icmp6_dataun.u_echo.identifier
+#define icmp6_sequence         icmp6_dataun.u_echo.sequence
+#define icmp6_pointer          icmp6_dataun.un_data32[0]
+#define icmp6_mtu              icmp6_dataun.un_data32[0]
+#define icmp6_unused           icmp6_dataun.un_data32[0]
+#define icmp6_maxdelay         icmp6_dataun.un_data16[0]
+#define icmp6_router           icmp6_dataun.u_nd_advt.router
+#define icmp6_solicited                icmp6_dataun.u_nd_advt.solicited
+#define icmp6_override         icmp6_dataun.u_nd_advt.override
+#define icmp6_ndiscreserved    icmp6_dataun.u_nd_advt.reserved
+#define icmp6_hop_limit                icmp6_dataun.u_nd_ra.hop_limit
+#define icmp6_addrconf_managed icmp6_dataun.u_nd_ra.managed
+#define icmp6_addrconf_other   icmp6_dataun.u_nd_ra.other
+#define icmp6_rt_lifetime      icmp6_dataun.u_nd_ra.rt_lifetime
+extern struct in6_addr const net_null_addr_ip6;        /* NULL IPv6 address */
+extern struct in6_addr net_gateway6;   /* Our gateways IPv6 address */
+extern struct in6_addr net_ip6;        /* Our IPv6 addr (0 = unknown) */
+extern struct in6_addr net_link_local_ip6;     /* Our link local IPv6 addr */
+extern u32 net_prefix_length;  /* Our prefixlength (0 = unknown) */
+extern struct in6_addr net_server_ip6; /* Server IPv6 addr (0 = unknown) */
+extern bool use_ip6;
+#ifdef CONFIG_IPV6
+/* Convert a string to an ipv6 address */
+int string_to_ip6(const char *s, struct in6_addr *addr);
+/* check that an IPv6 address is unspecified (zero) */
+int ip6_is_unspecified_addr(struct in6_addr *addr);
+/* check that an IPv6 address is ours */
+int ip6_is_our_addr(struct in6_addr *addr);
+/* check if neighbour is in the same subnet as us */
+int ip6_addr_in_subnet(struct in6_addr *our_addr, struct in6_addr *neigh_addr,
+                      u32 prefix_length);
+void ip6_make_lladdr(struct in6_addr *lladr, unsigned char const enetaddr[6]);
+void ip6_make_snma(struct in6_addr *mcast_addr, struct in6_addr *ip6_addr);
+void ip6_make_mult_ethdstaddr(unsigned char enetaddr[6],
+                             struct in6_addr *mcast_addr);
+unsigned int csum_partial(const unsigned char *buff, int len, unsigned int 
+unsigned short int csum_ipv6_magic(struct in6_addr *saddr,
+                                  struct in6_addr *daddr, u16 len,
+                                  unsigned short proto, unsigned int csum);
+int ip6_add_hdr(uchar *xip, struct in6_addr *src, struct in6_addr *dest,
+               int nextheader, int hoplimit, int payload_len);
+/* Transmit UDP packet using IPv6, performing neighbour discovery if needed */
+int net_send_udp_packet6(uchar *ether, struct in6_addr *dest,
+                        int dport, int sport, int len);
+/* handler for incoming IPv6 echo packet */
+void net_ip6_handler(struct ethernet_hdr *et, struct ip6_hdr *ip6,
+                    int len);
+static inline void net_copy_ip6(void *to, const void *from)
+       memcpy((void *)to, from, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+static inline int string_to_ip6(const char *s, struct in6_addr *addr)
+       return -1;
+static inline int ip6_is_unspecified_addr(struct in6_addr *addr)
+       return -1;
+static inline int ip6_is_our_addr(struct in6_addr *addr)
+       return -1;
+static inline int
+ip6_addr_in_subnet(struct in6_addr *our_addr, struct in6_addr *neigh_addr,
+                  u32 prefix_length)
+       return -1;
+static inline void
+ip6_make_lladdr(struct in6_addr *lladr, unsigned char const enetaddr[6])
+static inline void
+ip6_make_snma(struct in6_addr *mcast_addr, struct in6_addr *ip6_addr)
+static inline void
+ip6_make_mult_ethdstaddr(unsigned char enetaddr[6],
+                        struct in6_addr *mcast_addr)
+static inline unsigned int
+csum_partial(const unsigned char *buff, int len, unsigned int sum)
+       return 0;
+static inline unsigned short
+csum_ipv6_magic(struct in6_addr *saddr,
+               struct in6_addr *daddr, u16 len,
+               unsigned short proto, unsigned int csum)
+       return 0;
+static inline unsigned int
+ip6_add_hdr(uchar *xip, struct in6_addr *src, struct in6_addr *dest,
+           int nextheader, int hoplimit, int payload_len)
+       return 0;
+static inline int
+net_send_udp_packet6(uchar *ether, struct in6_addr *dest,
+                    int dport, int sport, int len)
+       return -1;
+static inline void
+net_ip6_handler(struct ethernet_hdr *et, struct ip6_hdr *ip6,
+               int len)
+static inline void net_copy_ip6(void *to, const void *from)
+#endif /* __NET6_H__ */
diff --git a/lib/net_utils.c b/lib/net_utils.c
index 72a3b098a7..09554c520b 100644
--- a/lib/net_utils.c
+++ b/lib/net_utils.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include <common.h>
 #include <net.h>
+#include <net6.h>
 struct in_addr string_to_ip(const char *s)
@@ -43,6 +44,127 @@ struct in_addr string_to_ip(const char *s)
        return addr;
+ * Parses an struct in6_addr from the given string. IPv6 address parsing is a
+ * bit more complicated than v4 due to the flexible format and some of the
+ * special cases (e.g. v4 mapped).
