Add a usage document for the 'fru' u-boot command.

Signed-off-by: Jae Hyun Yoo <>
Changes from v1:
 * Newly added in v2. (Heinrich)

 doc/usage/cmd/fru.rst | 144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/usage/index.rst   |   1 +
 2 files changed, 145 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/usage/cmd/fru.rst

diff --git a/doc/usage/cmd/fru.rst b/doc/usage/cmd/fru.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d65bbc6dcbba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/usage/cmd/fru.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+fru command
+    fru capture <addr>
+    fru display
+    fru generate -b <addr> <manufacturer> <board name> <serial number> <part 
number> <file id> [<custom> ...]
+    fru generate -p <addr> <manufacturer> <product name> <part number> 
<version number> <serial number> <asset number> <file id> [<custom> ...]
+The *fru* commands is used to generate, capture and display FRU (Field
+Replaceable Unit) information data.
+The *fru capture* command parses and captures FRU configuration table at
+a specified address.
+    addr
+        memory address which FRU configuration table is stored.
+The *fru display* command displays FRU information that is parsed using
+fru capture command.
+The *fru generate* command generates a FRU configuration table which has Board
+or Product Info Area using the given field parameters.
+    -b
+        generate FRU which has board info area.
+        addr
+            memory address which FRU configuration table will be stored.
+        manufacturer
+            board manufacturer string.
+        board name
+            board product name string.
+        serial number
+            board serial number string.
+        serial number
+            board serial number string.
+        part number
+            board part number string.
+        file id
+            FRU File ID string. The FRU File version field is a pre-defined
+            field provided as a manufacturing aid for verifying the file that
+            was used during manufacture or field update to load the FRU
+            information. The content is manufacturer-specific.
+        custom
+            additional custom board info area fields, if any.
+    -p
+        generate FRU which has product info area.
+        addr
+            memory address which FRU configuration table will be stored.
+        manufacturer
+            product manufacturer string.
+        board name
+            product name string.
+        part number
+            product part/model number string.
+        version number
+            product version number string.
+        serial number
+            product serial number string.
+        asset number
+            asset tag.
+        file id
+            FRU File ID string. The FRU File version field is a pre-defined
+            field provided as a manufacturing aid for verifying the file that
+            was used during manufacture or field update to load the FRU
+            information. The content is manufacturer-specific.
+        custom
+            additional custom product info area fields, if any.
+    => fru generate -b 90000000 abc def ghi jkl mno prs tuv wxy
+    => fru capture 90000000
+    => fru display
+    *****COMMON HEADER*****
+    Version:1
+    *** No Internal Area ***
+    *** No Chassis Info Area ***
+    Board Area Offset:8
+    *** No Product Info Area ***
+    *** No MultiRecord Area ***
+    *****BOARD INFO*****
+    Version:1
+    Board Area Length:40
+    Time in Minutes from 0:00hrs 1/1/96: 0
+     Manufacturer Name: abc
+     Product Name: def
+     Serial Number: ghi
+     Part Number: jkl
+     File ID: mno
+     Custom Type/Length: 0xc3
+      00000000: 70 72 73                                         prs
+     Custom Type/Length: 0xc3
+      00000000: 74 75 76                                         tuv
+     Custom Type/Length: 0xc3
+      00000000: 77 78 79                                         wxy
+    *****PRODUCT INFO*****
+    Version:0
+    Product Area Length:0
+    *****MULTIRECORDS*****
+The fru command is only available if CONFIG_CMD_FRU=y.
diff --git a/doc/usage/index.rst b/doc/usage/index.rst
index 28f9683a3e6f..e96a16356307 100644
--- a/doc/usage/index.rst
+++ b/doc/usage/index.rst
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ Shell commands
+   cmd/fru

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