+ *
+ * Examples of valid strings:
+ *   2001:db8::0:1234:1
+ *   2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:1234:0001
+ *   ::1
+ *   ::ffff:
+ *
+ * Examples of invalid strings
+ *   2001:db8::0::0          (:: can only appear once)
+ *   2001:db8: (v4 part can only appear at the end)
+ *             (we don't implicity map v4)
+ */
+int string_to_ip6(const char *strpt, struct in6_addr *addrpt)
+       int colon_count = 0;
+       int found_double_colon = 0;
+       int xstart = 0;         /* first zero (double colon) */
+       int len = 7;            /* num words the double colon represents */
+       int i;
+       const char *s = strpt;
+       struct in_addr zero_ip = {.s_addr = 0};
+       if (!strpt)
+               return -1;
+       /* First pass, verify the syntax and locate the double colon */
+       for (;;) {
+               while (isxdigit((int)*s))
+                       s++;
+               if (*s == '\0')
+                       break;
+               if (*s != ':') {
+                       if (*s == '.' && len >= 2) {
+                               struct in_addr v4;
+                               while (s != strpt && *(s - 1) != ':')
+                                       --s;
+                               v4 = string_to_ip(s);
+                               if (memcmp(&zero_ip, &v4,
+                                          sizeof(struct in_addr) != 0)) {
+                                       len -= 2;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       /* This could be a valid address */
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (s == strpt) {
+                       /* The address begins with a colon */
+                       if (*++s != ':')
+                               /* Must start with a double colon or a number */
+                               goto out_err;
+               } else {
+                       s++;
+                       if (found_double_colon)
+                               len--;
+                       else
+                               xstart++;
+               }
+               if (*s == ':') {
+                       if (found_double_colon)
+                               /* Two double colons are not allowed */
+                               goto out_err;
+                       found_double_colon = 1;
+                       len -= xstart;
+                       s++;
+               }
+               if (++colon_count == 7)
+                       /* Found all colons */
+                       break;
+       }
+       if (colon_count == 0)
+               goto out_err;
+       if (*--s == ':')
+               len++;
+       /* Second pass, read the address */
+       s = strpt;
+       for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+               int val = 0;
+               char *end;
+               if (found_double_colon && i >= xstart && i < xstart + len) {
+                       addrpt->s6_addr16[i] = 0;
+                       continue;
+               }
+               while (*s == ':')
+                       s++;
+               if (i == 6 && isdigit((int)*s)) {
+                       struct in_addr v4 = string_to_ip(s);
+                       if (memcmp(&zero_ip, &v4,
+                                  sizeof(struct in_addr)) != 0) {
+                               /* Ending with :IPv4-address */
+                               addrpt->s6_addr32[3] = v4.s_addr;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               val = simple_strtoul(s, &end, 16);
+               if (*end != '\0' && *end != ':')
+                       goto out_err;
+               addrpt->s6_addr16[i] = htons(val);
+               s = end;
+       }
+       return 0;
+       return -1;
 void string_to_enetaddr(const char *addr, uint8_t *enetaddr)
        char *end;
diff --git a/net/Kconfig b/net/Kconfig
index 52e261884d..568e622de8 100644
--- a/net/Kconfig
+++ b/net/Kconfig
@@ -174,6 +174,10 @@ config BOOTP_MAX_ROOT_PATH_LEN
          Select maximal length of option 17 root path.
+config IPV6
+       bool "IPv6 support"
+       default n
 endif   # if NET
diff --git a/net/Makefile b/net/Makefile
index 6c812502d3..766dd04135 100644
--- a/net/Makefile
+++ b/net/Makefile
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_DM_MDIO)  += mdio-uclass.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_MDIO_MUX) += mdio-mux-uclass.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_NET)      += eth_common.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_LINK_LOCAL) += link_local.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_IPV6)     += ndisc.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_NET)      += net.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_IPV6)     += net6.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_NFS)  += nfs.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_PING) += ping.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_PCAP) += pcap.o
diff --git a/net/ndisc.c b/net/ndisc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6ed4c0da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/ndisc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Allied Telesis Labs NZ
+ * Chris Packham, <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 YADRO
+ * Viacheslav Mitrofanov <>
+ */
+ * Neighbour Discovery for IPv6
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <net.h>
+#include <net6.h>
+#include "ndisc.h"
+/* IPv6 destination address of packet waiting for ND */
+struct in6_addr net_nd_sol_packet_ip6 = ZERO_IPV6_ADDR;
+/* IPv6 address we are expecting ND advert from */
+static struct in6_addr net_nd_rep_packet_ip6 = ZERO_IPV6_ADDR;
+/* MAC destination address of packet waiting for ND */
+uchar *net_nd_packet_mac;
+/* pointer to packet waiting to be transmitted after ND is resolved */
+uchar *net_nd_tx_packet;
+static uchar net_nd_packet_buf[PKTSIZE_ALIGN + PKTALIGN];
+/* size of packet waiting to be transmitted */
+int net_nd_tx_packet_size;
+/* the timer for ND resolution */
+ulong net_nd_timer_start;
+/* the number of requests we have sent so far */
+int net_nd_try;
+#define IP6_NDISC_OPT_SPACE(len) (((len) + 2 + 7) & ~7)
+ * Insert an option into a neighbor discovery packet.
+ * Returns the number of bytes inserted (which may be >= len)
+ */
+static int
+ndisc_insert_option(struct nd_msg *ndisc, int type, u8 *data, int len)
+       int space = IP6_NDISC_OPT_SPACE(len);
+       ndisc->opt[0] = type;
+       ndisc->opt[1] = space >> 3;
+       memcpy(&ndisc->opt[2], data, len);
+       len += 2;
+       /* fill the remainder with 0 */
+       if ((space - len) > 0)
+               memset(&ndisc->opt[len], 0, space - len);
+       return space;
+ * Extract the Ethernet address from a neighbor discovery packet.
+ * Note that the link layer address could be anything but the only networking
+ * media that u-boot supports is Ethernet so we assume we're extracting a 6
+ * byte Ethernet MAC address.
+ */
+static void ndisc_extract_enetaddr(struct nd_msg *ndisc, uchar enetaddr[6])
+       memcpy(enetaddr, &ndisc->opt[2], 6);
+ * Check to see if the neighbor discovery packet has
+ * the specified option set.
+ */
+static int ndisc_has_option(struct ip6_hdr *ip6, __u8 type)
+       struct nd_msg *ndisc = (struct nd_msg *)(((uchar *)ip6) + IP6_HDR_SIZE);
+       if (ip6->payload_len <= sizeof(struct icmp6hdr))
+               return 0;
+       return ndisc->opt[0] == type;
+static void ip6_send_ns(struct in6_addr *neigh_addr)
+       struct in6_addr dst_adr;
+       unsigned char enetaddr[6];
+       struct nd_msg *msg;
+       __u16 len;
+       uchar *pkt;
+       unsigned short csum;
+       unsigned int pcsum;
+       debug("sending neighbor solicitation for %pI6c our address %pI6c\n",
+             neigh_addr, &net_link_local_ip6);
+       /* calculate src, dest IPv6 addr and dest Eth addr */
+       ip6_make_snma(&dst_adr, neigh_addr);
+       ip6_make_mult_ethdstaddr(enetaddr, &dst_adr);
+       len = sizeof(struct icmp6hdr) + IN6ADDRSZ +
+       pkt = (uchar *)net_tx_packet;
+       pkt += net_set_ether(pkt, enetaddr, PROT_IP6);
+       pkt += ip6_add_hdr(pkt, &net_link_local_ip6, &dst_adr, IPPROTO_ICMPV6,
+                          IPV6_NDISC_HOPLIMIT, len);
+       /* ICMPv6 - NS */
+       msg = (struct nd_msg *)pkt;
+       msg->icmph.icmp6_type = IPV6_NDISC_NEIGHBOUR_SOLICITATION;
+       msg->icmph.icmp6_code = 0;
+       memset(&msg->icmph.icmp6_cksum, 0, sizeof(__be16));
+       memset(&msg->icmph.icmp6_unused, 0, sizeof(__be32));
+       /* Set the target address and llsaddr option */
+       net_copy_ip6(&msg->target, neigh_addr);
+       ndisc_insert_option(msg, ND_OPT_SOURCE_LL_ADDR, net_ethaddr,
+                           INETHADDRSZ);
+       /* checksum */
+       pcsum = csum_partial((__u8 *)msg, len, 0);
+       csum = csum_ipv6_magic(&net_link_local_ip6, &dst_adr,
+                              len, IPPROTO_ICMPV6, pcsum);
+       msg->icmph.icmp6_cksum = csum;
+       pkt += len;
+       /* send it! */
+       net_send_packet(net_tx_packet, (pkt - net_tx_packet));
+static void
+ip6_send_na(uchar *eth_dst_addr, struct in6_addr *neigh_addr,
+           struct in6_addr *target)
+       struct nd_msg *msg;
+       __u16 len;
+       uchar *pkt;
+       unsigned short csum;
+       debug("sending neighbor advertisement for %pI6c to %pI6c (%pM)\n",
+             target, neigh_addr, eth_dst_addr);
+       len = sizeof(struct icmp6hdr) + IN6ADDRSZ +
+       pkt = (uchar *)net_tx_packet;
+       pkt += net_set_ether(pkt, eth_dst_addr, PROT_IP6);
+       pkt += ip6_add_hdr(pkt, &net_link_local_ip6, neigh_addr,
+                          IPPROTO_ICMPV6, IPV6_NDISC_HOPLIMIT, len);
+       /* ICMPv6 - NA */
+       msg = (struct nd_msg *)pkt;
+       msg->icmph.icmp6_type = IPV6_NDISC_NEIGHBOUR_ADVERTISEMENT;
+       msg->icmph.icmp6_code = 0;
+       memset(&msg->icmph.icmp6_cksum, 0, sizeof(__be16));
+       memset(&msg->icmph.icmp6_unused, 0, sizeof(__be32));
+       msg->icmph.icmp6_dataun.u_nd_advt.solicited = 1;
+       msg->icmph.icmp6_dataun.u_nd_advt.override = 1;
+       /* Set the target address and lltargetaddr option */
+       net_copy_ip6(&msg->target, target);
+       ndisc_insert_option(msg, ND_OPT_TARGET_LL_ADDR, net_ethaddr,
+                           INETHADDRSZ);
+       /* checksum */
+       csum = csum_ipv6_magic(&net_link_local_ip6,
+                              neigh_addr, len, IPPROTO_ICMPV6,
+                              csum_partial((__u8 *)msg, len, 0));
+       msg->icmph.icmp6_cksum = csum;
+       pkt += len;
+       /* send it! */
+       net_send_packet(net_tx_packet, (pkt - net_tx_packet));
+void ndisc_request(void)
+       if (!ip6_addr_in_subnet(&net_ip6, &net_nd_sol_packet_ip6,
+                               net_prefix_length)) {
+               if (ip6_is_unspecified_addr(&net_gateway6)) {
+                       puts("## Warning: gatewayip6 is needed but not set\n");
+                       net_nd_rep_packet_ip6 = net_nd_sol_packet_ip6;
+               } else {
+                       net_nd_rep_packet_ip6 = net_gateway6;
+               }
+       } else {
+               net_nd_rep_packet_ip6 = net_nd_sol_packet_ip6;
+       }
+       ip6_send_ns(&net_nd_rep_packet_ip6);
+int ndisc_timeout_check(void)
+       ulong t;
+       if (ip6_is_unspecified_addr(&net_nd_sol_packet_ip6))
+               return 0;
+       t = get_timer(0);
+       /* check for NDISC timeout */
+       if ((t - net_nd_timer_start) > NDISC_TIMEOUT) {
+               net_nd_try++;
+               if (net_nd_try >= NDISC_TIMEOUT_COUNT) {
+                       puts("\nNeighbour discovery retry count exceeded; "
+                            "starting again\n");
+                       net_nd_try = 0;
+                       net_set_state(NETLOOP_FAIL);
+               } else {
+                       net_nd_timer_start = t;
+                       ndisc_request();
+               }
+       }
+       return 1;
+void ndisc_init(void)
+       net_nd_packet_mac = NULL;
+       net_nd_tx_packet = NULL;
+       net_nd_sol_packet_ip6 = net_null_addr_ip6;
+       net_nd_rep_packet_ip6 = net_null_addr_ip6;
+       net_nd_tx_packet_size = 0;
+       net_nd_tx_packet = &net_nd_packet_buf[0] + (PKTALIGN - 1);
+       net_nd_tx_packet -= (ulong)net_nd_tx_packet % PKTALIGN;
+void ndisc_receive(struct ethernet_hdr *et, struct ip6_hdr *ip6, int len)
+       struct icmp6hdr *icmp =
+           (struct icmp6hdr *)(((uchar *)ip6) + IP6_HDR_SIZE);
+       struct nd_msg *ndisc = (struct nd_msg *)icmp;
+       uchar neigh_eth_addr[6];
+       switch (icmp->icmp6_type) {
+               debug("received neighbor solicitation for %pI6c from %pI6c\n",
+                     &ndisc->target, &ip6->saddr);
+               if (ip6_is_our_addr(&ndisc->target) &&
+                   ndisc_has_option(ip6, ND_OPT_SOURCE_LL_ADDR)) {
+                       ndisc_extract_enetaddr(ndisc, neigh_eth_addr);
+                       ip6_send_na(neigh_eth_addr, &ip6->saddr,
+                                   &ndisc->target);
+               }
+               break;
+               /* are we waiting for a reply ? */
+               if (ip6_is_unspecified_addr(&net_nd_sol_packet_ip6))
+                       break;
+               if ((memcmp(&ndisc->target, &net_nd_rep_packet_ip6,
+                           sizeof(struct in6_addr)) == 0) &&
+                   ndisc_has_option(ip6, ND_OPT_TARGET_LL_ADDR)) {
+                       ndisc_extract_enetaddr(ndisc, neigh_eth_addr);
+                       /* save address for later use */
+                       if (!net_nd_packet_mac)
+                               memcpy(net_nd_packet_mac, neigh_eth_addr, 7);
+                       /* modify header, and transmit it */
+                       memcpy(((struct ethernet_hdr 
+                              neigh_eth_addr, 6);
+                       net_send_packet(net_nd_tx_packet,
+                                       net_nd_tx_packet_size);
+                       /* no ND request pending now */
+                       net_nd_sol_packet_ip6 = net_null_addr_ip6;
+                       net_nd_tx_packet_size = 0;
+                       net_nd_packet_mac = NULL;
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               debug("Unexpected ICMPv6 type 0x%x\n", icmp->icmp6_type);
+       }
diff --git a/net/net.c b/net/net.c
index 81905f6315..3786217f05 100644
--- a/net/net.c
+++ b/net/net.c
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@
 #include <image.h>
 #include <log.h>
 #include <net.h>
+#include <net6.h>
+#include <ndisc.h>
 #include <net/fastboot.h>
 #include <net/tftp.h>
 #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_PCAP)
@@ -340,8 +342,17 @@ void net_auto_load(void)
 static int net_init_loop(void)
-       if (eth_get_dev())
+       if (eth_get_dev()) {
                memcpy(net_ethaddr, eth_get_ethaddr(), 6);
+               if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6)) {
+                       ip6_make_lladdr(&net_link_local_ip6, net_ethaddr);
+                       if (!memcmp(&net_ip6, &net_null_addr_ip6,
+                                   sizeof(struct in6_addr)))
+                               memcpy(&net_ip6, &net_link_local_ip6,
+                                      sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+               }
+       }
                 * Not ideal, but there's no way to get the actual error, and I
@@ -382,6 +393,7 @@ int net_init(void)
                                (i + 1) * PKTSIZE_ALIGN;
+               ndisc_init();
                /* Only need to setup buffer pointers once. */
@@ -563,6 +575,10 @@ restart:
                if (arp_timeout_check() > 0)
                        time_start = get_timer(0);
+               if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IPV6)) {
+                       if (use_ip6 && (ndisc_timeout_check() > 0))
+                               time_start = get_timer(0);
+               }
                 *      Check the ethernet for a new packet.  The ethernet
                 *      receive routine will process it.
@@ -1187,6 +1203,11 @@ void net_process_received_packet(uchar *in_packet, int 
        case PROT_RARP:
                rarp_receive(ip, len);
+       case PROT_IP6:
+               net_ip6_handler(et, (struct ip6_hdr *)ip, len);
+               break;
        case PROT_IP:
                debug_cond(DEBUG_NET_PKT, "Got IP\n");
diff --git a/net/net6.c b/net/net6.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0799d411b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/net6.c
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Allied Telesis Labs NZ
+ * Chris Packham, <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 YADRO
+ * Viacheslav Mitrofanov <>
+ */
+ * Simple IPv6 network layer implementation.
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <env_internal.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <net.h>
+#include <net6.h>
+#include <ndisc.h>
+/* NULL IPv6 address */
+struct in6_addr const net_null_addr_ip6 = ZERO_IPV6_ADDR;
+/* Our gateway's IPv6 address */
+struct in6_addr net_gateway6 = ZERO_IPV6_ADDR;
+/* Our IPv6 addr (0 = unknown) */
+struct in6_addr net_ip6 = ZERO_IPV6_ADDR;
+/* Our link local IPv6 addr (0 = unknown) */
+struct in6_addr net_link_local_ip6 = ZERO_IPV6_ADDR;
+/* set server IPv6 addr (0 = unknown) */
+struct in6_addr net_server_ip6 = ZERO_IPV6_ADDR;
+/* The prefix length of our network */
+u32 net_prefix_length;
+bool use_ip6;
+static int on_ip6addr(const char *name, const char *value, enum env_op op,
+                     int flags)
+       char *v, *s, *strcopy;
+       int i;
+       if (flags & H_PROGRAMMATIC)
+               return 0;
+       if (op == env_op_delete) {
+               net_prefix_length = 0;
+               net_copy_ip6(&net_ip6, &net_null_addr_ip6);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       strcopy = strdup(value);
+       if (!strcopy)
+               return -1;
+       net_prefix_length = 128;
+       i = 0;
+       s = strcopy;
+       while (s) {
+               v = strsep(&s, "/");
+               if (!v)
+                       break;
+               switch (i++) {
+               case 0:
+                       string_to_ip6(v, &net_ip6);
+                       break;
+               case 1:
+                       net_prefix_length = simple_strtoul(v, NULL, 10);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       free(strcopy);
+       return 0;
+U_BOOT_ENV_CALLBACK(ip6addr, on_ip6addr);
+static int on_gatewayip6(const char *name, const char *value, enum env_op op,
+                        int flags)
+       if (flags & H_PROGRAMMATIC)
+               return 0;
+       return string_to_ip6(value, &net_gateway6);
+U_BOOT_ENV_CALLBACK(gatewayip6, on_gatewayip6);
+static int on_serverip6(const char *name, const char *value, enum env_op op,
+                       int flags)
+       if (flags & H_PROGRAMMATIC)
+               return 0;
+       return string_to_ip6(value, &net_server_ip6);
+U_BOOT_ENV_CALLBACK(serverip6, on_serverip6);
+int ip6_is_unspecified_addr(struct in6_addr *addr)
+       return (addr->s6_addr32[0] | addr->s6_addr32[1] |
+               addr->s6_addr32[2] | addr->s6_addr32[3]) == 0;
+ * We have 2 addresses that we should respond to. A link
+ * local address and a global address. This returns true
+ * if the specified address matches either of these.
+ */
+int ip6_is_our_addr(struct in6_addr *addr)
+       return !memcmp(addr, &net_link_local_ip6, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) ||
+              !memcmp(addr, &net_ip6, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+void ip6_make_eui(unsigned char eui[8], unsigned char const enetaddr[6])
+       memcpy(eui, enetaddr, 3);
+       memcpy(&eui[5], &enetaddr[3], 3);
+       eui[3] = 0xFF;
+       eui[4] = 0xFE;
+       eui[0] ^= 2;            /* "u" bit set to indicate global scope */
+void ip6_make_lladdr(struct in6_addr *lladr, unsigned char const enetaddr[6])
+       uchar eui[8];
+       memset(lladr, 0, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+       lladr->s6_addr16[0] = htons(IPV6_LINK_LOCAL_PREFIX);
+       ip6_make_eui(eui, enetaddr);
+       memcpy(&lladr->s6_addr[8], eui, 8);
+ * Given an IPv6 address generate an equivalent Solicited Node Multicast
+ * Address (SNMA) as described in RFC2461.
+ */
+void ip6_make_snma(struct in6_addr *mcast_addr, struct in6_addr *ip6_addr)
+       memset(mcast_addr, 0, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+       mcast_addr->s6_addr[0] = 0xff;
+       mcast_addr->s6_addr[1] = IPV6_ADDRSCOPE_LINK;
+       mcast_addr->s6_addr[11] = 0x01;
+       mcast_addr->s6_addr[12] = 0xff;
+       mcast_addr->s6_addr[13] = ip6_addr->s6_addr[13];
+       mcast_addr->s6_addr[14] = ip6_addr->s6_addr[14];
+       mcast_addr->s6_addr[15] = ip6_addr->s6_addr[15];
+ * Given an IPv6 address generate the multicast MAC address that corresponds to
+ * it.
+ */
+ip6_make_mult_ethdstaddr(unsigned char enetaddr[6], struct in6_addr 
+       enetaddr[0] = 0x33;
+       enetaddr[1] = 0x33;
+       memcpy(&enetaddr[2], &mcast_addr->s6_addr[12], 4);
+ip6_addr_in_subnet(struct in6_addr *our_addr, struct in6_addr *neigh_addr,
+                  u32 plen)
+       __be32 *addr_dwords;
+       __be32 *neigh_dwords;
+       addr_dwords = our_addr->s6_addr32;
+       neigh_dwords = neigh_addr->s6_addr32;
+       while (plen > 32) {
+               if (*addr_dwords++ != *neigh_dwords++)
+                       return 0;
+               plen -= 32;
+       }
+       /* Check any remaining bits. */
+       if (plen > 0) {
+               if ((*addr_dwords >> (32 - plen)) !=
+                   (*neigh_dwords >> (32 - plen))) {
+                       return 0;
+               }
+       }
+       return 1;
+static inline unsigned int csum_fold(unsigned int sum)
+       sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
+       sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
+       /* Opaque moment. If reverse it to zero it will
+        * not be checked on receiver's side. It leads to
+        * bad negibour advertisement for some reason.
+        */
+       if (sum == 0xffff)
+               return sum;
+       return ~sum;
+static inline unsigned short from32to16(unsigned int x)
+       /* add up 16-bit and 16-bit for 16+c bit */
+       x = (x & 0xffff) + (x >> 16);
+       /* add up carry.. */
+       x = (x & 0xffff) + (x >> 16);
+       return x;
+static u32 csum_do_csum(const u8 *buff, int len)
+       int odd;
+       unsigned int result = 0;
+       if (len <= 0)
+               goto out;
+       odd = 1 & (unsigned long)buff;
+       if (odd) {
+               result += (*buff << 8);
+               result = *buff;
+               len--;
+               buff++;
+       }
+       if (len >= 2) {
+               if (2 & (unsigned long)buff) {
+                       result += *(unsigned short *)buff;
+                       len -= 2;
+                       buff += 2;
+               }
+               if (len >= 4) {
+                       const unsigned char *end = buff + ((u32)len & ~3);
+                       unsigned int carry = 0;
+                       do {
+                               unsigned int w = *(unsigned int *)buff;
+                               buff += 4;
+                               result += carry;
+                               result += w;
+                               carry = (w > result);
+                       } while (buff < end);
+                       result += carry;
+                       result = (result & 0xffff) + (result >> 16);
+               }
+               if (len & 2) {
+                       result += *(unsigned short *)buff;
+                       buff += 2;
+               }
+       }
+       if (len & 1)
+               result += *buff;
+               result += (*buff << 8);
+       result = from32to16(result);
+       if (odd)
+               result = ((result >> 8) & 0xff) | ((result & 0xff) << 8);
+       return result;
+unsigned int csum_partial(const unsigned char *buff, int len, unsigned int sum)
+       unsigned int result = csum_do_csum(buff, len);
+       /* add in old sum, and carry.. */
+       result += sum;
+       /* 16+c bits -> 16 bits */
+       result = (result & 0xffff) + (result >> 16);
+       return result;
+ * Compute checksum of IPv6 "psuedo-header" per RFC2460 section 8.1
+ */
+unsigned short int
+csum_ipv6_magic(struct in6_addr *saddr, struct in6_addr *daddr,
+               u16 len, unsigned short proto, unsigned int csum)
+       int carry;
+       u32 ulen;
+       u32 uproto;
+       u32 sum = csum;
+       sum += saddr->s6_addr32[0];
+       carry = (sum < saddr->s6_addr32[0]);
+       sum += carry;
+       sum += saddr->s6_addr32[1];
+       carry = (sum < saddr->s6_addr32[1]);
+       sum += carry;
+       sum += saddr->s6_addr32[2];
+       carry = (sum < saddr->s6_addr32[2]);
+       sum += carry;
+       sum += saddr->s6_addr32[3];
+       carry = (sum < saddr->s6_addr32[3]);
+       sum += carry;
+       sum += daddr->s6_addr32[0];
+       carry = (sum < daddr->s6_addr32[0]);
+       sum += carry;
+       sum += daddr->s6_addr32[1];
+       carry = (sum < daddr->s6_addr32[1]);
+       sum += carry;
+       sum += daddr->s6_addr32[2];
+       carry = (sum < daddr->s6_addr32[2]);
+       sum += carry;
+       sum += daddr->s6_addr32[3];
+       carry = (sum < daddr->s6_addr32[3]);
+       sum += carry;
+       ulen = htonl((u32)len);
+       sum += ulen;
+       carry = (sum < ulen);
+       sum += carry;
+       uproto = htonl(proto);
+       sum += uproto;
+       carry = (sum < uproto);
+       sum += carry;
+       return csum_fold(sum);
+ip6_add_hdr(uchar *xip, struct in6_addr *src, struct in6_addr *dest,
+           int nextheader, int hoplimit, int payload_len)
+       struct ip6_hdr *ip6 = (struct ip6_hdr *)xip;
+       ip6->version = 6;
+       ip6->priority = 0;
+       ip6->flow_lbl[0] = 0;
+       ip6->flow_lbl[1] = 0;
+       ip6->flow_lbl[2] = 0;
+       ip6->payload_len = htons(payload_len);
+       ip6->nexthdr = nextheader;
+       ip6->hop_limit = hoplimit;
+       net_copy_ip6(&ip6->saddr, src);
+       net_copy_ip6(&ip6->daddr, dest);
+       return sizeof(struct ip6_hdr);
+net_send_udp_packet6(uchar *ether, struct in6_addr *dest, int dport, int 
sport, int len)
+       uchar *pkt;
+       struct udp_hdr *udp;
+       udp = (struct udp_hdr *)((uchar *)net_tx_packet + net_eth_hdr_size() +
+                       IP6_HDR_SIZE);
+       udp->udp_dst = htons(dport);
+       udp->udp_src = htons(sport);
+       udp->udp_len = htons(len + UDP_HDR_SIZE);
+       /* checksum */
+       udp->udp_xsum = 0;
+       udp->udp_xsum = csum_ipv6_magic(&net_ip6, dest, len + UDP_HDR_SIZE,
+                                       IPPROTO_UDP,
+                                       csum_partial((u8 *)udp,
+                                                    len + UDP_HDR_SIZE,
+                                                    0));
+       /* if MAC address was not discovered yet, save the packet and do
+        * neighbour discovery
+        */
+       if (memcmp(ether, net_null_ethaddr, 6) == 0) {
+               net_copy_ip6(&net_nd_sol_packet_ip6, dest);
+               net_nd_packet_mac = ether;
+               pkt = net_nd_tx_packet;
+               pkt += net_set_ether(pkt, net_nd_packet_mac, PROT_IP6);
+               pkt += ip6_add_hdr(pkt, &net_ip6, dest, IPPROTO_UDP, 64,
+                               len + UDP_HDR_SIZE);
+               memcpy(pkt, (uchar *)udp, len + UDP_HDR_SIZE);
+               /* size of the waiting packet */
+               net_nd_tx_packet_size = (pkt - net_nd_tx_packet) +
+                       UDP_HDR_SIZE + len;
+               /* and do the neighbor solicitation */
+               net_nd_try = 1;
+               net_nd_timer_start = get_timer(0);
+               ndisc_request();
+               return 1;       /* waiting */
+       }
+       pkt = (uchar *)net_tx_packet;
+       pkt += net_set_ether(pkt, ether, PROT_IP6);
+       pkt += ip6_add_hdr(pkt, &net_ip6, dest, IPPROTO_UDP, 64,
+                       len + UDP_HDR_SIZE);
+       (void)eth_send(net_tx_packet, pkt - net_tx_packet + UDP_HDR_SIZE + len);
+       return 0;       /* transmitted */
+void net_ip6_handler(struct ethernet_hdr *et, struct ip6_hdr *ip6, int len)
+       struct in_addr zero_ip = {.s_addr = 0 };
+       struct icmp6hdr *icmp;
+       struct udp_hdr *udp;
+       u16 csum;
+       u16 hlen;
+       if (len < IP6_HDR_SIZE)
+               return;
+       if (ip6->version != 6)
+               return;
+       switch (ip6->nexthdr) {
+       case IPPROTO_ICMPV6:
+               icmp = (struct icmp6hdr *)(((uchar *)ip6) + IP6_HDR_SIZE);
+               csum = icmp->icmp6_cksum;
+               hlen = ntohs(ip6->payload_len);
+               icmp->icmp6_cksum = 0;
+               /* checksum */
+               icmp->icmp6_cksum = csum_ipv6_magic(&ip6->saddr, &ip6->daddr,
+                                                   hlen, IPPROTO_ICMPV6,
+                                                   csum_partial((u8 *)icmp,
+                                                                hlen, 0));
+               if (icmp->icmp6_cksum != csum)
+                       return;
+               switch (icmp->icmp6_type) {
+                       ndisc_receive(et, ip6, len);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       break;
+               }
+               break;
+       case IPPROTO_UDP:
+               udp = (struct udp_hdr *)(((uchar *)ip6) + IP6_HDR_SIZE);
+               csum = udp->udp_xsum;
+               hlen = ntohs(ip6->payload_len);
+               udp->udp_xsum = 0;
+               /* checksum */
+               udp->udp_xsum = csum_ipv6_magic(&ip6->saddr, &ip6->daddr,
+                                               hlen, IPPROTO_UDP,
+                                               csum_partial((u8 *)udp,
+                                                            hlen, 0));
+               if (csum != udp->udp_xsum)
+                       return;
+               /* IP header OK.  Pass the packet to the current handler. */
+               net_get_udp_handler()((uchar *)ip6 + IP6_HDR_SIZE +
+                                       UDP_HDR_SIZE,
+                               ntohs(udp->udp_dst),
+                               zero_ip,
+                               ntohs(udp->udp_src),
+                               ntohs(udp->udp_len) - 8);
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }

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